53: Mia

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Despite the fact that I was functioning off of little to no sleep, I couldn't contain my excitement surrounding the upcoming party. All of my treasured friends and family were in one place, ready to get absolutely fucked up and then stand beside in what I presumed would be the toughest battle of my life.

I pushed the supernatural troubles to the back of my mind, deciding to focus on the present time. Ellen had set up the kitchen, the dining room and the common areas with trays and trays of snacks and appetizers; however my attention drifted to the countless ice buckets filled with bottles of beer, wine and champagne. I would definitely be circling back to those.

With my mate at my side, we swiftly moved through the house to the garden where several picnic tables sat on the grass, with the newly installed outdoor kitchen and barbeque area only a few feet away. I could already smell the food, and my heart swelled with happiness as I saw my old pack members, and new pack members engaged in friendly conversations at each table.

Riley's hand squeezed my side as she placed a peck to my temple. "I'm gonna go help my dad with the food, why don't you go catch up with everyone for a bit?"

I smiled, pressing a kiss to her lips. "You sure?" She nodded and let go of my body, giving me one last squeeze before she strolled over to Ray, who looked to be in his element at the grill. I just hoped he wouldn't singe any facial hair off again.

I turned my attention to the picnic table closest to me, where Don, Pierre and Lucas sat, all three had ice cold beer's in their hands. With a slightly dramatic interruption on my part, I sat beside Don and placed my hands on the table as if I was trying to start a meeting.

"So what have I missed?"

Don shot a fiery glare at the other two, who looked between each other with a mixture of amusement and fear on their faces. I could tell they were using the mind link, that I was no longer able to use with them, as I was no longer part of their pack.

I slapped Don's shoulder and he shot me a slightly annoyed look.

"Oi, spill the beans".

Before he could even open his mouth, my dearest Lucas jumped at the opportunity to inform me of what was going on.

"We don't have any gossip per say", he began. "But we do have some information you may enjoy hearing".

I wiggled my eyebrows, leaning on my elbows.

"Riley's ex has joined the Red Dawn".

I froze. My eyes looking for any falsehood in their eyes.

Don sighed. "Look, I was going to tell you. I don't think it was serious between them, and for the record I didn't know before hand".

My hand snapped forward, pulling the cold beer from Lucas' hand and raised it to my lips.

Pierre hummed in agreement. "That's true, also we think she could be Don's mate".

With that shocker, I spat out the beer, earning laughter from the two across from me. Don's head fell to the table with a thud.

"Man, you said you wouldn't tell her - you guys are dead". My anxiety turned to curiosity.

"What do you mean you think? I thought mates meeting was a pretty instant feeling?"

Don let out a hefty groan and tossed his half empty beer bottle at the two across from him who responded with undignified shrieks.

"Listen Squishy. She's not really my type. Mate's don't always end up instantly in love like you and Riley".

I hummed to myself. My curiosity as to what Riley's ex was like was immediately overwhelmed by the news that she could be Don's mate. I didn't really know anything about my mate's past relationships. She only told me that they were more like friendships between two lonely people.

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