51: Riley

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Three days had passed since the beginning of my rut, and from the state of our bedroom and my mate it was obvious.

To my surprise, I woke up feeling refreshed and turned to see Mia's body draped in the sheets. She was coated in pink and red marks from her neck down, and although I felt guilty for causing her any sort of pain - the pride I felt seeing my marks on her made me smile. Also, she seemed to enjoy it a lot. And to ensure she healed quicker, I massaged some lotion into her skin - although the feeling of her body in my hands almost stirred me right back up again.

A small sliver of sunlight peaked through the curtain, casting a warm glow on her red hair which was cascaded around her. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I decided to let her sleep for as long as possible, knowing I exhausted her from my endless need for her the past few days. She didn't complain once. I think she enjoyed it actually; even when her voice was nearly gone and her body was weak from orgasm after orgasm.

I quietly shuffled my way out of the bed, pulling the white covers over her nearly bare body to keep out the chill, before tip toeing to the closet. My steps felt lighter, and the boost of energy I felt had me feeling extra guilty about the hardship Mia's body endured for three days.

With conflicted feelings of pride and guilt, I took a quick cold shower and threw on a clean pair of suit navy suit pants and a white shirt, setting myself up for a day of official pack business. As I exited the closet, and took one more longing stare at my beautiful mate, I quietly made my way down to the second floor to my office. The importance of the coming months weighed on me heavily, and I could still hear the Moon Goddess' affirming voice in my mind. The road ahead was going to be tough, but no matter what, I would succeed. For my pack, for my family, and mostly importantly for Mia.

I sat at the large dark mahogany desk, clearing papers to either side of me and proceeded to develop my plan. I knew that if we were going to succeed, we would need all hands on deck. And that meant calling in Don Hall and the Red Dawn pack. I knew that they would agree to assist without hesitation, but I had other reasons for calling them in.

Although Mia had adapted to life in the Moon Creek pack, it wasn't hard to tell that she missed her friends, or more like family, back in the Red Dawn pack. Just as I learned when we first met at the ball, Don had taken her in when she was at her worst and Pierre and Lucas always tried to make her laugh. I was grateful to have her by my side, but I felt some guilt for taking her away from her family.

With my mind made up, I pulled the office phone into arm's reach and dialled the familiar number without hesitation. After a few rings, my call was answered.

"I was wondering when you'd call". Don's friendly voice bellowed, and I huffed in amusement.

"And why's that?"

"Word gets around kid. So, what can I do for you, eh?"

I smiled to myself. His easy and calm manner of talking made this loaded conversation much easier.

"I need your packs assistance. I assume you know that Mia's supposed godly father Lugh is causing quite a problem for us over here".

Silence ensued, and then a hum of affirmation.

"I do happen to recall Mia's badass witchiness and several rogues and that dick Kyle trying to kill her at your mom's party. Man, they didn't stand a chance".

I uneasily recalled the imagery of blood spilling from her hand as she used her new found power. Shaking it off, I laughed, feeling the weight lift off my shoulders a bit.

"Yeah, well it's about to get even messier, let's just hope her witchiness covers our asses from here on out. So? Can I count you in?"

"Obviously bro. I've got your back, you're family now. If we go down, we go down together".

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