20: Mia

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I woke the next morning feeling the most comfortable I had felt in years. Cuddled up to my mate who had her arms wrapped around me tightly, feeling her breath on my face as we lay in peaceful bliss.

Riley was still passed out asleep and the silence brought back memories of my life until now. Chaos, uncertainty and sadness - a lot of sadness. I had a home before this, a life and a family, but never felt like I could belong. I belonged here. In the arms of the woman I loved, who loved me and I would do anything for her and her pack. Our pack.

  Her stirring brought me out of my thoughts and she woke soon after, placing a soft kiss to my forehead, squeezing me against her warm body. "Good morning princess", she purred. "I could get used to this".

I giggled and began to stretch my legs, noticing the light shining through the black out curtains on the left side of the room. It was still early, the birds were chirping happily. It certainly set the tone for the day. "You hungry?" I asked with a yawn. My mate smirked, eyeing me up and down admiring my nakedness. "For you? Always".

I rolled my eyes and swatted at her lightly. What a flirt. "Come on, I'm in the mood for pancakes". Reluctantly rolling away from the source of warmth, I stood firmly on the floor, marching towards my closet to get ready for the day. I settled on comfortable attire; a green hoodie and black sweatpants.

Riley crawled out of bed minutes after me. Sleepily strolling over, she wound her arms around me once more, using her height to place kisses on the back of my head - towering over me. She was wearing grey basketball shorts and the same black muscle shirt from the day before. She looked hot.

I turned around to her, wrapping my arms around her, burying myself in her chest as she swayed us back and forth in place. "Hurry and change, I'm hungry", I mumbled tiredly. I shuffled away from my mate as I tidied my hair into loose braid at the back of my head. With one last look behind me I saw her toned back and arms, she was sculpted by the Goddess herself. To say I was lucky would be an understatement.

Leaving her to get herself ready, I headed down the stairs by myself, making it to the kitchen in no time at all. The kitchen seemed busy considering it was only 7am on a Saturday morning. Familiar faces graced my presence. My mate's second and third in command to be specific. Joey and Mike looked sweaty and devoid of life, bent over the island gasping for breath. I stopped in the doorway laughing at the sight before me

"What in the fuck happened to you two?" I asked curiously. Manoeuvring between the two tall wolves, I pulled out the ingredients I needed for my much needed pancake breakfast. American pancakes had become a favourite of mine. Mike poured water over his head, shaking his now dripping hair. "Alpha had us training every able bodied member of the pack since 5am this morning".

My eyes widened and I looked between the boys as I set a pan on the stove. "Training? What for?" As if she sensed being mentioned, Riley strolled into the kitchen dressed in another pair of basketball shorts and a white tee. "Training in case of a rogue attack - always gotta be prepared". All three looked at me and nodded as if this was regular procedure.

I got to work cooking stacks of pancakes, paying attention to discussions of training going on now at the other side of the kitchen. I smiled to myself, my mate looked cute. She leaned over the table like the boys, biting into an apple, her hair falling over her shoulders as they chatted about patrolling the pack territory. "At times like this, I'm glad for my more human attributes", I mumbled.

Wolf hearing, however, meant this travelled directly to the ears of my company with ease. "Yeah Mia, you're skin and bones, a little on the small side make sure your woman feeds you right", Joey chimed in with a mouth full of pop tart. I didn't mind the comment, it was true - but my mate did not seem to enjoy this at all.

A loud growl silenced the kitchen, causing me to stop cooking with a sly grin playing on my face. "Dude can you please not size up my mate", Riley hounded. Mike and Joey looked between themselves unsure of how to respond other than a choked "yes Alpha".

With a smile still playing on my face, I carried over plates of pancakes to the table just across the kitchen. It was still silent. "No need to jump to my defense - although, it is quite cute", I giggled. "I was human up until four years ago, for me, not that much changed when I was turned and that's okay". Reaching around my mate's shoulders to place the plates on the table eased the tension in the room. I gave her a soft hug and backed up to where I had my own food awaiting me.

Feeling Riley's eyes on me, I met her gaze as I stuffed a mouthful pancakes into my face happily. The conversation once again turned to pack business - but this time I decided to join in, shuffling my way to the table and taking my rightful seat - on the lap of my mate. This earned looks from the beta and delta either side of us, but I knew the looks my big bad alpha gave them were enough to make them choke back any remarks they may have had playing on their minds.

Arms snaked their way around my waist, and I felt the possessive air around me. "So", I started. "Now that I have settled in...what...do I do?" Three pairs of eyes turned to me before I spun to meet the brown ones that had been trained on me all morning. The biggest smile appeared on her face.

"Well Luna, let's get you started, shall we?"

I'm sure asking this meant asking for a challenge - but if it means impressing my mate, I'm game.

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