34: Riley

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As soon as the clock struck five in the evening, I found myself running around to get ready, hearing yells from my dad, Joey, and Mike all summoning to fix ties, rate their outfits or have some random conversation. It was frustrating, to say the least. All I wanted was to get this night over with, and hope and pray to the Moon Goddess that nothing would go wrong. I wanted to see and hold my mate; have her stand by my side as my Luna. It was something I had been waiting for, for so long and now that I had marked her as mine, I could. I had dressed myself in suitable attire for the evening – black dress pants, a black suit jacket, a black shirt, and a tie, with my hair flowing over my shoulders. My mom advised me to dress as classy as possible, that woman was on a warpath today, she was one demand short of being a dictator.

I stood in front of the mirror in my office, shrugging on my jacket, adjusting my tie, and scanning over my appearance. I was happy with the image in front of me, not interested in changing anything. All I wanted was to have Mia by my side, so I knew she was safe. I had to admit, I was super excited to see her dressed up again. It reminded me of when we met. She looked like she was plucked straight from the heavens and put in front of me, so pure in her flowing dress, it took my breath away. I was more than certain I would have the same reaction when I saw her dolled up again. The adrenaline was pumping through me just thinking about it. A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Hey kid", my dad grinned. "Look at you, you look great". I smiled, strolling over and embracing him in a hug.

"Thanks, dad", I gushed. "What's the situation like out there?" My dad's face contorted in thought, and I burst out in laughter as he brushed down his grey suit.

"Your mom is on a power trip, but other than that, it's going smoothly, almost everyone is in the venue and we're just waiting on you and Mia". I nodded in contemplation, double-checking that I was ready for the evening.

"Patrol is up and running?" I inquired nervously. My dad patted my shoulder with a nod.

"Yes, of course, nothing gets past anyone unnoticed – don't worry, as long as she's with you, she's safe". He was right. No one would get past me if it came down to it. I wouldn't let my mate get hurt again. I nodded my head vigorously. 

 "Good. Well, we'd better get going before mom drags us out by the ears". My dad chuckled, allowing me to exit the room first. He shut the door behind him and followed me down the stairs to the hallway, where my mom was waiting, tapping her foot anxiously. She was dressed up too, in a blouse and pencil skirt, but I knew she always hated those uncomfortable clothes.

 "Oh perfect", she sighed in relief. "You're here, it's time to get moving to the venue and greet guests". She began shoving me out the door, I had forgotten how strong she really was until she was practically wrestling me out the door. I pushed back, standing just outside the door. 

 "Wait", I argued. "Mom, wait! What about Mia?" My mom groaned and threw her hands up in frustration as if the answer to my question should be obvious. My dad backed out of the conversation completely. 

 "You and your father are going to go greet guests, then Zoe, Heidi, and I are going to bring her over to you when she's ready". I nodded, not daring to say another word. I spun on my heel to leave, my dad following me. My mom finally smiled. "She looks stunning Riley, you got lucky with her". My heart warmed. 

 "I know mom", I agreed, walking out the door to meet Mike and Joey, who were waiting halfway to the venue. They were both dressed smartly, Mike in navy dress pants and a white shirt, his buzzcut growing out slightly. Joey decided on grey pants and a pale blue shirt, with his dirty blonde hair neatly styled, probably with an obscene amount of gel. They let out whistles, smiles plastered on their faces as I approached. 

 "You clean up nice Alpha", they joked, each wrapping an arm around my shoulders as we made our way over to the venue. 

 "Yeah, well, I still look better than you two losers". That earned me two slaps on the back, as I nearly stumbled to the door of the venue. I was proud to say we had such a grand building on our territory. It was built before my dad took over as Alpha, my grandpa was inspired by the Greeks, to say the least. Large granite columns lined the outside of the large hall, but each window had lightly tinted glass, giving a rainbow hue to the sunlight when it shone. I took a deep breath and swung open the double doors, slightly surprised by the large crowds of different packs. I saw some familiar faces, but the unfamiliar ones had me on edge. 

 "Alpha Riley", I heard a voice call. My eyes scanned to find the source and were met with the face of Damien Grant, Alpha of the White Willow pack. "Damn, so, it's official, little Mia is making her debut as your Luna?" Damien was always a good guy and I had heard from Don that he always helped Mia out. 

 "Yeah, I definitely lucked out", I beamed, pride swelling up inside me as I thought about my mate. Damien chuckled and reached out a hand. I shook it with a firm grip.

 "Congratulations", he chattered. "And for what it's worth, we have your back with this whole situation, Don filled us in - you can count on me for manpower if you ever need it". 

 "I appreciate that Alpha Damien, I might take you up on that offer sometime". With a nod and a smile, Damien disappeared back into the crowd. I looked over my shoulder to see Mike and Joey who had already two glasses of champagne guzzled down. I rolled my eyes. "Come on you two, time to be civilized". The next forty-five or so minutes were spent chatting to crowds of people, Joey had flirted with almost every unmated she-wolf in the room. I was beginning to tire, wondering when my mate would come to save me from my boredom. 

 Finally, my dad caught my attention, signaling towards the doors to tell me my mate was on her way. I smiled and rushed towards the clearing at the front of the room, and waited to see my mom's head peek through the door. She gave me a thumbs up and I cleared my throat. 

 "Can I get everyone's attention please?" I yelled. The crowd instantly became quiet, I was thankful for that. I was used to having attention as an Alpha, so I felt comfortable where I stood. "It is my honor and greatest pleasure to introduce to you, the Luna of the Moon Creek pack, Mia Sabine". My eyes remained glued to the door as people began to clap and cheer. Specifically Pierre and Joey from Don's pack. They whistled and hollered, swinging their jackets in the air, only stopping when Don slapped them both in the back of the head. 

 The doors swung open and my breath caught in my throat, my wolf beginning to stir more than usual at the sight before me. My mate walked confidently towards me, a blinding smile present on her face. My body started to heat up when I saw her. Her scarlet hair was straightened and flowed over her shoulders and back, styled neatly so it didn't fall in her face. It complimented her dress well. The black silk hugged her figure perfectly, her cleavage on show with a diamond necklace hanging in between her breasts and her heels clicking as she swung her hips with every step. My wolf was begging me to hide her from everyone else. She was mine, only mine. I shuffled on the spot fighting back my urges as she finally stood in front of me, her long lashes batting as she leaned up to kiss me. 

 "Hey there Alpha", she whispered flirtatiously. I tensed my jaw. "How do I look?" I wrapped my arm around her waist possessively.

 "You look...incredible", I almost moaned, eyeing her up and down, my grip on her waist tightening. I snapped out of my trance and focused on the crowd for another moment. 

 "I am so glad to have my Luna by my side, although, as I'm sure you know we had an incident very recently. I appreciate each and every one of you being here tonight, to allow us to celebrate our new Luna and also protect her. With that said, I think it's time to party". My mate smiled as the crowd began to chat again, the noise filling up the room. 

I turned to her, biting my lip again. "You look hot babe", she breathed, her eyes gazing into mine. I was struggling to keep my hands only on her waist when they so desperately wanted to wander somewhere else. I inhaled deeply. 

 "You are going to drive me crazy".

Another update! Hope you guys enjoyed it, I tried my best to write this even though I was insanely tired, so I hope it's okay! I would appreciate any comments, feedback, and votes so I know what you guys think of this chapter! Stay safe and well guys!


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