15: Mia

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As soon as Riley had left the pack house, I became extremely aware of the burning feeling in my body. The arousal had subsided and now I was left with a feverish flu-like feeling, weighing me down as I groaned to myself from underneath the grey sheets.

 It had only been about an hour since my mate had left and the sound of the rain was calming me, putting me into a sleepy state when I heard a knock at the door. "Luna, I'm Zoe - the Alpha put you in the care of my mate and I". The voice sounded warm and gentle, and I trudged over to unlock the door, opening it to be greeted with a sympathetic smile. 

 "May I come in?" Zoe asked politely. "Of course, thank you for coming - you can call me Mia by the way". My throat burned as I talked and I knew my body was not taking this heat well. I had never felt like this during my heat before, I'm guessing my body is reacting to finding its mate in its own way.

 Zoe took a small step in the door, mindful to not cause me any discomfort - I was grateful for this. "Sorry I look like a disaster right now, I'm not feeling too good", I sighed as I began to braid my red hair out of the way. Zoe laughed and reached a hand out to give my arm a reassuring squeeze. She had dark skin and bright platinum hair that contrasted it and a warm smile that made me feel instantly at ease.

 "No need to apologize, I went through this with Heidi a while back, and let's just say I looked a lot worse than you do right now", she chuckled. I laughed with her, a smile playing on my lips as I began to get back into bed. "I feel like I have the flu", I groaned. Even with my mate's warm clothes covering every inch of me, I still couldn't help but shiver and pull the blankets up to my neck as I sat facing my new carer. 

 "It should subside in a day once you rest and get some food and water into you". Zoe sat on the end of the bed, cross-legged, and faced me. Silence lingered between us for a minute and she looked unsure as to how to comfort me, but I was grateful for her company alone. "I would really appreciate a movie buddy right now", I bantered. 

 "Oh hell yes", Zoe sang. "I'm in my sweats, I'm ready - what are we watching?". I patted the space beside me on the bed and Zoe got herself comfortable quickly, remaining on top of the covers. Turning on the TV that hung on the opposite wall, I instantly selected a box set of Disney classics. "Can't go wrong with the classics", I beamed. "Damn right", my new friend encouraged. 

 After four or five hours we had three movies down and even more lined up, I didn't feel like being alone for the entire day so Zoe and I got talking about ourselves and became instant friends. We ate snacks, boasted about our mates, I learned that she was also an omega - and we enjoyed a few hours of bonding before we heard a knock at the door. 

 Zoe finished shoving a handful of gummy bears in her mouth and leaped to open the door, but the door opened before she got the chance, and a tall woman with cropped black hair entered. "Baby", she cooed towards Zoe. Zoe faltered for a second under the woman's gaze, grabbing one of her hands and spinning back around to me. "Mia, this is my mate Heidi", she informed me. "Heidi this is our Luna, but she would prefer if you use her name". 

 I shot Zoe a grateful smile, before removing myself from the heavy blankets that covered me. "I heard Riley put both of you in charge of me for the next few days, thank you both for looking out for me". I had only moved a few days ago and having to be away from my mate in a new place was scary, but knowing I had people to rely on brought me some comfort. 

 Heidi, who was covered in tattoos, gave me a smile that was just as friendly as Zoe's and swung the door open further. "We made sure no unmated wolves are nearby, it's just the three of us in this big house for the next few days just to be safe", she stated. "I suppose this is a great opportunity to get to know our Luna though, right Mia?"

 I let out a laugh, "Oh definitely - you two have all this for the next few days, we will know each other very well by the end of it". With nothing but smiles all round, Heidi gestured towards the stairs and we began to make our way downstairs to the kitchen - Zoe and I had been eating nothing but snacks all day, so needless to say I was getting hungry. 

 "So, how long is this heat going to take? It's completely different to any heat cycle I've had before", I sighed, taking a seat at the top of the dining table while my new friends began their hunt for some decent food. 

 Heidi pondered my question as she looked through the cupboards, her arm wrapped tightly around her shorter mate who was pulling fresh ingredients from the fridge. "For Zoe and I, she was in heat for three days, but I could see her on the third day, her pheromones had settled quite a bit by then", she explained to me. 

 I pouted, "I was really hoping to go on a date with Riley, get dressed up and go somewhere nice....you know?" Sensing my disappointment Zoe rushed to my side in seconds, squeezing me into a hug then placing a cool hand on my forehead. "Well, I know its difficult but luckily your fever is going down - that's a good sign and girl, online shopping will be your best friend today". 

 Heidi's eyes widened as she gently shook Zoe where she stood beside me. "Babe, you have awful spending habits - please do not encourage our Luna to adopt those habits". Zoe tutted softly but gave in to here mate's playful teasing. "Alright fine, but she's getting a new dress - I'm picking", Zoe mumbled. "Alpha Riley left her card here in case you wanted anything at all".  

 This revelation piqued my interest as I sunk into the loose sweats and baggy hoodie even further, enjoying the playful exchange between these two mates. I couldn't wait to be like that with Riley. Soon after I zoned out into my own world, the couple were cooking some pasta for us to enjoy and I had formed a sneaky plan for when my mate came home. 

 Zoe eyed me suspiciously and elbowed Heidi to get her attention, "Babe...why is Mia smiling like that?" Heidi glanced up at me and a curious expression appeared. "Don't ask me, ask her", she hesitated. My grin grew as I rested my chin on my hand and wiggled my eyebrows. 

 "I have an idea".

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