36: Mia

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 I think it was fair to say that my confidence was unwarranted. I stood barefoot on the cool grass, looking like I was ready for a bar fight, or something of the like. My mate stared at me in bewilderment, her eyes flickering to the short dagger I held in my hand, then back to my face. She shook off her shock, her expression becoming neutral, and pulled me by the arm into her body. "You stay glued to my hip, or Don's, okay?" I nodded, not trusting myself to say anything that wasn't laced with sarcasm. My mate's voice echoed through the mind link as she sent out the game plan to all fighters. 

 I want search teams around the pack house, every house on the territory on lockdown, and warriors ready to fight, do not stand down until I say otherwise. Your Luna and I will head to the site of infiltration, be ready and be vigilant, we don't know what we're dealing with here. I shivered slightly, not from the cold, but from the adrenaline that burst through my system.

 I gripped the back of Riley's shirt with a tight fist. She had since shed her jacket and rolled up her sleeves, her eyes were black with fury. I attempted to slow down my breathing as we closed in on what looked to be a bloody sight at the border. My sense of smell wasn't half as good as a wolf's, but I could still smell the metallic scent of blood that pooled on the grass. It made my heart sink into my stomach with dread. My mate held her arm in front of me, signaling for me to stay behind her as she approached the few standing patrol guards, tending to their wounded and fallen pack mates. I inhaled a sharp breath, not able to blink as my eyes landed on the horror in front of me. "What on earth happened?" I gasped, ducking under Riley's arm to assist the injured men and women. One of the mildly injured guards turned to face me, as he held his own shirt on the bleeding abdomen of another guard. 

 "It all happened so fast", he choked, holding back his tears. "There were five of us walking patrol of the North-Eastern border, everything was normal...". He trailed off, the trauma obviously affecting him severely. I put my dagger back in its holster, bent down, and rubbed his back, replacing his hands with mine, holding the bloody pile of cloth in place to stop the bleeding.

 "What happened after that?" Riley asked, her jaw tense as she inspected the area, ensuring I was in her periphery at all times. 

 "The clock struck three and all of a sudden, something was charging towards us. It wasn't human or wolf....it was something faster, more vicious. It took down three of us instantly, a group of rogues followed behind it, they could be at the pack house by now". Riley bit her lip and nodded her head, squatting down beside me as she put her hand on the shaken man's shoulder. I looked at her and decided not to speak my thoughts out loud. 

The witching hour, I mind linked her, these bastards have a witch with them. She nodded in my direction, not letting on that anything else was going on.

 "You did good", she sighed as the man sobbed into the shoulder of his wounded friend. My mate glanced back at Don who stood with a group of fighters, they circled around us like a barricade as we talked. She looked at me, my hands covered in the blood. "Baby, we need to get back to the packhouse to see what's going on, we'll have medics here in a few minutes". Her hand reached out to pull me up and lead me away, I couldn't help but look over my shoulder at the aftermath. 

 I had decided to forego wearing my glasses for the evening, and contact lenses, so the incoming darkness was a bit blurred. It made the situation more difficult as we silently rushed back to the pack house. We reached it in a matter of minutes, pausing when we saw that the door was wide open. Something was off. As we continued, the tall lamps that lit up the ground flickered off, and I felt myself being pushed behind Riley and into Don's arms. "There are unfamiliar scents inside", my mate growled. With steady hands, I unsheathed my dagger once more and said a silent prayer that my blade would find a new home in the back of an enemy. "Don, Mike, Joey, I need back up doing a sweep of the house - keep Mia with you". My eyes flew up to her. 

 "No, no way, I'm coming with you - you really think I'll let you go by yourself?" I yelled, frustrated by my mate's determination to go in alone. 

 "Mia, baby, you'll get yourself killed - stay with the guys, I will be back for you in a heartbeat". I didn't have an argument. She was right, I would be the weakest link if I followed her. I shut my mouth, my eyes facing the ground as my arms dropped to my sides in defeat. "Take the bottom floor, I've got the second and third". I felt helpless watching her run into the dark house, knowing I would only hold her back from doing her job. I was doing a great job as Luna. 

 Don grabbed my arm, shaking me from my pity party. "Come on", he sighed. I followed in behind him, Lucas, Pierre, Mike, and Joey tailing in behind me like some sort of guard detail. I suppose, in this case, that's what they were. We walked into the eerily silent house, and my heart stopped as I saw what had become of my home. It was trashed. The railing had been bashed off the stairs, glass windows shattered, the living room was turned upside down, bloody hand and scratch marks everywhere. It looked like a homicide scene. 

 We continued through the ground floor, remaining close to the walls that were now littered with holes. A metallic sparkle caught my eye as we approached the kitchen and a lump formed in my throat when I realized what it was. I dodged around Don and sprinted into the kitchen, dagger at the ready as I came close. It was the knife storage block. All the knives were missing. I took in a sharp breath as I saw the bloody fingerprints on the block. My company was hot on my heels, scanning the large kitchen which had also been destroyed. Cupboard doors were pulled off the hinges, food thrown everywhere. The entire house had been trashed, we were being mocked.

 Don shot me a worried look, which I wasn't used to seeing. Usually, he was calm and level-headed, but this had clearly shaken him. We were pulled from our thoughts with the sound of crashing furniture from upstairs, the noise increasing in volume by the second. Then, the sound of smashing glass rang in my ears, and before I could even move, I saw my mate's body falling from the third-floor window. Panic ran through me and without even realizing it, I had run outside, not caring about the shards of broken glass that had embedded themselves in my bare feet. 

 When I finally became aware of my surroundings, my mate was pulling herself to her feet, brushing off the broken glass as she growled. She was a bit bloodied but didn't seem to notice her wounds, and was soon surrounded by rogues, one keeping his beady eyes on me. My mate shot me a quick glance. "Mia, you need to run, now". I steadied my stance, knuckles turning white from the grip I held on my blade. I shook out the tension in my body. If there was any time to use my crazy bitch energy, it was now.

 "Apologies Alpha, but I decline the offer", I laughed. I knew I must have seemed crazy, standing nearly a foot shorter than the rogues who had circled my mat, all the while seeming calm - but sometimes crazy is exactly what was needed to survive. 

 "It wasn't up for debate Mia", she barked back. Her eyes were black, power radiating from her.  Her bones began popping and cracking as she shifted into her wolf. I remained stuck in the same spot, bloody feet, and grass-stained knees as my mate attacked her pursuers, lunging for their necks. I peeked back over my shoulder, seeing my company holding up even more rogues, Lucas holding Joey's unconscious form over his shoulder. Frustration bubbled up inside me, my determination to do something grew, I wanted to fight too. I wanted to make these bastards pay and get on with my life, but I had a feeling it wouldn't be that easy.

  I felt a cold breeze behind me and a breath of air by my ear. "Hello, darling, did you miss me?"

 Without missing a beat, I swung around and drove my dagger forwards. 

"Hi Kyle, welcome to your funeral".

Sooooo, I don't know how I feel about this chapter, but I tried my best to develop it, it took me literally hourssss. I hope you guys enjoyed it, let me know what you think in the comments, I appreciate any and all feedback from you guys! Thank you for the continued support on this story! Stay safe and well!

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