5: Mia

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 It didn't take long to feel my excitement take over. I all but dragged Riley through the house and out to the garden, away from the hustle and bustle of the ball inside. She was so polite to offer me her arm as we walked and the moment I touched her my whole body felt light and weightless. We sat facing each other on one of the many benches in the garden, the evening sky setting above us. 

As soon as she took a seat beside me she took a sharp breath, "I'm sorry but I just can't wait to hear everything about you, Mia, don't leave me hanging". Her words caught me off guard a little but I felt her genuine curiosity immediately. I took a sip from my glass and steadily put it down, looking at her warm eyes with a beaming smile. 

 "So then, Riley, where would you like me to start?" I inquired. Her eyes never left me, as she rested one arm on the back of the bench, the other holding her glass. "Hmm", she sighed looking back in at the party, "I suppose for now we only have time for the basics, Alpha duties, and whatnot". 

"Okay then", I agreed. "I'm twenty-one, I'm basically a caretaker around here, I help out in any way I can, ehm, I've been part of this pack for four years - basically since I became a wolf". She stopped suddenly as she raised her glass to her lips and quickly furrowed her brow and looked at me. "Since you became a wolf?" She queried. I giggled at her confusion and took in the expression on her tanned skin. 

 "Yeah, surprise, I wasn't born into the pack. I was turned by a rogue who fled to Ireland, trying to start his own pack when I was sixteen, made it into the pack at seventeen and I've been here since", I confessed, moving the layers of my heavy skirt to keep me covered.

 "Okay, so...I could tell you weren't from here, duh, the accent - but how does that work? I've heard of people being turned before, but you moved all the way here, why did you leave?" She slid closer to me, curiosity written all over her perfect face as she shook her long dark brown hair behind her. Her strong brown eyes burned into mine as I sighed, understanding her confusion.

 "After I was turned my behavior was pretty erratic, my family thought my mental state was getting worse than it was when I was younger and I just couldn't put this whole supernatural load on their shoulders...so I faked my death and came here to look for help, I found Don and he instantly understood my position, so he took me in and I've been trying to repay him since".

 Her lips parted in shock and she looked up and down at me trying to process the information. "So you were human...you had a whole life before this?" She asked quietly. I could see a hint of sadness for me in her eyes and my wolf whined, I didn't want to see that. "Sure I did, but, I mean I was like a cat...pardon the obvious joke there, it's almost like I had eight lives before, I did a lot with the time I had at home, but I'm better off here - this is my life now and I'm happy".

 Before I could even finish I felt a warm hand cover my own and looked down to see Riley's hand wrapping mine up, fitting perfectly. Looking up, I stared into her eyes and shook myself out of my trance, "Okay, your turn - I wanna hear all about you".

 Riley laughed and groaned at the same time. I wanted to learn more about her, and hear more of her voice that warmed my soul instantly. "I'm nineteen, almost twenty", she started. I interrupted with a laugh, "Into older women so?" She laughed with me and continued, "I was born into another pack but once my uncle Alpha James died, I was given the position as Alpha of the Moon Creek pack. They were a mess, and I couldn't leave them - so I packed up and moved a year ago, and ever since I've been trying to make a better home for everyone...and trying to find my Luna".

 Her eyes shifted to our now joined hands and back up at me as she finished. My words failed me as she yet again picked up my hand and placed a soft kiss on it. My heart quickened and I'm sure she could tell, as a smile appeared on her lips. Without another chance to speak, footsteps quickly approached us and I heard Riley emit a low growl as we both looked to see her Beta and Delta Mike and Joey approach us.

 Joey held up his hands with a knowing look on his face. "Okay, okay", he yelped. "Alpha, I know you're just getting to know your mate but packs are asking to meet you, like now". I could tell he didn't want to be the bearer of bad news, but my heart sank a little knowing she had duties to undertake. Throwing back the last of her champagne and throwing both of our empty glasses to her two men, Riley looked at me sadly.

 "Mia I'm so sorry, I promise I'll come to find you as soon as I'm done doing the rounds", she whined. "It's okay don't apologize we have all the time in the world, Alpha", I assured her. Her face grew dark and she squeezed my hand, "Mia, you don't ever need to call me Alpha". Giggling back at her I nodded in understanding.

 A breeze came rustling through the bushes surrounding us and I began to notice the cold nipping at my bare arms and shoulders - Riley seemed to notice too. In two fluid motions, she had taken off her jacket and draped it around me. I sighed with contentment at the warmth and the scent surrounding me. "Thank you", I mumbled happily.

With another urging glance from Mike and Joey, I stood up, close beside my mate as she placed her hand on the small of my back and guided me back inside to the party. Mike and Joey followed behind us and as we stood at the edge of the ballroom they both gave me friendly smiles. "Sorry my lady, we will return her to you as soon as possible", Mike spoke understandingly. "I look forward to that, thank you Mike, Joey". 

 Turning one last time to Riley, looking up at her as she towered over me, she gave me a small wink causing me to blush instantly. "I will be back before you know it, until then please enjoy your ball", she hummed, walking away from me hesitantly. 

 Once she disappeared into the crowd along with her men, I giggled and hurried over to my own three musketeers - excited to tell them just how wonderful my mate is. I just really hoped time would speed up around me, I was already missing the feeling of my hand in hers. I found her, my mate.

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