55: Riley

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I think I went into auto-pilot mode as soon as the pool cue entered my hand. The dim lights on the wall behind me began to flicker rapidly, and my eyes snapped up to my mate to see her glass fall on to the floor, shattering into pieces.

"Oh shit", Joey yelled.

I dropped the stick instantly and marched my way across the room to see her body twitching and shaking, her eyes glazed over and white in color.

"Mia, baby wake up".

I shook her arms and gripped her cheek in attempts to arouse her from whatever episode she was in. Fear bubbled inside me, and my attempts were evidently not working. Whatever was going on, she couldn't see or hear me.

"Riley", Don's voice shook. "What's happening to her?"

He stood behind me, as everyone grew quiet in the room.

"I don't know, I'll go lay her down - go get my mom".

Before her body could drop to the floor, I reached my arm under her legs, my other wrapping around her shoulders to pick her up. With tunnel vision, I rushed her up the stairs to our room, my eyes never drifting from her pale face.

I did my best not to panic, and set her limp body on the bed, smoothing her hair out of her face. She looked uncomfortable, her eyes fluttering open and shut, little groans slipping out of her mouth every few seconds.

"Hang on baby, you're gonna be okay, I promise".

Tears welled in my eyes, I felt out of my depth. Sure I was a werewolf, I worshiped the moon goddess - but I was in way over my head. I had no knowledge of Celtic lore, Irish myths or any of it. I was utterly useless against the situation, all I had was my physical strength - but clearly that wasn't enough to help my mate out of her trance.

I wiped at my eyes as I heard my mom's rushed footsteps coming closer. The door swung open, and she stilled at the door, taking in the situation before her. I could see her steel herself, pushing her emotions down for my sake. She pushed her dark hair out of her face and looked at me.

"Honey, what happened?"

I stuttered, struggling to get the words out. "I don't know, she was fine one minute, and the next she was just-"

"Like this", my mom finished.

I exhaled a shaky breath and nodded, my hand gripping Mia's cold fingers as I stood beside the bed.

My mom's hand reached up to rub my back in an effort to soothe me.

"From what I read, Irish mythical creatures are just like us - they exist in the periphery of humanity, blending in, but often they prey on people who hold power that they want".

"So what? Like possession?"

I turned to face my mom, she shrugged and furrowed her brow.

"I don't know, maybe? I mean, maybe this is a manifestation of power - like what happened to you when your Alpha traits manifested. You were comatose with a fever for days".

My mind raced. If Mia was to have a manifestation of power, surely it would have happened when Kyle tried to attack us.

"What if its not that exactly? What if Lugh is trying to take her power?" In my clueless attempt to explain the inexplicable, my fears worsened. Suddenly, it all clicked.

"What if Lugh having kids wasn't an accident?"

"You mean he planned to have kids? Why would he do that?"

"Mom, Godly offspring manifest new abilities and powers - like what Mia did with her blood when Kyle attacked".

"So he creates offspring, so he can take their abilities - how does he take their power?"

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