27: Riley (Trigger Warning)

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Please do not read if you are affected, I will be editing this story to alter this plot line - I was trying to incorporate something that happened to me, but I will just take it out! Thank you for feedback - 14 October 2022

I stared at my mate in disbelief. "What do you mean you think you know? Why didn't you say so?" Mia flopped down on the large grey couch behind her, burying her head in her hands. She was crying. I crouched down to her eye level. "Baby, talk to me", I pleaded. She took a few shaky breaths and lifted her head to look at me. "You remember when I told you about being turned?" I nodded. "Of course". My hands gripped hers. "That guy...wasn't just a stranger. Once upon a time was my best friend. His name is Kyle".

My breath caught in my throat. "Wait - hold on a second. I don't follow". Mia's tears stopped briefly as she gathered her thoughts. I moved to sit by her side, holding her body against mine for comfort. She sniffled. "I met him when I was really struggling, we had a lot in common. I saw a lot of myself in him, I mean, we both barely scraped by in school, got our hearts broken, and had somewhat of an alcohol dependency - as two troubled teenagers, we just clicked. Anytime I found myself wandering the streets when I was down, he always tracked me down to make sure I was okay".

My mate shook in my arms, choking up as she relived the memories. "He was like a brother to me. Until he wasn't. He began having insane feelings of grandeur and claimed he was "special" and constantly mocked regular people. Apparently, he saw me as pawn in whatever sick game he envisioned, planning to use me for his own benefit, dragging people into the whatever creepy life he planned. When I fought back....he lost his mind. He told me I was 'going to regret ever being born', and that he would definitely 'get revenge' for humiliating him".

My body filled with rage, I could feel my wolf wanting to hunt down the bastard and rip his throat out, but I had to calm down and be there for Mia, who looked the most vulnerable I had ever seen her.

"Can I ask...what happened after?" I asked delicately, knee bouncing to try to maintain control over my anger. A gentle hand pressed my leg down, stopping its movements and I caught her eyes. She had stopped crying for a second. "You can ask", she whispered, a pained look in her eyes. I nodded and she gripped onto me tightly. "He dragged me by the hair out of my room while I was asleep. The bastard made me walk through country roads blindfolded and barefoot, while he held a knife to my throat and then-", her emotions flooded back into her voice as she pulled at her tangled hair. "And then he left me in the frost and snow me until I blacked out..his revenge was humiliating me back...I woke up in a parking lot with a deep scratch all across my right thigh...that's what changed me". She tried to say this matter-of-factly to push down her emotions, but her tears kept spilling from her now red, glassy green eyes. "I remember he kept telling me that he would make me regret every waking moment for the rest of my life. That no matter how much running I did...he would always find me".

My heart stopped momentarily. I was so horrified that tears of my own slipped from my eyes, anger and hurt blinded me as I pulled Mia into my lap. I held her tight to me. "I am so sorry baby", I cried, burying my head in her hair, planting kisses against her head as I rocked us back and forth. Mia sobbed in my arms, her body violently shaking as she did. This broke my heart. I never asked before exactly what happened when she was turned. She was betrayed and all alone. Guilt wracked through me. Although she was thousands of miles across the world, I desperately wished I could have saved her back then. All I could do now was get my hands on the bastard and kill him myself. I would make him feel every pain imaginable.

My mate's sobs slowed and eventually stopped. She took deep inhales as she lifted her head from where it had been in the crook of my neck. She looked utterly exhausted and it killed me. "I know it was him Riley", she declared. "You have to believe me....it's him...he found me". I had no doubt in mind that she was right. "I believe you", I whispered. "We're going to find him and make him pay, I promise you". My mate nodded and sniffled with a long exhale. Without a moment of hesitation, I made the decision to recruit all combat-ready and strategists in the pack, contacting every pack member through the pack link.

Everyone, as you may have heard, an attempt was made on your Luna's life today. Although we got lucky, we believe there may be further future attempts from an obsessed rogue. I expect to see my Beta and Delta in my office first thing in the morning, and all trained and mated guards to be posted inside and outside the pack house, and around the territory starting at dawn. Everyone else will go about their business as usual but report immediately if you see anything suspicious. You will await further orders. Dismissed.

I had to come up with a plan, but seeing the fragile state that my mate was in both physically and emotionally, I let it go until the morning. "I think it's time to get you some cuddles and sleep my dear", I sighed, wrapping my arms under her legs and around her back to carry her to our room. Her eyes were already struggling to stay open as she leaned into my chest. "You're nice and warm", she mumbled tiredly. "I feel safe with you, like nothing can hurt me". A smile forced its way onto my face as I climbed up the stairs, holding my little mate. "Nothing will ever hurt you again".

Mia hummed in response, a tired smile obvious on her face. Her resilience astounded me. This girl had just been shot by an obsessed stalker who did unimaginable things to her, but here she was opening her heart to me as if it had never been broken. It was one of the many things I adored about her. We made it to our room in a few seconds, the lights were already dimmed and the sheets had been changed to soft fleece. With my wolf heat, this would be crazy to sleep in, but I was well aware that my mate enjoyed being cozy and warm. I placed her down on her feet just beside the bed, facing the closets. "Let's get you comfortable", I suggested, picking some sweatpants and a baggy shirt from my closet to wear. With tired eyes and a weak body, she struggled to change, so I helped as gently as I could, guiding her legs and arms into the clothing before throwing a shirt on myself.

After some pained groans, she was finally ready for bed, swimming in my black sweatpants and red shirt. "I don't think I have ever been this tired in my life", she yawned, crawling carefully into bed with me, pulling the fluffy sheets up to her neck as she buried her head in my chest. I chuckled lightly, glad that she had bounced back from how troubled she was telling me her story. I wrapped my arm around her waist, careful not to touch anywhere near her injury. "Could you turn on a movie? Just until I fall asleep?" My mate asked shyly. My eyes looked down at her, only her head visible from outside the blanket. "Of course I can".

Pulling the TV controller into my hand, I quickly turned on her favorite. Tangled. It wasn't long before I heard her steady breaths, her hand gripping my shirt in her fist. She was peacefully asleep in my arms. I loved touching her at any time of the day, but seeing her comfort while I held her in her sleep had my wolf purring in satisfaction. Everything felt so right. I stayed admiring the beauty in my arms for about half of the movie, running up and down her soft cheek. Tiredness finally began to set in for me, it must have been three or four in the morning. I set the TV to continue playing random movies for the rest of the night and turned off the lights, settling down for a few hours of sleep, with my mate pressed against me.

I knew when I woke up it would be pandemonium, but for now, we were in our own little world, wrapped up in the comfort of each other. And I was okay with that.

Heyyy another update! So the plot thickensssss what do you think? I would appreciate any and all feedback in the comments guys I hope you enjoyed did! Stay safe and well! Thank you

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