32: Mia

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 I stared at Don half shocked, half curious that he had something to announce off the bat. I rested my elbows on the desk in front of me, propping my head in my hands. My mate's hand rested possessively on my thigh and sent little electric shocks through my body. I loved it. Riley narrowed her eyes at Don, opening her mouth to ask what he meant, but I took the liberty of doing so. "Spill it", I demanded, attempting to use my version of an 'Alpha' voice. It clearly didn't work, as both acting Alphas in the room and Riley's dad fought back laughter. Don bit his lip and finally faced me with a neutral expression.
"When we met, you were a heap of rage, sadness, instability - in other words, a mess". I crinkled my nose.
"Well, thanks for bringing it up again...damn".

 "I started noticing odd things about you pretty early on. You were probably only part of the pack for a year at the time". His voice remained calm as he spoke, and I didn't know whether to be afraid of what he was about to say or if he was about to crack a joke at my expense. With this guy, I just never knew. Riley's grip on my thigh tightened, I knew she was trying to reassure and comfort me. "Those nights where you slept on the couch, you did a lot of weird things. Chanting in some weird language in your sleep, glow and talk about something called Danu". An ominous shiver ran down my back and I stood instantly, the chair behind me tipping over as a result. 
 "Baby, what's the matter?" Riley's worried voice was muffled as it reached my ears. The blood rushed to my head and I found myself racing down the stairs in my slippers, scrambling to find the books I had been analyzing only a while ago.

 I flipped open the book, violently skimming through pages looking for something familiar. What Don had said, set off major alarm bells in my mind. I crumpled pages, scanning my eyes over randomly highlighted phrases until a specific one caught my eye again. My eyes widened and I froze where I stood for a second, before grabbing the book off the table and sprinting back up to the second floor, kicking Riley's office door open dramatically. "No fucking way I missed this all along", I fumed, throwing the book down unceremoniously, pointing at the highlighted passage.   "Tuatha Dé Danann". No one spoke a word. All eyes stared at me as I blew the hair out of my face, hands on my hips, and ultimately pissed off that I hadn't known sooner. "It all makes perfect sense now". Riley reached out and took hold of my hand, pulling me to sit back down beside her. 

 "Baby, we don't have a clue what you're talking about", she faltered. I pulled my chair from off the floor and plopped down, taking a deep breath.
 "The Tuatha Dé Danann were a supernatural race of Gods and Goddesses in Ireland, supposedly named after the Earth Goddess Danu", I rambled, throwing my hands around in hopes that at least one person would understand. Don's jaw dropped in front of me.
 "You're a Goddess?" 

 My head snapped around and shook violently. "No. Well...part...Goddess? These Gods and Goddesses learned and used different types of magic and their offspring - heroes and the like, typically carried on their supernatural lineage". Riley's hand came to rest on my cheek gently, she turned my head to face her, my body still pumping on adrenaline which I was almost certain she was aware of. 
 "So....you're a demi-goddess descended from the Earth goddess...which explains why you were able to turn and survive the wolfsbane poison. The Moon Goddess must have known you were related to the natural elements". I shrugged, allowing myself to calm down with her touch. 

 "Okay that makes sense, but does this bastard Kyle know and if he does, what does he want from you?" I shuddered as Lucas piped up from the corner of the room. 
 "Yeah", Pierre chimed in. "We know what you are, but we need to know how to protect you". Their stares burned me and I felt myself shifting closer to my mate, not knowing how to respond any longer.
 "I think our best bet is to try to catch him in the act. We should go ahead with the Luna ceremony as soon as possible and see if we get any leads or results", Riley declared, authority and power coming from her aura. Her strength radiated from her body and I felt safe by her side, knowing she would do anything to protect me from whatever evil was trying to come my way. 

 "I agree", I mumbled, although the conversation between warriors and Alphas had already commenced.
 "What ball?" Don asked, a slight look of amusement evident on his face. My mate linked her fingers with mine confidently. "My mom wants to hold a ceremony to officially announce Mia as the new Luna of the Moon Creek pack". His lips tilted up in a grin.

 "Damn squishy look at you all grown up". I threw a pen at him as he laughed.
 "You're barely older than me Don - shut it before I expose some of your finest hours". He shut his mouth at my jab, the grin remaining on his lips.
 "I agree with you Alpha Riley", he continued. "It's best that we show strength in unity, and not let this situation shake us. We need to show a united front and hope that our actions are drastic enough to catch any perpetrators". Riley nodded, her Alpha aura still emanating from her posture and expression. She looked really hot. I twirled in my seat slightly, allowing myself to drift out of the conversation as plans were made. 

  "Alright", my mate concluded. "We'll hold the ceremony tomorrow evening, invite as many packs as possible, and increase patrol around every inch of the border. We will not let anything slip past us". Hums of agreement and nods came as the meeting concluded. My friends looked at me as I spun silently on the office chair I sat on.
 "Don't worry we won't let anything happen to you, but do me a favor?" Pierre smirked. I tilted my head in confusion. "Don't go too hard on the booze". I rolled my eyes as I stood, pushing past him in a playful manner as I exited the room behind my mate. 

 "Come on princess, time to throw this ball into high gear", she sighed. "Let's go find my mom". I linked my arm in hers, leaning into her body as we descended the stairs, with Don, Pierre, Lucas, Joey, and Mike behind us. 
 "Would you be absolute dolls and go help out with the decorating? Thanksssss", I grinned, making a sharp turn into the kitchen as I heard protests and groans.
 "You owe us", Joey yelled, peeking his head into the kitchen, before disappearing. Mike followed suit, his head stuck between the burly arms of the other Beta and Delta.
 "Yeah", he choked. "Putting us to work already? Harshhhh". I rolled my eyes and pulled myself some cold water from the fridge. 

 "Build a bridge and get over it, I have a ball to plan". All five men soon trailed out of the house and over to the venue, carrying boxes upon boxes of decorations that Ellen had already left by the door. That woman worked faster than the devil. I stood beside my mate, leaning my head on her shoulder as her mother jogged into the kitchen. She looked as if she was on a mission. 
"I heard from the boys", she gasped. "You want to hold this ball TOMORROW? Are you out of your mind? We don't even have a menu....or champagne". I bit my lip, holding in laughter, and looked up at Riley who had since dropped her head onto the counter with a bang. She groaned. 
"Mom we have enough going on", she whined. "Can you please just help us out?" Ellen rubbed her forehead in thought and finally took a breath. 
 "Fine but we do this my way". 

"Wouldn't have it any other way Ellen", I smiled. "Thank you". Ellen rubbed my arm. 
 "Oh honey, it's my pleasure, just focus on staying safe and looking pretty". Riley wrapped her arm around my waist, squeezing gently as she looked at me. 
 "She's going to look better than pretty", she announced proudly, as Ellen spun around and left. I smirked and met her gaze.

 "Oh babe, you have no idea what you're in for".

Heyyy guys I struggled with this chapter, college is really tiring but I loooove it. I hope you enjoyed this update I worked really hard at it! Also thanks to CreatingK8 for the formatting tip, I still don't know if I did it right and I'm an English (and History) student. Oops. Exposed. Anyways let me know what you think of this chapter in the comments, I appreciate any and all feedback! Please leave a vote if you enjoyed! Stay safe and well everybody!


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