57: Mia (Trigger Warning)

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TRIGGER WARNING! - Graphic depictions of violence!

I wasn't sure how much time had passed. Or what had happened, but all I knew was I was definitely not okay.

I had woken to see a view I hadn't seen in almost six years. My childhood bedroom.

The posters that I had hung at twelve years old remained crinkled up on the wall, with small rips that showed their age. I realised I was in my childhood bed. Not physically though.

My body felt as if it was stuck, and I had no control over where my vision was directed, I had to surrender myself to this memory, or whatever it was.

As I willed myself to wake up, out of this trance, my heart stopped at the sound of the door opening.

"Time to get up Mia, you're gonna be late".

My vision was turned to see the owner of the voice, that I knew instantly. My heart broke. It was my mother.

She gave me one last look before leaving, shutting the door behind her. I wanted to call out to her, call her back and hold her one more time.

It had been years since I left, and the guilt I felt at letting them believe I had died just bubbled back to the surface. Although I was utterly devastated, I was still wary of how I came to be in the situation.

One second I was standing in the game room watching my mate play pool, the next I was back in my childhood bedroom. What happened? Was this a memory? My gut was screaming at me to stay alert, and it took all of the strength in my soul not to cry out to my family and stay with them.

Without being able to move, I was drifted through my cluttered old room through the halls of the small home I used to live in. Family pictures and paintings I had walked by everyday now meant so much more to me.

Finally I reached the kitchen, still unable to control the body I was currently in as I sat at the table. The usual Monday morning rowdiness had set it in, and I was face to face with my siblings, whose wild attitudes I had begun to forget.

I felt like I was being tortured. By myself or by someone else - but definitely tortured. I was unable to apologise, to explain what happened, or to simply kiss my loved ones one last time like I never got to do.

My heart ached, and I begged the Earth Goddess to bring me back to my mate, back to my current life and away from the pain of the past.

"Danu take me home. Please".

My prayer was not answered. But I heard a voice.

"My sweet child, I know you regret the day you left, that is why I brought you here".

The voice was unfamiliar, but it rang with a sinister echo in my mind. My family remained casual, eating breakfast and arguing about the TV. They couldn't hear or see the real me, that was stuck in this memory.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the one who gave you this family, if not for me, they never would have had you".

My heart skipped a beat.


"Now now child, I'm giving you a chance to return to your family - to reclaim their love again, like nothing ever happened".

I struggled once more to shake myself out of this dream. Or rather, nightmare.

"Not a fucking chance, you can't trick me you prick".

He sighed, his voice swirling through my mind.

"I'm not your enemy Mia, I am your father".

My anger grew, I called upon Danu again, but nothing happened.

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