6: Riley

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 Letting Mia walk away was the hardest moment of the night so far. I wanted to wrap my arms around her and never let go and my wolf was urging me to do so, but my men were right, I had duties to perform, so as I watched her turn and walk away in the opposite direction I took a deep breath and readied myself for the task at hand. 

 "Come on boys, let's get this over with", I sighed. Mike patted my shoulder sympathetically and guided me over to a group who were quite obviously Alphas, standing near the ice buckets filled with beer and wine bottles. They noticed my approach and all stood at attention, waiting for my introduction. 

 "Gentlemen". I began, "It's my honor to meet you all this evening, I'm Riley Wilson, Alpha of the Moon Creek pack". I offered my hand to each Alpha, ensuring to shake their presented hands with a strong friendly grip. They introduced themselves one by one, Alpha Owen of the Far East pack, Alpha Damien of the White Willow pack, Alpha Charlie of the Southern Peak pack, and finally Alpha Frankie of the Grey Hills pack. 

 "We're delighted to have your pack as part of this alliance, Alpha Riley, I mean no offense but your uncle...well he deserved what happened to him", Damien spoke, offering me a beer. I gratefully took it and dipped my head slightly to hide my smile. "No offense taken, I totally agree with you". Laughter took over the group as my eyes caught Mike and Joey observing my mate as she waved in our direction, looking stunning with my jacket wrapped around her. 

 The other Alphas let out small howls giving friendly smiles to me as they noticed who had drawn my attention. "We heard about your mate, I didn't realize it was little Mia, you lucked out there for sure", Owen bantered, "I met her when she first joined the pack and try to check in as often as I can, she always has great food ready to go and never fails to crack us up". Smiling at his words, I ignored the tinge of jealousy coming from my wolf as another Alpha spoke of my mate, but I knew he meant well. 

 "Oh for sure that girl swears like a sailor, a good Irish woman, you better treat her right Riley - or Don will rip you to pieces", Charlie warned. I took a sip from the beer in my hand and nodded in understanding. "Trust me she'll be in good hands with me", I promised. 

 They seemed happy with my response and each of them began recounting memories of my perfect little mate. "Her accent is still as strong as the day I met her, only a few weeks after she wound up here", Owen remarked. "She wasn't herself back then, but that's her business to tell - she used to be insane, and I mean that in the most brotherly way possible". Wonderment evident on my face, the Alphas before me decided to engage in conversation with some varying pack members around us.

 My thoughts couldn't shift to focus on the conversation around me any longer and my curiosity about my mate grew by the second. I'm sure everyone around me was aware of this. "Hey, we know you're probably all mushy right now", Frankie piped, shaking me out of my thoughts, "We'll let you go and pass on a message to our packs for you - I know you want to be with her right now, hell, I was like that when I met my mate". Thankful for their understanding, I shook each of their hands again and we quickly exchanged contact details. 

Mike and Joey gave me a quizzical look as if they were about to question what I was about to do. I think it was pretty clear though. The three of us walked away from the group of Alphas with a brief goodbye and I could feel that my wolf was itching for me to touch Mia.

 "Guys, if I don't get more time with Mia tonight I will strangle both of you with your shoelaces, mind link me if you need me - for emergencies only", I advised my men. They gave me a look of compliance and I left my half-empty bottle on one of the many tables surrounding the dance floor, before strolling over to my mate who was engaged in conversation with Pierre, Beta of their pack. 

 Her back was turned to me, so I gently placed my hand on the small of her back and she jumped at the sensation as sparks flew through both of our bodies. "Oh hi there", she gasped. I wound my hand around her waist possessively looking down at her with a smile and then back at Pierre, "Hi Pierre thanks for keeping Mia entertained while I was preoccupied, I'm glad I didn't have to search all over her".

 "No problem Alpha Riley, though she hasn't shut up about you since she came to find me - just so you know", Pierre sang. Mia jumped as I squeezed her small waist happily and hit Pierre's arm. "Thanks for that Pierre", she mumbled blushing all over. The joy I got from the sight was incomparable and I committed the image to memory along with her beauty.

 "Well everyone I have spoken to so far has given me the talk so I'm guessing you're pretty popular around here Mia?" I asked her. She opened her mouth to talk but her enthusiastic companion seemed bursting with comments to unload. "Oh for sure", he confirmed. "People here aren't used to accents or omegas, or someone who used to be human - Mia makes friends with lots of curious people". I hummed in acknowledgment and looked between him and my blushing mate as she adjusted my jacket that was too big on her. 

 "I mean it can be weird getting so many questions, but it's not a bad thing", Mia added. "It used to happen way more within the first year I was here, but now I'm part of the pack, part of the family". As she concluded her sentence, both Mia and Pierre quickly turned their attention to Lucas standing in the long hallway we had entered through earlier. 

 She turned to me and grabbed the hand that I had on her waist, linking our fingers together. They fit perfectly together. "Lucas just used the pack mind link, sorry, he wanted to know if we'd like to go somewhere quieter", she informed me. I gave her a worried look, I didn't want her Alpha to get mad, I had to impress this guy. 

 She shot me an understanding look, "Don doesn't mind one bit if that's what is worrying you, if he was in our position he would do the same Riley". Her words calmed me and I allowed her to pull me out of the hallway and up the first flight of stairs. "Let's go get comfy, shall we?" She asked beaming back at me. My face instantly lit up. 

 "Yes, we shall my lady".

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