10: Riley

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 Having Mia in my room, our room was already filling me and my wolf with joy - but I knew sleeping beside me would leave me with a lot of frustration in the morning. After pulling her off the big bed she had flopped on, I pulled her over to my closet. "You can take my clothes until yours get here tomorrow babe", I hummed as she leaned against me sleepily. 

 I motioned for her to take her pick at the full closet and with a quick look at me, she shyly picked out a large black t-shirt and some gym shorts that matched. "These look comfortable", she commented. "I'll go change in the bathroom, just come out when you're ready", I informed her as I picked up a white shirt and grey sweatpants and headed across the room. As much as I would love to see her body, I respected her privacy until she felt ready to show me. 

 I entered the bathroom, quietly shutting the door and leaning against it, taking in shallow breaths, pushing my long brown hair out of my face. The moment had finally arrived. I would have my mate in my arms, in my bed. Nothing could beat this feeling. Once my thoughts began to slow down I changed out of my restrictive suit and into the comfortable clothes, leaving my crumpled suit on a chair just outside the bathroom. 

 The sight before me stopped me in my tracks. Mia had already changed and gotten into the large bed, lying curled up in the middle of the bed with her lips slightly parted, her red hair flowing over the pillows, and her eyelashes casting tiny shadows on her cheeks. She was already asleep. I smiled to myself as I took in the perfection before me, a little sad I couldn't talk to her more - but more so glad that she felt comfortable and safe here. 

 Shaking myself out of my trance, I quietly tiptoed over to the right side of the bed, sliding in behind my mate and wrapping my arms around her soft body. The feeling was incredible. As soon as I had settled behind her, one arm under her neck and the other around her waist, she began to toss and turn. 

 In two breathless seconds, I found myself on my back with Mia curled up against me, her head nuzzled into my chest, leg intertwined with mine, and hand gripping the shoulder of my t-shirt. My heart quickened and I fought back laughter at the sight of her asleep on me. She was far too cute. Soon though, my eyes grew heavy and I gave in to the incomparable comfort and security I was feeling and joined my mate in the land of dreams. 

 The sun shone through the slivers between the curtains when I found myself awake, laying in the same position I had fallen asleep in - Mia still tucked in at my side. The watch on my wrist told me it was only 8.30 am and I didn't want to move in fear of waking her, knowing she could use some extra sleep.

 I took this opportunity to admire her peaceful face. Although she wasn't wearing that perfect smile of hers, she looked happy, content. Moving some loose strands of hair out of her face, I saw her stir a bit and held my breath for a few seconds as she began to blink awake. "Good morning my love", she whispered flashing a little grin at me. "Good morning babe, sleep well?" I asked hopefully.

 With that she rolled onto her back, leaving me feeling a slight chill as she stretched out her body. "Best sleep I've ever had", she confessed. I could only smile at her response, as she sat up to face me. "Time to welcome you home I guess", I beamed. With excitement evident on her face, my mate jumped out of the bed and ran to my side, eager to drag me up with her as I flopped on the bed in protest. 

 In fits of laughter, we both made our way to the closet to get ready for her first day in the pack. I had heard her luggage be delivered right to my door last night, so as she stretched the sleep out of her body I ran to grab it, placing four large suitcases in her ready and waiting closet. "Well that was quick", she marveled. Nothing less than the best for my mate, of course. "Everything you need should be in your closet or the bathroom, but if you need anything please just let me know", I remarked as I watched her curves disappear into the next room hearing an understanding hum in response. 

 Knowing I had to dress classy but still comfortable enough to show Mia around, I settled on some houndstooth checkered pants and a loose white t-shirt tucked in, paired with some white sneakers. Once I was satisfied, I crossed the room into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, fixing my messy hair and leaving it to cover my back as usual. I was finishing up just as my mate came into view in the mirror. My hands gripped the marble counter and my jaw almost dropped at the sight. 

 My perfect little mate had settled on some skin-tight baby blue gym shorts with a matching long sleeve shirt cropped at the waist exposing her midriff slightly and some white chunky sneakers. I wasn't expecting this view at all. The outfit hugged her body line perfectly, accentuating every curve and as my eyes ran over her body in the mirror I felt my mind venturing off into very heated thoughts. 

 I just wanted to bend her over and fuck her on every surface possible, hear her moan my name and my wolf was urging me to just take her - but it wasn't the time for that. Slowly pacing over to face her as she fixed her hair in a tight bun, I put my hands on her waist and almost let out a growl at the feel of her skin in my hands. 

 Biting her lip at my growl, her breath began to quicken. She made quick work of her hair and then reached her arms around my neck, pulling me down to her level and pressing her soft lips on mine in a passionate kiss. I could tell she was feeling the same intensity I was. 

 Her small hands moved to grip my shoulders as she moaned into the kiss and I loved the feeling of her lips on mine, our desire for each other growing by the second as our hearts raced against each other's chests. I could feel my wolf wanting to take over, to take her then and there so I savored the feeling for one second longer and pulled away from those addictive lips. 

 "Fuck you are so perfect", I sighed. "I can't get enough of you, but, if we keep this up we'll be busy doing something else instead of your welcome tour". I saw her breath catch for a second at my implication and she quickly shook it off. "Maybe we can get busy after the welcome party...maybe", she hinted with a cheeky smile. Goddess, she is going to drive me insane. 

 "I would absolutely love that", I confessed, taking her hand in mine as I stared into her kind gray eyes. "But I suppose we have places to be and people to see for the moment, so let's get going, my Luna".

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