46: Mia

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It had been hours since my mate and I had cuddled up and decided to sleep, but my eyes could not stay shut for fear of the darkness waiting to consume me. I felt like I was being watched, being taunted by the humming energy in my head that buzzed like static, and rang in my ears.

 The gravity of the events of the last few days had finally begun to register with me as silent tears slipped out of my eyes and onto the pillow Riley was sleeping soundly on. Every breath I took, every time I closed my eyes or met silence I was surrounded by things I couldn't explain. Pure power. It was calling out to me, waiting for me to take action - but my fear stopped me, every single time. 

 I could almost hear Lugh in my mind, sometimes menacing, sometimes calm - but what else would one expect from a brutal revenge-seeking God. He was trying to communicate with me, using the only means he knew. Power. 

 What did he want from me? Frankly, I was still unaware - but as I lay in the dark, my body shaking from the humming sounds, I thought about what grand scheme a God, my father, would have in mind for me. The memories of my now seemingly distant past echoed throughout my mind, as my heartbeat rang in my eardrums.

 The moon shone a streak of light through the lazily shut curtain across the room, and my eyes remained glued to it as I remained stuck in thought. The scene would have been relaxing if it hadn't been for my several near-death experiences and the sheer rage and spite that was preventing a breakdown. My thoughts were in no way profound, but they did provide some clarity. Wolves worshipped the moon, the Goddess who gave them life, who molded them into who they are, and she gave them purpose. I realized that I craved to know my purpose.

 With no intention to succumb to my exhaustion, I sprung up from the comfort of the duvet, my mate scrambling to attention, her hand gripping at my wrist in surprise. 

 Her eyes sleepily blinked open. "What's going on princess?"

I sighed to myself and gently brushed the long stray hairs from her face, pecking her on the cheek to ward off the alarmed look on her face. We sat in the piled-up blanket. 

I felt her eyes burn into me. "Talk to me baby, what's up?"

 "I can't sleep", I confessed. "Not when a power-hungry maniac of a God is trying to mess with me". 

 My mate could only stare at me with a sympathetic gaze - she didn't know what to say, and I couldn't blame her. 

 "God damn, I should have agreed to take that karate class ten years ago". We burst into giggles, leaning on each other for support as our bodies and minds ached from tension. 

 "You would have been a menace to society if you took karate", she taunted. 

 "Yeah, but a hot menace".

 She grinned and rolled her eyes, "Well, I can't argue with that".

 Riley leaned her forehead against mine, her hand stroking my cheek lovingly as we sat in the safety of our bedroom, only us together in the little peace we had. 

 "I love you Mia", she whispered softly. 

 "I love you too", I mumbled, "Come with me, I can't just lay here and do nothing or I'll go insane". Without giving it another thought, I crawled out of the bed, feeling around in the dim light to find whatever garment I could throw on. 

 My mate followed suit, groaning as she did - and even though I could see the exhaustion in her eyes, she didn't utter a single word of complaint. We quietly stumbled down the stairs to the office floor, where we were surprised to see lights on in every room. 

 The noise of tapping pens and computer keys slowly grew stronger as we walked towards Riley's office, where we were greeted by several frowning faces and many pairs of sleep-deprived eyes. The scene caught me off guard for a moment, and I couldn't find the words to speak - so I found myself laughing at the comedic timing when they all stared at us as if we had ten heads. 

 "Okay", Riley drawled. "Clearly we didn't get the memo, what's going on here?" Her Alpha tone projected itself onto the room, and we were greeted with a round of mumbles and sighs. Sitting in uncomfortable seats, in the freezing cold was none other than Mike, Joey, Heidi, Zoe, and Riley's parents. 

 Riley's mom pushed her glasses up to her hair and gestured for us to sit down. "We took the liberty of doing some research, on Lugh and other possible deities we could ally with". 

 With one seat remaining in the room, my mate plopped down, pulling me down into her lap. She looked confused. 

 "Ally? I thought Lugh was the only God still on Earth?"  All eyes turned to me and in my brief moment of panic, Ellen flashed a warm, motherly smile and encouraged me to speak up.

 "From what we know, Lugh is the only God roaming around, but there could be others. The Tuatha Dé Dana was pushed to flee from Earth, but they were still powerful entities", I rambled with a maddened pace. "In theory, if they become someone's patron, God, just like Lugh did for Abigail and Jacinda-"

 "Then they can freely walk the Earth again", Zoe ended with a frustrated groan. She turned to her mate. "Why didn't we think of that?"

 I smirked a little, it was nice to have the most knowledge in a room.....for once. 

Once the tense atmosphere settled, I finally felt more comfortable. 

 "You know, when I was a kid we were taught seanfhocail, proverbs, that a lot of the time told us about mythical creatures or deities....I never would have thought I would end up here". 

 Ray chuckled loudly. "Well kid, I have no idea what that means - but I'm sure glad you're here, we are way out of our depth here". 

 For the first time in days, I managed a genuine smile. "This is certainly a world away from stumbling home drunk on Wednesday night, underage", I laughed. "But I'm grateful to have you all by my side". 

Joey huffed and leaned back in his chair whilst Mike laid his head on his shoulder, both were in god-awful beach shorts and looked worse for wear. 

"I'm not trying to sound sappy or anything, but you're family Mia, we've got your back no matter what crazy bastard tries to hurt you, or like use you as a sacrifice or whatever". 

I snorted, "Oh wow, yeah, thanks - you've got a way with words Joey".

As the room erupted in laughter, Mike's hand lazily reached up to slap Joey on the back of the head, and I was quite certain that I heard the word "idiot" muttered between them. 

The conversation left me feeling much better about the situation at hand, but my exhaustion struck and I was far too tired to even construct a plan. I stood from my comfortable seat on Riley's lap and stretched, pulling her up with me.

"Well then, if we're gonna take down a God we'll need some beauty sleep first", I smiled, skipping my way out of the room, prepared for a night of dreamless sleep. 

Or so I thought.

Hellooooo everyone, wow look who's back! It's meeeee. So I apologise for the very long hiatus, between my very shitty breakup, health problems, and college assignments I have not had the energy to put into this story, but I am back now and I promise there is plenty more to come from Riley and Mia in the weeks and months to come! I really want to thank all of you who left kind messages on my life updates, especially about my break up and my last life update, you are all angelic and incredible! Also this chapter is probably pretty shit, I haven't written in a while so bear with me while I get back into the swing of things! This will have to do for now though! Stay safe and well you guys, thanks for reading!


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