50: Mia (18+)

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I wasn't usually a glutton for punishment, but I suppose this was an exception. Riley's body hovered over me, leaving kisses, bites and hickeys everywhere in her wake. Her unusually rough treatment today hurt just a little, but that's what made it feel so good. The pain of her teeth on my skin, or the hickeys she was leaving instantly turned to pleasure.

I took my bottom lip between my teeth to silence the moans that were threatening to spill. Her fingers brushed my cheek as her dark hair fell around her.

"You can be as loud as you want baby, no one else is in this house right now". I released my lip, as she sat up, admiring all the red marks from my neck down to my thighs. She hadn't done much but I was already breathless.

"What do you mean no one else is here?" My hands reached up and I linked our fingers together as I stared at her, in her basketball shorts and a loose fitting t-shirt. She quickly pulled the shirt from her body giving me the perfect opportunity to gawk at her abs. Her voice drew my stare back to her face, which now wore a proud smirk.

"I told them all to get lost", she explained. "So I could fuck you everywhere and anywhere I want".

Her words made my legs clench together, and I forgot how to breathe as she stared at my naked body below her. My skin was on fire and all I wanted was her touch.

As if she sensed my impatience she leaned over me, pulling my wrists above my head with one hand, and using the other to play with my nipple. I moaned softly.

"You are mine". Damn right I was, she could have her way with me anytime, anywhere and I would enjoy every last second of it.

My eyes shut in pleasure as her finger slid down and circled my clit slowly a few times. I could tell I was already dripping wet, and the pain of desire was swelling inside me, craving release.

"Fuck yes I am yours".

The movement of her finger stopped and I groaned at the loss of contact. "Keep your eyes closed until I tell you to".

I did as she said. I wasn't always a fan of being dominated, but that change when I found my mare. The way Riley was looking at me, as if I was her prey immediately sent a heat throughout my body, and I found myself wanting her to make a mess of me. I wanted her to fuck me until I cried, to cover my body in her marks and to show me who was the boss in the bedroom. I wanted it - or more accurately, I needed it.

My mind was clouded with desire, and after a few seconds, I heard her breath near me again and yelped with surprise as she pulled me to the end of the bed with minimal effort.

"Good girl, you can open your eyes".

I blinked my eyes open and was very pleased with the sight before me. Riley stood, completely naked at the foot of the bed, with a strap-on secured to her hips, her luscious tanned skin accentuating her toned muscles from her biceps to her abs, to her thighs. I briefly gazed at the new mark covering her forearm.

"Like what you see?"

I nodded, at a loss for words while she traced the tip down my wetness as I watched, hoping for her to plunge into me. She stopped abruptly, and I looked up at her with a frown.

"Why are you stopping?" Her expression remained dazed with desire.

"You didn't ask nicely".

My frustration was soon replaced by the overwhelming need for relief I felt, and I gave in. I definitely was willing to beg.

"Will you fuck me until I cry and beg you stop? Please?" Her eyes widened and and I sensed that I had made a tiny mistake. I was definitely going to be sore.

My mate slammed into me, and as she had already loosened me up earlier, she began to set an unrelenting pace. I gripped the sheets and moaned at the sensation. It was rough, but it was perfect.

"You're gonna regret saying that to me baby". I would have retorted that it was exactly what I wanted, but I couldn't speak between the moans.

I felt the pleasure burn inside me, and could feel the build up of my release. My moans echoed through the room. Suddenly, Riley pulled out, and before I could complain I felt her arms flip me over and pull me on to my knees, and slam in again unforgivingly.

The sound of her hips slapping off my ass, along with her moans was pure music to my ears. Her hand was gripping my shoulder as she continued to fuck me from behind. Although her grip on me would definitely leave a bruise, I didn't care, I loved when she got worked up like this.

My knuckles were white as I gripped on to the sheets once more. Moans slipped from my lips, turning into screams, as the familiar sensation of release grew.

"I'm gonna come", I groaned. Riley's pounding didn't let up, and the sound of her moaning pushed me over the edge.

My legs trembled and my eyes rolled back as I came, feeling my body convulse from the immense pleasure as she helped me ride out my high. Once she had ensured I was finished, she pulled out and my body fell to the bed.

"Fuck babe, that was insane". I pulled myself up, sitting on my feet, feeling wetness drip down my thighs.

My mate joined me on the bed, pulling me in for a soft kiss. It was a nice contrast to the roughness, and made me melt inside.

While my eyes were closed, I felt her pull my body on to her lap. I had an idea of where this was going and I liked it. A lot.

We separated slowly and while I came to my senses I felt a sharp slap on my ass. I groaned and met her eyes.

"I'm not finished with you. Ride me". I nodded obediently, hoping that my shaky thighs would be able to follow through.

Her stared burned into me as I grabbed the tip of the rubber, and pushed it into my entrance, shuddering at the feeling of it filling me up once more.

Riley leaned on her elbows, watching intensely as I began to bounce up and down. In this position the curved tip hit exactly the right spot every time, and I knew it wouldn't be long before I came undone again. I tried to control myself, feeling the pleasure rush through me much faster than before.

Her jaw tightened as she began to feel the pleasure too, her eyes locking on to mine as I struggled to hold back my orgasm. My voice was becoming hoarse already from moaning and I threw my head back, clutching on to her shoulders for dear life as I bounced on the dildo.

"It's so cute seeing you try not to come".

I couldn't respond. All of my focus was on controlling myself, and it just became increasingly harder.

With a small growl escaping her lips, Riley suddenly pushed herself up. Her hands grabbed my ass cheeks and she began to thrust into my pussy mercilessly.

"You can come as much as you want baby". With a few more rough strokes, I was a screaming mess, my orgasm hitting me like a bus. My nails dug into her shoulders and my eyes screwed themselves shut as wave after wave of overwhelming pleasure hit me.

As I was riding out my second orgasm, I could hear my mate's moans growing louder and in a dizzied state I opened my eyes and watched her come undone too. Her eyes shut and her jaw tensed as her grip on ass tightened, hurting me in just the right way.

As her thrusts slowed, and eventually came to a stop I guessed that her orgasm had subsided. However, it didn't seem like her stamina was depleting at all. I, on the other hand was already beginning to feel sore and tired.

My mate opened her eyes and from the way she looked at me, I could tell she was nowhere near done.

I wasn't going to post this for a few days but hopefully it is a welcomed update! Let me know what you think pleaseeee! Stay safe and well lovelies!


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