11: Mia

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I would tell you I wasn't nervous, but then I'd be lying. The day was to be busy and that had my heart racing as we made our way to the first floor of the luxurious pack house I would now be calling home. I stared in awe at all the clean black features throughout the house, and my brain surged with ideas of what I could get up to in the sleek black kitchen lit up with hanging rustic light. 

 "So I live here now, what's a girl gotta do to get access to the kitchen?" I quizzed flirtatiously, taking a seat beside Riley at the long glass dining table in the wide-open kitchen. She grabbed my hand in hers and placed both comfortably on her lap and faced me with a grin. "We don't usually have anyone in this kitchen so it's all yours babe, we usually survive off frozen pizzas and beer". I looked at her in horror. 

 "No way, noooo way", I protested. "Not on my watch, I'll be feeding everyone here from now on - how do you lot train with so little nutrition?" My mate threw her head back with a loud laugh, then leaned close to me and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead as she squeezed my hand. "You're a natural Luna, I can't wait to taste your food - although I wouldn't mind tasting something else either". 

 My face grew hot as I pushed her slightly in my embarrassment. She could catch me off guard so easily it was insane. Just as we settled down from our conversation, I heard footsteps approach the kitchen and in came Mike and Joey drenched in sweat, from a run I guessed. I stood up quickly. "Okay I'm guessing we're all very hungry, you three sit there and I'll have something ready soon", I announced. 

 I made my way over to the counter, ignoring the three pairs of shocked eyes on my back, and began my hunt for something to cook. The fridge was barely stocked but had enough ingredients for omelets which seemed reasonable enough for the situation. Making quick work of the task at hand it took all but fifteen minutes to have four mouth-watering omelets on the table.

 "Damn Alpha, you got lucky", Joey chimed staring at the food in front of him. I quietly dug into my meal, my head filled with various thoughts of my new home and new life. Four plates were cleared in less than ten minutes, leaving me very satisfied with my cooking as I picked up the plates and carried them to the sink, and Joey and Mike trailed out of the kitchen. 

 As I finished loading the dishwasher and moved to finish dishes in the sink, I felt two strong arms snake around my waist. My mate leaned her head on my shoulder and let out a soft, content sigh. "I wish I had stolen you away a long time ago, you are perfect", she hummed in my ear. I leaned back in her embrace, savoring the comfort her arms brought me. 

 "You have me now", I told her happily, "Now and forever". Riley seemed to like this idea, as she squeezed her hands tighter around me, and moved her hands to my hips with a possessive hold. I could get used to this. 

 "I know you thought that food tasted good", I grinned as I turned around in her hold. "But, I know something else that tastes pretty good". She quickly understood my meaning and I could feel her breath get heavier and see her eyes darken. My mate picked me up, gently placing me on the counter behind me, moving between my legs and looking me dead in the eyes. 

 I was in trouble now. "Babe, you really have bad timing", she groaned. I quite enjoyed teasing my mate. Even though we hadn't known each other long, our instincts had kicked in and both of our wolves were highly sensitive to one another. Her hands roamed over my hips and thighs, occasionally grabbing them with heavy breaths.

 My pulse quickened as I breathed in her intoxicating scent, and leaned forward to capture her lips with mine. Electricity shot through my body as we both felt our desire wanting to take over. Little moans slipped from my mouth as her soft lips moved with mine, and my mate pulled me off the counter, wrapping my legs around her as she held my ass. 

We stayed like this enjoying each other's bodies for a few seconds, but our hot kisses turned into gentle pecks as we came up for air. Riley's hand gave one last squeeze to my ass and she put me down with a small kiss as we separated. I was a little disappointed, which I'm sure was quite obvious from the expression on my face.

 "As much as I would love to devour you right here, right now - there are a lot of people waiting to meet their Luna", she sighed dejectedly, sadly dropping her hands to her sides. "I know, I suppose we should get going then", I agreed. I would be sure to pick up where we left off another time, I needed to feel her hands burning against my skin - my wolf was going crazy. 

 Riley linked our fingers together and began to lead me out of the large kitchen to outside the house, with a frustrated sigh. We reached a large one-room building to the East of the house where I could hear and see bustles of people going between tables filled with food and beverages, all of them smiling and mingling amongst each other. All of the pack members were here. 

 As their Alpha approached, the pack grew quieter, but the atmosphere remained comfortable as we took our place before them. My mate gave me a small encouraging glance before addressing the group before her. "I'm sure you have all heard the news by now, but last night, very unexpectedly, I was blessed with finding my mate", she boasted with a beaming smile. "I would like to introduce you to Mia, my mate, your Luna - I hope you show her the same care you show me and I am excited about our future together". 

 She turned to me, signaling me to introduce myself to my new pack - my new family and I panicked slightly as in my stupid zoned out state, I had completely forgotten to prepare anything to say to my mate's pack, which was now my pack too. I just had to wing it. 

 "Hi everyone, I'm Mia, I'm honored to be your Luna and I hope we can all look out for each other, if you ever need a friend or advice I am all ears anytime and I can't wait to get to know you all". My nerves had settled since the morning thanks to my mate and her soothing touch, and I now felt my anxiety replaced with excitement. 

 The look of pride on Riley's face made my heart soar, and her arm slid around me on instinct as people began to approach me to introduce themselves. Time to throw myself in the deep end, I suppose. 

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