24: Mia (18+)

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The drive only took thirty minutes. On one hand, this was a short drive, but on the other, it was thirty minutes of driving within Riley's territory. I never thought about how big the land was, but I was becoming increasingly aware of it as we pulled up to a well-built two-story cabin. I had kept up my flirting for the entire drive, watching my mate chew on her bottom lip, trying to keep her eyes on the road and her arm tensed as she held the steering wheel with an iron-tight grip. She had her way with me before, I intended on things to go my way this time. Although I wasn't sure if that was possible with an Alpha mate.

I had some interesting conversations with Riley's parents throughout the evening. A lot of questions about my past, my physical condition, and my knowledge of the folklore and legends surrounding werewolves. They were lovely people despite being a tad eccentric, and had even encouraged us to get away on our romantic date - so far, I was assuming I had made a good impression. Right now though, that was the least of my worries.

I stepped out of the car, the cool evening air relieving me from the damp humid heat I had struggled with all day. My eyes slowly trailed over to observe my mate. I knew right there that I had pushed her patience too far. Her eyes were black, her wolf clearly begging to be set free. The tension in her neck and jaw highlighted her sharp features, and I felt my breath catch in my throat. She was so god damn fucking attractive. I felt a throbbing between my thighs as I watched her silently pull the hastily packed bags out of the car. She cleared her throat. "Let's get going, shall we?"

I nodded, not trusting my voice to produce anything other than a squeak at that moment in time. Riley led me up the gravel road, to the emerald green door of the cabin. We were finally alone - like really alone. For the first time ever. She swiftly unlocked the door, swinging it open to reveal a dark but cozy-looking hallway. I looked ahead in awe. "It's gorgeous", I breathed, taking in what little I could see before stepping in at my mate's signal. "Let me give you the grand tour before we-", She cut herself off with a cough and I fought back a giggle, filling in the blanks for myself. The lights switched on and I found myself smiling at the layout in front of me. The walls were clearly re-plastered recently as they sparkled with clean neutral tones down the long stretch of hallway.

"Don't tell me", I blurted. "It screams 1890's to me". I spun on my heels to face my mate who had curiosity and disbelief written on her face. "Yeah, 1897, the cabin was built as a refuge for witches who had been outcast by settlers for generations, the tensions between them had gotten pretty bad at that point". I hummed in acknowledgment, as I explored further into the house. The hallway was pretty wide, with four rooms shooting off of it; two at either side. They were mainly bedrooms and bathrooms with slightly less updated features and few outlets. The biggest room, however, had a super king-sized bed just under the window covered in luxurious satin sheets. The walls were a dark emerald-colored; decorated with gold nicknacks all over the room. "This is our room".

My mate followed behind me patiently as I made my way down the hallway to the large open living room. "Oh my god it has a fireplace, I haven't sat in front of a real fireplace since I lived at home in Ireland", I gushed, rushing over to inspect the dry wood and coal beside the classic-looking fireplace. It was safe to say I was falling in love with the place. There was a large kitchen to the left side of the open space, but I doubted we'd be doing much with the space during our time there. I was hoping that the only thing on the menu would be Riley, who now stood with her strong arms wrapped around my waist, trailing kisses up and down the back of my neck. It gave me shivers.

We stood between the living space and kitchen, the bags dumped in the hallway behind us, wrapped up in passion in lust as I spun to capture my mate's lips in my own. She let out a low moan, sending shocks straight to my core. My lips parted slightly allowing her to slip her tongue into my mouth, as I wound my arms around her neck. We fought for dominance, but it was clear she would always win. I stood on my toes, leaning my neck to remain flush against her body as she pulled my legs up and around her waist. Our breaths and muffled moans were the only sounds filling the room around us, echoing off the navy blue walls. I was in deep. I had already fallen head over heels for this woman, but I wanted to give her all of me; past, present, and future. I wanted to solidify our bond as mates. I wanted her to mark me.

My mate squeezed my ass, keeping a tight grip on me, marching through the lit-up hallway to the master bedroom I had been appreciating not too long ago. Our lips only separated when she threw me onto the bed; an animalistic look in her eyes that only turned me on further. Her now black eyes bore into me as she crawled over my body, kissing between my breasts. "Fuck", I sighed with a groan. "I want you to mark me". Riley froze on top of me, her eyes shifting back to their usual brown as she searched my face for any hesitation or doubt. There was none. "Are you sure? I understand if it's too quick - I mean you moved in with me the day we met, I don't want to pressure you into anything....ever".

Although I appreciated her concern, I had been contemplating the idea of marking for years. Since I became a wolf, one of the only things that kept me going was the idea of mates. Having someone love you unconditionally, accept your existence and all that came with it - it brought me comfort and hope for the future; especially on those nights where I found my solace at the bottom of a bottle of vodka, crying in the arms of my dear friends in my previous pack. My human side wasn't going to stop me now. I wanted this. I needed this. I needed her. "I am certain. If I was still human I would definitely hesitate...but I'm not just a human anymore, I want us to finish the mating process". Happy that I articulated my feelings, Riley's eyes turned dark once again. Her wolf obviously delighted with what I had just expressed. Her mouth returned to leaving dark marks all over my neck and breasts, ripping my dress off in one swift movement.

She sat up for just a moment, pulling off her shirt, revealing her sports bra, and causing buttons to fly everywhere. I lay under her, in only a lacy red pair of underwear. My mate growled. "You weren't wearing a bra?" I would have laughed at her reaction, but she quickly had my right nipple in her mouth, the other rolling between her fingers. I was a moaning mess, arching up against her for any sort of relief for the painful throbbing between my legs. The heat roaring inside my body was almost too much to tolerate. Throwing caution to the wind, I reached down, unbuttoning her pants and hurrying to pull them off, moving up to capture my lips once more. Her kiss became rough, which I enjoyed; her dominance flowing over me in waves.

Even though I was very aware it could get me in trouble, I pushed against my mate's weight until I was sitting up in her lap. She looked surprised but went along with my whim, as I pulled off her sports bra and underwear, biting my lip at the sight before me. I could feel my wetness dripping down my thighs at this point, but carried on with my plan. Without any objections, I pushed my mate backward, fully aware that my expression screamed mischief. I licked my lips and settled between her legs, as she stared down at me in slight disbelief. Oh, how I was gonna enjoy this. My lips trailed wet kisses on the inside of her thighs, my breath blowing hot on her pussy as I made my way to where I needed to be. One gentle lick had her head thrown back into the pillows, her hand taking its place in my hair. "Fuck", she groaned, enjoying the contact.

I set a quick rhythm with my tongue, wrapping my arms around her thighs with a tight grip. My eyes flicked up to see her staring down at me, her bottom lip between her teeth; one arm behind her head. A moan erupted from her as our eyes made contact, I continued flicking my tongue as we stared at each other. Her hips ground against me lightly, so I took initiative - sliding a finger inside her as I maintained eye contact, focusing on the reactions of my mate. I was surprised she let me do what I wanted, so I had to do a good job. My fingers curled upwards as I pumped them in and out, eliciting moans from her mouth as I matched pace with my tongue. The hand in my hair pulled tighter as I licked and sucked on her clit and fucked her with my fingers. "You look so fucking amazing baby girl you're gonna make me cum".

Smiling internally, I moaned against Riley's core, feeling her tighten and pulse around my fingers. I sped up as her moans got louder, her juices dripping all over the bed I'm sure. My mate started to come undone, panting at the pace of my mouth and fingers as she came, tugging at my hair roughly. I gradually slowed down, letting her ride out her orgasm. She tasted so fucking good. Eventually, I pulled away, placing a kiss on her stomach. "Where the fuck did you learn that, huh?" Riley pulled me towards her, hand in my hair again as she kissed my swollen lips. She flipped us over, pulling us apart and looking down at me like I was her prey. I love it. Her eyes scanned over me and she reached down, ripping off my underwear to my surprise. She smirked.

"You're in for it now my little mate".


Hey againnnn, I hope you enjoy this update and I hope the sexy content is improving slowly but surely. Let me know what you think, I'd really appreciate and benefit from any feedback you guys have! I'm hoping to update again tomorrow, I hope you look forward to it! Thank you for you support and feedback.


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