40: Mia (18+)

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I didn't initially set out to tease Riley. I really didn't, but when I saw her figure covered in sweat, muscles bulging under the sun I couldn't help myself. She looked like the Moon Goddess' most perfect creation and I struggled to hold back my desire. It was burning hot outside, something my pale Irish ass could never get used to. I much preferred the winter, so I could wrap up in layers upon layers of cosy blankets. I was afraid to even put my pinky toe in the sun for a second because I knew how easily I burned.

I remained under the cool shade of a massive oak tree a little distance from where Riley, Mike, Joey and the pack warriors were sparring. Riley had already knocked her Beta and Delta on their asses without even breaking a sweat and what she had said to me through the mind link had me rubbing my thighs together to relieve the throbbing in my core. My fingers pulled at the hem of my denim shorts, picking at the threads to distract my mind from my lust - it wasn't that long ago that we had sex but now that I had a taste of her dominance, I craved it constantly.

I gathered myself and strolled closer to the clearing, deciding to tease my big bad Alpha to see whether she would break or not. My fading red hair blew around and I felt grateful for the slight breeze that kept me from melting under the harsh sun, as I stopped under another tree, leaning my back against the bark, my hands tucked behind me. My mate was currently engaged in another sparring session, her shirtless body and prominent abs making me almost drool.

Her gaze pierced into me, her eyes dark and jaw tensed as she pinned both men to the ground with little effort and stood, her stance remaining like that of an intimidating Alpha. It really got me going. I pushed off the tree, strolling over to her, looking up at her with the most innocent looking I could manage. Upon seeing me, the pack warriors stopped what they were doing to greet their Luna, which I was still getting used to.

One particularly enthusiastic wolf wore a beaming grin and determined expression. "Good morning Luna", he cheered, taking my hand in his and kissing the back of it. "I'm glad to see you're okay and looking radiant as always". I pursed my lips, holding my laughter back. This guy must have been a pup not too long ago, he looked pretty young even though he was massive. He wasn't the only one staring at me though. I stumbled over my words.

"Ehm oh thanks", I mumbled. I furrowed my eyebrows as I realised he was staring me up and down like I was a piece of meat. So much for being a respected Luna. Riley's anger radiated off her as her eyes drifted to his hands clutching mine and back at him. In two seconds flat she had grabbed him by the collar, pulling him away from me with a growl. She pushed my body behind her.

"Don't you dare look at my mate that way again", she barked at him, her breath coming out heavy and ragged as she raged at him. I shouldn't have been as turned on as I was at the situation, but oh well. She turned to address the group. "If I catch any of you fuckers eyeing up your Luna like this shithead right here, you'll answer to me, do I make myself clear?"

The boy, who I'd now heard was named Charlie, struggled against my mate's grip, almost whimpering. Riley let out a guttural growl as she turned back to him, contemplating his punishment. Although I didn't like how he looked at me, I felt bad for the kid. My hand reached for her bicep, giving a gentle tug. Her eyes flickered to me, shifting between black and gold, her wolf begging to come out.

"It's okay my love", I whispered calmly to her. "Let's give the kid another chance, yeah?" Although she clearly didn't like this idea, she listened to me and pushed Charlie away, her eyes never leaving mine. Her arm snaked around my waist, pulling me into her body tightly before her lips smashed against mine with passion. This took me by surprise, she had never been this affectionate in front of her warriors, but I liked her possessiveness, a lot. Her tongue slipped into my mouth and I held back a moan. She pulled away from me a bit too soon for my liking and leaned her forehead against mine.

"You're mine", she breathed lowly, her now golden eyes hungrily taking in the sight of my body. My breath caught in my throat as her aura radiated onto me and my cheeks flushed. Riley turned to her warriors, her hand running down my back to grab my ass. I jumped, my eyes widening as she caught me off guard. "Anyone of you bastards touches as much as the hair on the top of her head, you'll know what real suffering is - she is mine. Dismissed". Within seconds the now anxious warriors went their separate ways, leaving Joey and Mike rolling their eyes at my mate and walking further into the forest, preparing to shift for a run.

That left us alone in the clearing, my mate's breath fanning my ear and leaving shivers down my back as she attached her lips to my neck, sucking hard until a dark purple bruise formed. "I don't want to see any other bruises but mine on your body". I nodded in a daze, my cheeks burning and my core aching when more. I let my eyes lock into hers.

"Yes, Alpha". She stepped closer to me, our bodies flush together and grabbed my chin with her hand. 

 "Don't fucking test me Mia", she demanded. "I mean it". Her roughness sent sparks to my core and I felt how wet I was standing there. I wanted her to fuck me around and show me I was hers and only hers. I wanted it so bad. My desire took over and I looked up at her with half-lidded eyes. 

 "I'm soaking wet", I hummed, moving her hand from my chin to wrap it around my neck. "I'm pretty sure everyone can smell it". That seemingly was enough to push my mate over the edge as seconds later the world was upside down and I was thrown effortlessly over her broad shoulder as she marched back to the packhouse. Her arm held me securely in place while she skipped every second step, leaping up the stairs, still giving off an intimidating aura. I loved it. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as I thought about what she was going to do to me. 

 I was pulled from my spicy imagination by my weight being thrown, and I found myself laying on the bed, scrambling towards the headboard as Riley stood at the bottom of the bed, staring down at me. "Come here", she ordered. I hesitated. "Now". I hurried to the end of the bed, kneeling in front of her, my hands resting on my thighs. She grabbed my chin once more, pulling my eyes up to hers. "You look awful timid now, hm? Cat got your tongue?" I bit my lip in anticipation. 

 "No", I answered back. Clearly, this was not the answer my mate wanted. Her body leaned over me and I lay back on the bed as she got closer to me, crawling over my figure like she was a predator and I was her prey. My hand slid down her bare abs, into her sweats to find she wasn't wearing underwear underneath. I let out a soft moan, letting my fingers trail to her core before her large hand grabbed both of my wrists, pinning them on either side of my head. 

 "Not a chance. You think you can walk around like that, tits out, with your pretty little nipples on show?" Her wolf was taking over and I could see the lust in her eyes as she used her free hand to push my shirt up my chest, tugging at one of my exposed nipples. I arched into her with another moan, relishing the contact. "You think I didn't see all those wolves staring at you in almost nothing? You think that they couldn't smell you?" Her voice got louder and angrier, although I wasn't afraid for a second. The thrill rushing through me was everything I had wanted and more. 

 "I'm yours", I sighed breathlessly, whilst she leaned down, taking one nipple in her mouth and rolling the other in her finger. My underwear was probably soaked. She bit lightly and pulled away. 

 "You're damn fucking right you are. And we're not leaving this room until the whole pack knows it - let them hear your pretty little moans for me". I shivered in delight as she tore my clothing off my body, leaving me naked underneath her. 

 "Look how wet you are for me", she moaned pushing my legs apart. I could feel my juices flowing out of me, my pussy begging for relief. Riley paused and looked at me with a smirk. 

 "I'm going to fuck you senseless now, you better be ready, princess".

Soooo this is a very spicy chapter. I quite enjoyed writing this, to be really honest. I hope you guys enjoyed I loved seeing all the comments on the last few chapters so please make sure to leave your thoughts in the comments so I can interact with you all! I appreciate any and all feedback on this story and I hope you continue to enjoy it! Stay safe and well!

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