8: Riley

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Her lips burned my own as I kissed her and I thought I had died and went to heaven as the sparks erupted throughout my body, my grip on her waist growing tighter as I pulled her against my body feeling every curve pressed into me. I loved it.

Once we parted, I leaned my forehead on hers, catching my breath. "Holy shit", I laughed. I moved back and saw my mate's lips red and plump from my own, and her cheeks pink as she caught her breath, looking at me with a dizzy grin. Seeing her in this state made my wolf growl, I want her. I want to feel her skin against mine, every twitch, every shiver, everything.

"I can't get enough of you", I confessed, loosening my hold on her waist as she stepped forward to pull me into a hug. "Oh, me and you both my love", she sighed back. I melted a little at her new pet name for me, it sounded perfect rolling off her tongue. Without a care in the world, I placed a soft kiss on the top of her head as I wrapped her up in my arms, my jacket still around her delicate shoulders.

Before I let my instincts take over, I squeezed her and moved away from her side, seeing her pout slightly. "I suppose now is a good time to go talk to your Alpha, I don't think I can say goodbye to you", I began, "I need you with me, at our home". Carefully watching the emotion in her face, I saw a happy beam grow on her face.

"I think I'd cry if you tried to leave without me, let me get him up here for you", she said enthusiastically. I guessed she had mind linked her Alpha as within a minute footsteps hurried up the stairs and into the room, and I tried to swallow my nerves.

Mia pulled me into another quick hug, standing on her toes to kiss my cheek calming my nerves slightly. "I'll leave you two to chat then", she mumbled, picking up her heels and shuffling out of the room, leaving me in the company of her protective Alpha.

"Let's talk Alpha to Alpha shall we?" Don spoke with a slight worry in his voice. "Sure I'd like that", I gulped. Approaching the tray of decanters that sat off in the corner of the room, the other Alpha fixed two drinks of whiskey, handing one to me and motioning for me to sit across from him on the armchairs across from the sofa.

"I know why you want to talk to me, trust me I've been dreading this conversation for four years", Don admitted. "But, I get it, you need your mate, your pack needs their Luna and I can't stop you". I held my breath and took a sup of my drink as I waited for him to continue.

"Mia has been like a best friend and a sister to me since I took her in, she is the most loyal and caring person I have ever met and the Moon Goddess has blessed you with her. She does everything in her power to help those she cares about, even if it means hurting herself or pushing herself too hard. Never, ever take her for granted - I don't think I need to say any more about what will happen if you hurt her, but just take care of her like she deserves".

I took every word in and meditated over them. "I completely understand how lucky I am, and believe me when I say I would sooner die than cause any harm to Mia. I know how hard it must be to see her go, but it means the world to me, Don, truly it does, she is what I have waited my entire life for and I can't say goodbye, ever".

A small sad smile made its way onto his face, but he soon replaced it with a bigger genuinely happy smile. "I hope this means we can visit for dinner sometimes then?" He chuckled. "Anytime, you and your pack are more than welcome in our territory, and I hope we can visit from time to time too".

Don raised his glass, and I clinked mine against it in celebration. "I can't say that it will be easy to let Mia go, but I have to say that I am glad she has a mate with strength and integrity, someone to protect her - but in all honesty, she is a handful so good luck with that Alpha". He let out a roaring laugh and I laughed with him at the sentiment.

"I just can't wait to get to know her more, I know she is going to be a great Luna", I shared. Although I had only met her five or six hours earlier, the night brought us close as happens with mates and I couldn't have been more grateful for the bond we had so quickly. I love her, all of her.

Don nodded in agreement and quickly pulled himself up out of the chair, motioning for me to follow him, "Time to find your mate, she needs to pack". Unable to help the smile that took over my face I followed him closely as we ascended up another flight of stairs, down a long hall to a white door at the end.

Without knocking, Don swung the door open, "Squishy, come here we have some good news". I shot Don a puzzled look, as Mia hurried over to us. I noticed she had changed out of her dress and into black leggings, an oversized blue t-shirt, but still had my jacket on her, her hands barely out of the cuffs. She looked so delicate I wanted to hold her.

"The guys call me Squishy, they think I swell and turn squishy when I cry", she informed me. The thought of my mate crying hurt me, but the nickname made my heart soar, she is too cute.

Looking between Don and me, hunting for answers, I piped up first, "Your Alpha has agreed that you should come home with me, tonight". My mate's eyes widened with wonder as she embraced Don in a quick hug, then began pacing her room with excitement.

"Okay I need to pack, like everything", she exclaimed. Her enthusiasm livened the atmosphere as she began pulling out suitcases when Don moved to stop her. "We will have all of that taken care of Squishy, the ball is about to end so it's time to say goodbye to everyone for now and announce your news", he assured her.

With a glance between Don and myself, Mia ran out of her room and down the stairs taking me with her, Don following us down both flights of marble stairs back into the ballroom where the evening was concluding. Without concern for her new attire, she took my hand and led me to the front of the ballroom, shouting over conversations trying to hurry along the end of the night.

Watching my tiny mate try to catch the attention of the room was almost too cute, and as she grew more frustrated I decided to help her out. I let out an ear-piercing whistle and soon all eyes were on us, I received a grateful smile from Mia. "Now that we have everyone's attention, I, Riley Wilson, Alpha of Moon Creek pack, would like to announce that I have found my mate, my Luna - Mia Sabine". Silence took over for a split second and suddenly cheers erupted from all corners of the room.

"As of tonight, my pack will take our Luna home and welcome her with open arms and hearts, thank you for your attention", I finished. Cheers continued as each pack exited the ballroom, including my own as I assumed they left to prepare the pack house for their Luna's arrival.

Finally, Mia set off on her round of goodbyes, having the life half squeezed out of her by Pierre, Lucas, and another omega who I'm guessing she was close with called Helen. I tried to give them space, but inevitably overheard Pierre and Lucas encouraging her to "get some". Her last teary goodbye was with Don, as they shared jokes and promised to visit one another often.

With some last-minute "well miss you" chants, she took my hand with a dazzling smile and gave it a squeeze, "Well, my love", she sang, "Let's go home".

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