23: Riley

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 "Meet me in the bathroom", she whispered. My wolf begged and pleaded with me to run in that direction, knowing what sweet surprise would await me there. I tried to keep my expression neutral as I watched my mate swing her hips as she strolled into the bathroom across from the kitchen. This girl was trying to kill me.

 Shooting a glance over at Don entertaining my parents with stories of great parties, I slipped away, hoping I did so unnoticed. My feet carried me faster than I'd like to admit. I had opened the door slowly to avoid any noise I might have caused and slid in behind my mate, who was now sitting on the black and grey marble countertop. A cheeky smile was playing on her face.

 My arms were wrapped around her before she uttered a word. I smashed my lips against hers, slipping my tongue in and asserting my dominance. She tasted like heaven. She always did. I pushed her legs apart, standing in between them, my hand gently sliding her dress up a little further on her legs. Her moans were still audible through our kisses and I loved hearing them, but our company was only across the hall and I knew I couldn't risk it. We stayed this way for a few minutes, enjoying each other's touch before I reluctantly removed my lips from hers.

 I felt bad that most of our time together had been spent around the pack, on the general territory, or now, around my family. That was something I wanted to change. Being alone with her now She remained to stare at my lips, while I admired her now blushed face. "After this", I breathed. "Let me take you on a real date". Mia stared at me, waiting for me to continue, while she fixed her dress, smoothing it back down her legs. "I want to spend some time with you, alone...what do you think?" She bit her lip, holding back her smile. "I would love that...I love you", she mumbled allowing her smile to show. This filled me with immense joy and satisfaction and I awkwardly pointed my thumb back at the door. "Uhm...we should, like, get back out there", I laughed.

 My mate sighed, still sporting her enchanting smile. "I suppose we should". With that she jumped off the counter, needing no assistance, and blotted at her makeup that surprisingly remained intact. I took a deep breath and inhaled, swinging the door back open, linking my hand with Mia, and pulling her back into the kitchen. Luckily for us, Don had remained the center of my parent's attention. The tall man quickly shot us a grin and went back to discussing his inherited whiskey collection, which my dad seemed extremely excited about.

 Mia returned to her position at the stove, I stayed close by, appeasing my wolf. A glass of wine later, the table was set and filled with plates upon plates of dishes - mostly meat. I mean there was a house full of wolves to feed, a mixed salad wouldn't fill any of us. My parents dug in enthusiastically, praising my mate and her caring nature. My mom sat opposite her, waiting for her turn to interrogate her on life before being a wolf. This should be interesting, it surely put me on edge.

 "Okay dear we get it, when you were Alpha of the pack, you hit lots of things and people - we know where Riley gets it from". My mate was enjoying the back and forth between my parents, Don looked like he was quite invested too. "You know", he chuckled, setting down his knife and fork. Mia paled instantly.

 "When I found Mia she liked to hit things and people too. So, I found her outside a liquor store, at 17, trying to buy a bottle of wine with a fake European ID. I could smell that she wasn't human and ultimately decided to take her in. Her pride didn't take that too well. She tried to punch me in the face with those tiny fists. Broke her hand instantly. From then on, she used inanimate objects in lieu of her fists". Mia's hand clamped over her mouth in embarrassment.

 She groaned, picked up a potato on her plate, and threw it at him. Don just threw his head back in laughter. So did my parents. All I could do was smile thinking about the woman beside me when she was younger. "Don you're such an asshole", she blurted without thinking, moving her flicking her hair out of her face in frustration. "Excuse my language". My mom's hands reached to pick up Mia's. "You sound like quite the character, a perfect fit for our girl". The twinkle in her eyes told me all I needed to know. She loved my mate.

 Mia looked at me, standing up from her seat. "I'll for sure keep her on her toes anyway". I joined her in picking up dishes, balancing plates in one arm and bowls in the other. Judging by my dad's expression, this was a cause for concern. I didn't care. Soon after we made our way over to the sink, rinsing dishes side by side. We found our rhythm, in comfortable silence, hearing bits and pieces of the conversations still going on across the room. Don approached and gently nudged his way between us.

 "Alpha, I'm sure you'll be happy to know your parents are expecting to see your mark on Mia soon", he bantered. My hands stopped their movements. "What the fuck did they say?" My mate raised her eyebrows, abandoning the dishes in the sink, and stepped away. "Alpha talk....I'm gonna go refill some drinks". I glared at Don as she left, his playful expression never left his face. "They told me they love Mia and want her officially brought into the pack", he explained, waving his glass around as he did so. This was obviously a good thing, but having my parents this deep into my business felt weird.

 As if they heard themselves being mentioned, my parents shuffled over to where we stood, holding a bewildered-looking Mia between them. My mom stared at me as if she was waiting on an explanation. For what, I didn't have a clue. "Mia was just telling us you two have a little date planned?" She said this like it was major news. I nodded slowly, furrowing my brow - why did she say it like that?

 "Uh yeah, I'm gonna take her to the cabin in a little bit...why?" My dad, not usually a hopeless romantic, grabbed Mia by both shoulders, steering her in my direction. "Forget about us, forget about the dishes - go...go now...like right now". This was unusual behavior for my dad, but Mia seemed to go with the flow, although, she had seemed flustered since our little bathroom escapade. "Let me go through some things in a bag first", she squeaked, dashing off to our room to pack. Don slapped my dad's shoulder. "I best get going too - drop by soon, I'll crack open a bottle my dad's had sitting in the study since '88". And with that, he was gone. 

 I remained shocked, finally pulling my parents into the hallway. "What is going on with you two, ever since you got here you've been all over Mia and now you're kicking us both out....of our house?" Their smiles faltered a little, my dad sighed and my mom pursed her lips. "Listen, honey, we absolutely adore Mia...I think we can all agree you were blessed by the Moon Goddess", my mom remarked. My dad nodded along as she spoke, then opened his mouth. "Exactly. We want you two to have the best experience...and I know we got ahead of ourselves, but we just want you to be happy - so get your shit together and get lost kiddo". 

 I enjoyed this. This open conversation is something I hadn't had with my parent since before they left. Mia bounced down the stairs, two big bags over her shoulders, she still looked blushed and breathless, and I could smell her arousal just as strong as it had been earlier. I immediately took both bags from her hands, throwing them over my shoulder and taking her hand in mine. "I suppose we should get going", I laughed lightly. My mom winked at me and decided to subtly talk to me through the mind link. Hey kid, I'm not dumb - I know what you two were up to, I could hear her trademark snort in my head, get to it and mark the girl already for Goddess' sake. I fought back embarrassment and laughter, not even attempting to reply. My mom was too quick for me. With one last look at my parents, they all but pushed us out the door. "Goooooo", my dad exaggerated. We did exactly that. 

 I piled the bags into my black Mercedes parked outside the pack house, then ran to open the door for Mia, beaming with excitement as I did so. "Why thank you", she giggled, fastening her seatbelt. "What a gentlelady you are". I smirked as I climbed into the driver's seat. "Oh trust me babe...I can be very gentle". Our eyes locked for a brief second before I started the car and made my way down the long driveway. My mate placed her hand on my thigh, leaning her head over to press a soft kiss on my jaw. 

 "Oh yeah? Guess you'll have to show me". 


So....I really enjoy your feedback on these last few chapters, I hope you will continue to support this story and let me know what you think about it! I just did my first week back in college this week so I apologise if it was lacking - I am mentally drained, but I still felt the urge to write! I hope you enjoy and stay safe out there!


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