17: Mia

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 "I have an idea", I told my new friends. When I say idea - I mean a plan to seduce my mate with some scandalous sets of lacy, sheer, sparkly, and barely-there lingerie. Zoe and Heidi egged me on every thirty seconds, peeking over my shoulders and encouraging my spending with their compliments of, "but that would look great on you, you have to buy it". Safe to say they are a bad influence on me - but great company nonetheless.

 Shopping had certainly taken my mind off of missing Riley, but I was still missing her touch - I felt cold without it even though we hadn't even been apart a full day yet. Shopping had seemed to be a lot more fun knowing I had a mate to show off to, and I made sure to stock up on lingerie, dresses, and some more flattering pieces. 

 I sat at the kitchen table, knees pulled up to my chest as I shut my laptop, sighing at the view of the couple in front of me whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears. Way to make a girl feel lonely. 

 "Hey guys", I started with a groan as I pulled my hood over my messy hair. "I feel almost completely normal...is all this separation still necessary?" Zoe looked at me with a sympathetic smile and sniffed the air around me. "Sorry sweetie, your pheromones are still too strong to risk it". 

 I had experienced heat cycles before but never seemed to suffer as much as the other members of my old pack. Maybe this cycle was stronger because I had finally found my mate? I didn't care to question it at this point. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the cold dining chair I sat on wishing for an end to my misery. 

 My mate's voice in my head took me out of my own thoughts with a jump. Baby girl, I have something that should helo your heat. My hand hit the table in an instant, causing Heidi to almost leap out of her skin. I laugh at her reaction as she shoots me a quizzical glance. "Well girls, this has been fun but my darling mate is about to save me from my misery". 

 Thank fuck for that, Heidi and Zoe are great - but I need a cuddle. With a smile on my face, I stood from my seat and practically skipped over to the fridge in my mate's oversized clothes and slippers. Although I had just opened the door to observe my snacking options, my hunger was replaced by excitement and butterflies at the thought of getting Riley back in the pack house.

 Zoe put a hand on my shoulder and sighed, breaking the silence in the room. "No offense girl, but I really hope you don't plan on seeing your mate like that". I peered down at myself quizzically and the realization hit me, that I looked like an absolute disaster. Messy hair thrown up on top of my head, rolled up baggy grey sweats, and a gigantic blue hoodie.

 In this situation, I knew I probably had little to no time to make myself look somewhat presentable - so with my socks sliding on the floor, I ran up both staircases to the third floor where Riley and I's room was. 

 I pounded towards my closet, all the while stripping myself from my comfortable clothes - pulling out the first set of lacy underwear, a champagne-colored set from Victoria's secret embellished with tiny crystals. I slid them on adjusting my boobs to the optimal position, gotta make them look good.

 With minimal time left, I threw on a beige turtle neck, denim mini skirt, some white socks, and brown loafers and began the task of detangling my hair with my old reliable hairbrush and throw it up into a tidy bun.

 I would say this was record timing. In the following thirty seconds, I began to descend down the stairs, adjusting my gold-framed glasses on my nose as I heard my mate barging through the door. Riley came into my view and I could see a bewildered look in her eyes and a box of tea in her hand. She was looking for me. 

 My heart stopped. She stood before me, sports bra visible through the sides of her muscle tee and my mouth went dry. "Hi....hi there", I stuttered. She licked her lips as she approached me, her arms winding around my waist, brown hair sticking to her slightly damp skin.

 "Hello again babygirl", she growled slightly. Her eyes looked dark with desire and I could feel myself heating up from her body against mine. My mate squeezed my waist with a sigh, hands moving to pull me flush against her. I missed this feeling. 

 I stood on my toes, looping my arms around her neck, placing a kiss on her cheek before pushing my head into her shoulder. "I missed you like crazy", I confessed. Her breathing slowed to a comfortable pace. "Me too baby, me too".

 We remained at the bottom of the marble staircase for a few moments, enjoying each other's warmth and comfort before separating. Looking into Riley's eyes, a smile broke out on my face. I took the box of tea from her hand. "My savior", I started. "How about we get this tea into me before anything else?" 

 I could tell my pheromones were still affecting her, but she was doing her best to hold herself back for me. She sighed and nodded in agreement, allowing me to enter the kitchen first to where Zoe and Heidi were. 

 They were just as loved up as we were, and I had to admit, it was nice to see. Riley kept at least one hand on me at all times, moving with me as I boiled water and prepared a mug of tea. The sooner I could get this into me - the better. Although the effects of my heat had begun to dissipate, desire still swelled up inside me.

 All I could do now was to sip back my hot drink, clench my thighs together - and hope for relief soon.

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