7: Mia

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I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I pulled Riley up to the first floor, leading her into the recreational area on the west side of the floor. As I opened the door I saw that Lucas had obviously set fairy lights around the sitting area, and set the fireplace - I loved it. Thanks for the atmosphere Lucas, I said through the mind link. No problem but both of you better keep your clothes on, he retorted.

I slowly pulled Riley in and over to one of the plush black velvet sofas in front of the fire. "I guess it's time to continue our conversation from earlier", she gushed. "Oh definitely, I have so many questions", I admitted. "Hm me too", Riley added.

We sat close on the sofa and got ourselves comfortable - me kicking off my heels, making me a good six or seven inches shorter than her. "Is it okay if I hold you?" my mate asked nervously. My body tingled in delight, "Of course, I was hoping you would". In two seconds I felt an arm snake around my waist and pull me into her side as we both looked into the blazing fire.

"Mia", Riley started. "I know this whole mate business moves pretty fast - I don't want to pressure you into anything, but I want you to know that I have waited for you for so long, my other half, my mate...my Luna". I turned my head to look at her, understanding what she was implying.

"I would be honored to be your Luna", I reassured her. "You know when I was human, I dated a few people that weren't good for me, I wanted to love and be loved but it never clicked - not until I turned and learned about mates, it was like this was what I was needing my whole life, I don't care if it seems rushed or quick - it's real and that's all that matters". Riley growled slightly upon hearing about my dating history which made me giggle.

I leaned my head on her strong shoulder as she squeezed me close and leaned her head on mine. "What was it like...being human, what were you like?" She asked gently. I bit my lip slightly, sensing the worry in her voice upon asking this question.

Sighing at the weight of the question, I nuzzled closer to her. "I was a wreck", I confessed. "Back home it was normal to drink at fifteen or sixteen around your parents, but I started sneaking drinks with my cousins at thirteen - always vodka. By the time I was sixteen I was dating someone who wanted to trap me, not love me. I drank whatever I could find and cried my emotions out when things didn't work out...which was often. When that guy scratched and turned me, I was already spiraling and my friends and family thought I was slipping away as I started to hide away more and more. I was, I suppose, slipping away. When I felt the changes start to happen I wrote a letter, I'm sure you can guess what kind...and I ran".

She looked at me signalling me to continue. "I managed to get here after weeks of trying to hide and Don found me trying to use a fake European ID to buy wine. He took me in when he sensed I was an omega and I've been here since, trying to heal myself".

With every sentence, I could feel Riley's hold on me tighten. "Do you miss home?" she questioned me with worry. I sat up and took both of her hands in mine, looking into her eyes. "I miss my past, sometimes, but this is my present and my future, you are my home now and I couldn't be happier that I found you tonight". Tears began to well in my eyes as I spilled my feelings out to my mate.

Feeling her hand reach up to touch my cheek, she swiped one thumb under my eye to dry my tears. "You have no idea how much I have dreamt of this moment, to find you, to hold you, to hear your voice", Riley laughed lightly. I pouted at her letting more tears spill out as she hurried to wipe them away. "Aw Mia I didn't mean to make you cry", she exclaimed with worry. This erupted a giggle from me as I shook my emotions off.

"It's okay, happy tears, I promise - now on to juicier questions, what do you like to do when you aren't running the pack?" I saw her wrack her brain. "I like to work out, go running with Mike and Joey, sometimes I'll put on some music and just chill or help cook for the pack". Impressive, I'd definitely have to put her to work in the kitchen for me. "What about you?"

"Hmm", I sighed, "I like to cook, bake, play the piano although I'm not very good - read, and teach some of the pack about my country and its language". Riley looked at me in awe. "Where have you been all my life?" She laughed, causing me to join her.

"Making sure Don, Pierre and Lucas don't die pretty much", I joked. I leaned back into her comfortable hold and relaxed. "How am I going to let you go tonight?" She whined, pulling me impossibly closer to her as my head rested perfectly in the crook of her neck.

"Don't ask me", I groaned, pulling my legs up onto hers, my dress spilling over. A comfortable silence set in as we listened to the fire crackle and blaze, even though I was quite warm now I didn't want to take off Riley's jacket, I was far too happy in it.

"I'm going to have the best Luna by my side", she boasted proudly. "I hope so", I quipped, "You might want to talk to Don at some point soon though...before I move in". In a quick movement, Riley got up and knelt before me on the floor with bright eyes full of wonder. "Wait, you want to move in?" I widened my eyes, "I mean yeah, is that okay, is it too soon?" I asked.

"No, no no of course it's not too soon Mia, I just didn't want to put you under pressure to move so soon, I would take you with me tonight if I could, but of course I know I have to speak to your Alpha first". Her words and loving stare soothed me as she stood pulling me with her, the height difference quite obvious now. "Then talk to him and take me with you", I whispered, knowing she heard me with her wolf hearing.

As her hands grabbed my waist with a solid grip, I wound my arms around her neck and looked up at her, her eyes never leaving mine. I could feel her heartbeat as quick as mine and my wolf urged me to close the distance between us, but she got to it first.

Leaning down gently, our lips connected, sending shivers through my body as she kissed me passionately. My knees went weak as she kissed me harder, only parting once we both became breathless. Riley leaned her forehead on mine catching her breath, breaking our silence, "Holy shit".

I stared at her as she caught her breath, her hair falling perfectly around her sharp features, top buttons of her shirt undone and tie loosened and I felt my wolf wanting to be devoured by her on the spot, I was almost drooling.

I wanted to feel her muscles as she grabbed my ass and touched my body. I wanted to feel her on top of me, taking control. The images in my head causing me to smile like an idiot as I imagined myself underneath her instead of in front of her. Saying goodbye is not an option.

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