47: Riley

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The months since I met Mia, my beloved mate, had been enlightening, to say the least. Only a short while ago I had become responsible for hundreds of people's safety, livelihoods, and families. I was alone, scared, and I felt the most powerless I had felt in my life. And then I found her. My mate, my other half - my reason for waking each day and the one who I see right before I close my eyes to sleep. It may sound crazy, but despite the several near-death experiences and the terrifying predicament we had found ourselves in, as long as she was by my side, I was perfectly content. All I wanted - all my wolf wanted was to protect our omega, but with what lay ahead of us, I struggled to see how that would be possible.

My thoughts eventually settled. Sleep came to me more swiftly than I thought it would, but it didn't stop me from being aware of the thrashing and pained hums coming from the body beside me. Mia was talking in her sleep, her usually smooth brow was tight in a frown and despite my best efforts, I couldn't wake her. The room was silent other than the sound of the howling breeze, a sound I usually welcomed - but tonight it was different. Its eerie whispers rang through the room, and my blood ran cold. Something wasn't right.

The blue cast of the full moon did little to help me see, but thanks to the acuteness of my senses, I could see every corner of the room in stark clearness. My mate's fingers clutched the duvet beside her as she whimpered, and although her presence was the only one I could see, I could tell we were no longer alone.

As the howling wind grew stronger, rattling the glass panes in the window, Mia shot up in a cold sweat, her arms quickly tightening around my waist - she was freezing. The wolf within me screamed to protect our omega at any cost. The room went dark.

I couldn't see anything, it was sheer darkness, and the chilling atmosphere grew heavier as if frost had descended over us. All I could hear at that moment was the racing heart and panting breaths coming from my mate. And then we heard a voice

"Oh darling, I don't mean to alarm you", a warm voice whispered. "I am your ally, your greatest asset, surely you know who I am".

The taunting voice sounded eerily familiar to me, but I did not allow it to phase me. I was determined to protect my mate, my family, and my pack and live up to my Alpha title, even if it killed me.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

A white light began to settle over the room, I could finally see again, but I wasn't prepared to see the sight before me. My mate's body shivered as she lay unconscious beside me, her head burrowed in my lap and her delicate hand still clutching my shirt. Just beyond the foot of the bed, a woman draped in silks of all shades of white and blue stood; only one piercing blue eye was visible from under her long locks of pitch-black hair.

"Fret not my dear, she is just in a slumber, I bring no ill will to either of you...actually I am quite intrigued".

My heart pounded in my ears, as I pulled Mia into me protectively. "If you mean no harm, then tell me who you are".

Silence descended, and then a chuckle. "I go by many names my dear", she laughed lightly. The menacing presence lifted slightly, but I remained vigilant.

"Some call me Diana, others know me by Cerridwen....or Selene as you may know me".

I stiffened. "You", I spat. "You're the moon goddess?" My thoughts all but imploded, and more light and warmth poured into the room, allowing me to see Mia gradually settling into a comfortable - even peaceful sleep.

I looked back at the tall woman. "Why are you here, all of the packs I have ever known have never been visited by you, why us?"

The weight of the bed shifted, as Selene perched on the end, the light following her as she did. "My dear, you are special", she hummed. "And so is that mate of yours, in all my eons I have never come across a pair more loving and perfect for each other than you two".

I softened, the goddess who I had been raised to worship and honor all my life had finally come to me in my hour of need. Very unexpected, but very welcome - especially now.

"I don't mean to overstep, but I'm guessing you're here to talk to me about Lugh". Selene's eyes drooped and settled on Mia.

"I used to know Lugh", she sighed, tracing her finger over my mate's sleeping face. "He was brilliant, always ready to fight for justice, always level-headed....and then he changed, all that is left of the old Lugh is this girl right here, she is special".

"We don't know if he has ill intent or simply wants to reconnect with his daughter, but we can't assume anything right now", I admitted. Our eyes met, with the same steely determination. "We need your help. I need your help".

Selene slowly lifted her thick locks from her face, a small smile on her face. I could finally see the rest of her face. Complementing the steely blue eye, was one that shone as silver as the moon in a summer sky. Those eyes captured me as they looked upon me with sadness.

 "I'm aware of that fact dearest, and I will be with you when you need me the most - but for now there is not much I can do for you". 

My eyes began to well up, months' worth of tears threatening to spill, but I held them in. "Thank you", I sniffled, letting a small laugh out. "This is kind of insane, you're actually real". A cold hand grazed my cheek. 

"Of course I am real darling", Selene laughed heartily. "And I will always be with you, I chose you for a reason". 

Chose me? I had no clue what she meant, but with exhaustion creeping up on me I couldn't find the energy to speak anymore. The need within me to be on guard dissipated as the goddess pulled her silks with her off the bed, leaving my mate and I huddled together. She shot me a dazzling smile and as the tension drifted from my body, she disappeared into the night, leaving me with nothing but a memory.

And a mark.

Hey guys, I apologiseeee this chapter probably isn't great but I am still getting back into the habit of writing so if this is really bad please forgive me, I am not feeling super confident about my writing at the moment, but hopefully by the summer I can write better content for you all! I need opinions also! Would you guys like me to conclude this story in one book/story or would you like to see a second book/story with Riley and Mia? Let me know what you think of that, and this chapter! Stay safe as always you lovely people, I will be back soon!


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