38: Riley

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 In two seconds flat, the chaos around me had turned into a stunned silence. I was stood staring at Mia with a mix of feelings; mostly proud (a little turned on) - but also shocked, and a little bit horrified at the gash she had left on her bloody hand. She tilted her head with a grin. My mate just sent a man to the pits of hell. I just watched the ground eat him. What. The. Fuck. "Well then, who's next?" I could smell the fear in the air, these dumb pups were afraid. Good to know. They scrambled away, their paws slipping in the mud in a frenzy. All it took was a few drops of blood hitting the damp grass, and they were swept away into the quaking earth, whimpering and howling as the crevice closed. Everyone stood in shock.

 I heard a snort come from the smashed patio door. All eyes spun to see Lucas, doubled over laughing, clutching his bruised ribs as he did so. He came up for air as Pierre and Don approached him, patting him on the back, glad to see him still alive and kicking. I let out a breath of relief too.  "Oh shit, I'm so glad I didn't miss that", he laughed, pinching the bridge of his nose. My mom came running towards the now calm backyard, her hair just as wild as mine, and tossed me sweatpants and a t-shirt. I threw them on hastily and shot her a grateful look as she nodded towards us, looking curious as to what just happened. We caught the witch, she informed me through the mind link. I let out a relieved sigh. What happened here? I shook my head. 

I'll fill you in later, I promise. My mom rolled her eyes, examined the remnants of the patio door, and strolled back into the kitchen. A lighthearted mood settled over us, but that quickly faded for me when I saw my mate wobble and stumble in the corner of my eye. My head spun around just in time to watch her crumple to the ground, her knees buckling under her weight. My wolf whimpered and I immediately ran to her side, bending down to check her for injuries. The knife finally dropped from her hand. She tiredly brushed loose hair from her face and swatted at the air. 

 "I'm fine, I'm all good - just a bit wobbly", she mumbled, sighing. She looked pale and I could see bruises and scratches all over her legs, the cut on her hand gushing blood. I assumed it was making her dizzy. My heart hurt seeing my mate like this and I knew it hurt her friends too. I pulled her up by her arm and she swayed into my side. "Next time, maybe a little paper cut will do - I went all out didn't I?" Mia laughed at herself and we all let the tension leave our bodies. She was definitely okay if she was still joking around. My arm wound around her waist and I made sure to support her body weight as we slowly walked towards the group of our friends who also looked pretty beat up. 

 "Come on guys, time to get checked out". We walked through the dark, battered house and through the open front door, seeing pack members standing around outside their homes and our guests starting to wander out of the venue. My eyes searched the crowd for my dad. I knew as Alpha I should really be doing damage control, but all I wanted to do was make sure my mate was safe and keep her close to me. My eyes met my dad's familiar brown ones. He stood guiding people out of the venue - he was already doing my job for me. I made a mental note to properly thank him in the morning but continued towards the infirmary just across from the pack house. Mia shivered in my arms, the shock wearing off and the cold nipping at her mostly bare figure as we entered the infirmary, seeing Dan waiting for us inside the door. 

 "Alpha, I need to take a look at your wounds", he decided, pulling on latex gloves and ushering us into a separate room. He looked worn out but dove straight into his work. 

 "I'm fine, I already started to heal - take a look at Mia though", I insisted, bouncing my leg nervously as I looked at her. She shook her head trying to sit me on the bed, but once Dan saw the bloody footprints her feet had made on the cold tile, he took a closer look at her. 

 "Oh wow, oh, okay", he mumbled in disbelief. My tired mate gave in to our prodding and sat on the bed, whimpering as she winced in pain. Her fingers came up to her neck, it was laced in black and purple bruises, the sight filled me with rage. She took a few panicked breaths and I saw tears well up in her eyes. All my wolf and I wanted was to see her smiling and healthy again, but I knew she was only starting to process what had happened - she would need support and a lot of cuddles. She looked at me, struggling to hold back tears. 

 "This fucking hurts", she choked, letting her head fall back onto the bed as Dan checked her over. I held her uninjured hand tightly and pursed my lips anxiously, hoping to get her cleaned up and comfortable soon. I pushed back my wild and tangled hair, not even wanting to see what sort of state I was in.

 "I know baby, it's going to be okay", I assured her, leaning down to press a kiss on her temple. I was hoping that she would heal just as fast as she did last time, but she was banged up all over so I pushed that to the back of my mind. She sighed, a single tear rolling out of her eye as her wounds got disinfected. 

 "All the cuts are superficial, your feet are pretty torn up but they'll heal quickly - the cut on your hand will take longer though", Dan informed her, wrapping her hand in thick white gauze. We both nodded quietly as he finished up. "You really got lucky, your body has been through a lot, rest lots and eat well and I think you should be okay". 

 "Thanks Dan", Mia mumbled, holding her arms out to me. I helped her back off the bed and suddenly her arms were around my waist, her head digging into my chest as Dan left the room. I could sense her emotions bubbling to the surface, and felt my own doing the same. I really thought I was going to lose her for a while there, it scared the life out of me. I shuddered, but my mate quickly pulled me out of my thoughts. Her cheek pressed into me.

 "You're not wearing a bra", her voice came, muffled by her head on my chest. "Mmmm". Her delirious exhaustion led to me bursting into fits of laughter at her frankness. She pulled away from her and frowned. I shot her a wink, to which she rolled her eyes. I was glad to see her personality wasn't dampened from the pain. 

 "Babe you're not wearing a bra either", I argued flirtatiously. "Or underwear for that matter". I smiled down at my mate as she proceeded to hobble out the door, my hand reaching out and squeezing her butt as she did. Her hand swatted mine away and I held back another fit of laughter, as I stepped forward and swept her into my arms. We fell into a comfortable silence, her arms wrapped around my neck whilst I carried her out of the infirmary. The sun was already coming up at this point, so I continued towards the pack house to see if we could crash in our room for a few hours. 

 The muscles in my body ached and I felt overcome with exhaustion as I stepped into the house. Thankfully, it looked mostly cleaned up. Pack members piled into each room fixing it up and I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for this. I hesitated, tempted to offer my assistance, but knew Mia needed me, and I really needed her. "Time for bed", I whispered to my mate who was practically asleep in my arms. I began making my way up the stairs, my knees aching like an old woman's, begging me to stop. A snort came from behind me. 

 "Need some help there, Alpha?" Mike joked, passing me as he jogged to his office. I smirked. 

 "Shut up or I'll stick my foot so far up your ass it comes out your mouth". With that, he closed his door and I continued climbing up the stairs to our room. It was pretty much fixed up, only missing a few paintings on the grey walls, which we could live without. I placed Mia down on the bed gently, her already sleeping figure curling into a ball on the soft sheets. My back was crying out from the bruises and cuts that covered it and I took in a deep breath, staring at the torn-up black dress that barely covered her body.

 "Okay, baby, time to get you changed for bed". 

Hey guyssss, a little bit of a calmer chapter this time. I struggled to find time to write this, I have been so so so so busy, butttt I managed to get it done in the end. I hope it's okay and that you guys enjoy, as usual let me know what you think in the comments, I appreciate any and all feedback! Thank you so much for your continued support! Stay safe and well!

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