58: Mia

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My blood continued to drip to the floor, the ground shaking beneath the cabin. I could hear small groans coming from my mate across the room and I could breathe a sigh of relief knowing she was still alive.

I felt helpless in this situation. I hadn't had enough time to practise with my power, or learn any spells or incantations to control it. As I always used to say back home, I was up shit's creek without a paddle. I needed more time.

I balled my fist and closed my eyes, trying to control my power and direct it at Lugh. I still didn't know how to control it, but I had to try something. Anything. A hushed voice murmured in my mind. It was the familiar voice of the Earth Goddess. She was trying to help me. I opened my mouth, exhaling heavily before chanting the words.

"Go dtuitfeadh an tigh ort". May your house fall upon you. My voice resonated through the room, power enveloping the words. I felt the floor shake beneath me.

The rumbling noise of the Earth shook the cabin so much the weak wooden walls began to collapse around us. I couldn't believe it had worked. Soon the whole cabin was broken on the ground, the dust flying into the cold, misty air.

Fortunately, Riley and I remained unscathed. I took the opportunity to dart towards her body, standing in front of her to protect her from any retaliation he could offer.

As he watched the walls of his home crumble around him, Lugh laughed. "Is that all you can manage? How quaint".

Fury radiated throughout my body, replacing the fiery sensation that the burning cloth had caused, and I found myself more determined than ever to show the God of War just who he was messing with.

"You have gotten away with your shit for far too long Lugh, and I am going to make sure you never have the chance to hurt anyone ever again".

His feeble appearance didn't last much longer than that, and soon his body became a disfigured blur, morphing into his true form before my eyes. He stood even taller, stockier and looked far more threatening than he had previously presented himself to be. His eyes were small and black, and greasy tendrils of black hair floated around him. I suddenly realised that getting rid of this bastard wasn't going to be as easy as it seemed. But that was okay. I was up for the challenge.

"You naive little bitch", he taunted. "I am a God. You are a mere mortal".

Panic overwhelmed my body. He did have a point. He could probably smite me down far faster than I could do any damage. My only success so far had been knocking down his house. Fear began to set in.

My eyes darted around. I now had a clear view of the fighting and carnage that surrounded us due to the collapsed cabin walls. Bodies of rogues and injured pack members from both packs littered the grass and my heart sank as I saw Don fall to his knees, his swaying body eventually dropping on top of Mike's. A piercing shriek erupted from me, tears beginning to fall as I witnessed the devastation.

This was all my fault. Everyone was here because of me. Everyone was going to die, because of me. My mind spiraled, but before I could shrink down and give up, I heard a stir behind me. My head snapped around to see Riley, pushing herself up from the rubble, looking royally pissed off. Through the ripped arm of her shirt I could see the moon markings on her arm glowing white as she stood, her hand instinctively grabbing for mine.

She stood at my side, her hand gripping my bloody fist. "You may be a God", she retorted. "But you're not invincible.

My anxieties dwindled as I watched in awe as the wound on my mate's neck disappeared. The Moon Goddess had clearly made good on her promise to help, and I said a silent thank you in my mind to her. I didn't know if I could do this on my own, but now I didn't have to. With the Moon and Earth Goddesses' support behind us, we stood a chance at taking him down.

"Well isn't that cute?" the God sneered. He gestured to the bloody battlefield around us. "You've lost. The blood of your friends and family has been spilled. I've won".

My tears dried up, and my grief was replaced by anger as I processed the wreck. I couldn't tell who was still alive, or what had happened to them. The guilt I felt resurfaced as I looked helplessly between my mate and the bodies of my loved ones scattered across the grass.

This truly was all my fault. I wasn't supposed to live this long. I was born to be a vessel, nothing more, nothing less. My life was always meant to end early. I settled my nerves, and resolved a plan in my mind. If I was to go out, I would go out swinging, protecting my mate and saving as many people as I could.

"Over my dead body, you dick". With little to no time to properly strategise, or warn my mate, I wielded the dagger once more and charged towards Lugh's large frame. Riley froze in a panic, as I swung the sharp blade.

"You think that petty thing can hurt me? Pathetic", he rasped. "You won't make it out of here alive".

"It's not meant to hurt you", I grunted. "I know I'm going down, so I'm taking you with me".

With my mind made up, I mind-linked my mate. "I'm sorry. I love you".

Lugh's taunting voice rang in my ears. "What are you doing?"

My grip on the dagger never faltered. I swung it through the air, and inhaled sharply, driving the blade towards my abdomen, piercing myself.

My mate screamed, her body frozen in place. Her shaking hands reached out towards me, but I was too far gone.

"Mia, baby, please stop".

I couldn't bring myself to look at her. My vision began to blur, but I had to carry on with my plan. I pulled the dagger out of my stomach, letting it drop to the ground with a loud clang. Blood began to run down my side.

I stumbled towards Lugh, who paused in shock at my actions, allowing the blood to spill on his feet. My body grew colder, trembling at the loss of blood. The more blood that fell, the stronger the power was. And there was a lot of blood surrounding me.

With the little strength I had left, I looked the God in the eyes and chanted.

"Go hIfreann leat a shlíomadóir iofa". Go to hell you rotten bastard.

Within seconds the earth cracked, separating me from my mate and I was soon stood on a small, isolated island of earth. I could still hear her scream as I fell to my knees before Lugh, as he scrambled away from the hole in the earth.

"You can't take me", he cried. Forcing myself to remain conscious for a bit longer, I reached out my trembling hand, causing the mud to rise. The hill rose and fell over his body, pulling him into the darkness as the earth swallowed him. His cries soon disappeared.

"I did it", I whimpered to myself. He was gone at last. I hoped he had a particularly torturous place awaiting him in the underworld. Although, I supposed I would be there too.

Finally, I looked up at my mate through tears. The ground continued to splinter open underneath me, and I knew would soon be taken by it too. Although I was sad that I would never know what kind of life we could have had together, I could make my peace with it knowing that she would carry on living.

"Goodbye", I mouthed to her, my lips trembling. The earth roared one last time, and I braced myself.

This was the end.

AAAAAAAAHHHH! Dramaaaa. We're close to the end! I think I might write one more chapter and an epilogue and that will conclude this story. I have decided to make a sequel to this book, no spoilers yet but maybe I'll tease something in the epilogue. Keep an eye out! Definitely let me know what you think of this chapter, and I hope you look forward to the next chapter. Stay safe and well you guys.


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