41: Riley (18+)

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I thought I'd be able to control myself, have some restraint - but my mate's teasing and the stares of my men had me seeing red. She was mine and I was going to show her exactly what that meant. As soon as her back hit that bed, she was fucked. Metaphorically and literally. 

 Mia's delicate body lay underneath me, covered in light scratches and bruises that made my wolf whimper in guilt. I felt like I hadn't protected her enough, but knew she was also tough as nails at the same time. Her soft hand pulled me out of my thoughts, tugging at the silver chain dangling around my neck, a pleading look in her eyes as she squirmed.

"Please", she moaned breathlessly. "Touch me". I smirked at her lustful state, trailing my fingers down the valley of her chest, down her abdomen, lightly teasing her pussy lips as she whimpered in desire.

"Come on baby", I encouraged her mockingly. "You know how to beg nicely for me, hm?" After all the teasing she had put me through, I wasn't going to let her away with it. I would have her aching for me from head to toe. I leaned my body over her, glad my hair was already out of the way and ready for the task at hand. Mia sighed, her brow furrowed in frustration. She took a deep breath and her eyes burned into mine, glossy with tears of frustration. 

 "Please fuck me. I promise I'll be good", she whined as I dipped my head to her neck, placing light, feather-like kisses on her sensitive skin. She shivered in delight, her breathing getting heavier and louder in my ear. I was losing my patience with teasing her. I wanted to hear her scream and make her eyes roll back - so that's exactly what I did. 

 "You better be a good girl, or I'll have to punish you", I growled, sliding my right hand down her body to her dripping pussy, rubbing a few slow and gentle circles on her aching clit. My mate's pretty moans began to fill the room and I didn't take my eyes off her as she clamped her eyelids shut, relishing in the sensation of my hands on her. Her hair cascaded around her like a red halo and the sight of her body ready and waiting for me pushed me even further. 

 My fingers left her clit and ran up and down her slit, plunging two in and setting a steady rhythm, curling slightly upwards to reach her sweet spot. A loud, choked moan erupted from her as her hands gripped the sheets around her, her back arching off the bed and into my body. I loved this. I loved dominating her, making her beg for me, moan for me, and seeing how good I made her feel - it was the greatest satisfaction for both me and my wolf. 

 Mia's moans kept coming, faster and louder as I pumped in and out of her, quickening my pace as I moved my head down to where my fingers were, dying to taste her. Her fingers found my head and attempted to push me down to where she wanted. I grinned to myself and pushed back. 

 "Have something to ask, baby?" I teased, pulling my head up to look at her body. I bit my lip at the sight. She was completely immersed in what my fingers were doing to her, her eyes squeezed shut, her head was thrown back in pleasure and her hands fisted the pillows and sheets as she bucked her hips up towards me. I pushed her hips back down with my free hand. She groaned in annoyance. 

 "Can you fuck me already?" I stared at her, dropping my smile. My hand grabbed her chin roughly, forcing her to look at me. She was playing with fire.

 "You wanna say that again, huh?" My mate's breath came out heavy, her pussy squeezing my fingers in response. 

 "Can you fuck me, please?" I slowed my fingers down for a brief moment, hearing her whine and whimper at me. I loved toying with her but I was also desperate to hear her scream for me.

 "Since you asked so nicely, I suppose I can". With that, I held her down by her chest, pushing my hand down between her tits, and began to fuck her with my fingers, curling up against her g-spot. My tongue traveled downwards to lick and suck at her clit, finally tasting her juices as she got wetter and wetter. I moaned against her, she tasted insanely good - I wanted to eat her for every meal.

 My tongue lapped up her sweetness as her fingers grabbed onto my head. Two minutes ago I would have pulled away again to tease her, but I was already addicted to her taste and how she was grinding against my tongue searching for her release. My mate moaned loudly as my fingers curled inside her. 

 "Fuck yes, right there", she gasped, her toes curling, lifting her head to see me busy between her legs. "Yes oh fuck babe". Her moaning was like music to my ears as I helped her climb towards her peak, her voice echoing off the walls. I'm sure whoever was in the pack house could hear exactly what was going on, but I was absolutely fine with that. I wouldn't be a good Alpha if I couldn't thoroughly satisfy my Luna. 

 It only took a few more seconds for Mia to come undone under me, her pussy clamping down on my fingers as I left gentle kisses on her red and swollen clit. I let her ride out her high, before sliding my fingers out of her, sucking them into my mouth, growling at the taste of her. It was next level. I took in my work. My mate lay dripping onto the sheets, catching her breath with red cheeks - I had done a good job, clearly, but I wasn't done yet. 

 "I hope you're not giving up on me already", I smiled as her eyes blinked open to look at me. She beamed back at me. 

 "Not a chance", she breathed. I flipped her over onto her back, causing her to let out a squeal. I made sure to be extra careful not to aggravate any of her injuries as I did so. She kicked her legs back and forth, laying her head on her arms that were folded in front of her. She couldn't see what I was doing, but I was almost certain she knew. "You're hot when you're rough with me". 

 "Oh yeah?" I let out a little laugh and smirked to myself. Rough? She hadn't seen rough yet, but she was about to.  

 When I was finally ready, I pulled her hips up, leaving her face down, ass up on the bed, her pussy still dripping. I had decided to use the strap-on again since she seemed to really enjoy the fucking I gave her with it, but this one was slightly bigger - and I'd make sure she took every inch. I pushed the tip against her entrance, sliding it through her folds, earning a quiet moan as she pushed back towards me. Her ass was perfectly perky and the view I had from behind her had me losing my mind. I raised a hand, landing it on her ass cheek with a slap, admiring how it shook. I was obsessed with the reddening mark I left behind. 

 "You better be ready for me", I groaned, finally entering her. She sighed in pleasure. 

 "I'm always ready for you, Alpha". 

 With nothing else but the desire to fuck her on my mind, I pulled out and slammed back in, choosing a fast and rough pace, savoring the moans pouring out of Mia's lips. My hips snapped back and forth, the full length sliding in and out easily as I held on to her waist. Nothing was better than this. Every time I smacked my hips against her, I felt jolts of pleasure radiating from my clit and I couldn't help but be rougher and rougher with each stroke, landing a few slaps on her ass cheeks just to hear her grunt and groan. 

 "Fuck baby you like that?" I reached my hand forward, gathering up my mate's hair and tugging it back, so she was on her hands and knees, screaming in delight as I destroyed her pussy.  

 "I love it so fucking much", she choked. "I'm gonna cum". My hips kept their pace, thrusting in and out while she moaned my name. I could sense her tightening around the thick plastic and picked up speed to tip her over the edge. I could tell she was already losing her voice from moaning so much but enjoyed the sound as she screamed allowing her orgasm to wrack through her body, twitching and shaking in front of me. When I was sure she rode it out, I didn't stop. I kept my rhythm and smiled devilishly as she looked over her shoulder at me. 

 "You wanted it, so you're gonna take it". She nodded with pouted lips as I turned her on to her back, pushing back in to keep fucking her. Her eyes rolled back at the sensation, this was exactly what I wanted to see. My mate fucked completely senseless. I placed a kiss on her leg as I hiked it over my shoulder, pushing myself deeper.

 "Good girl".

Sooooo.....I did it? What do you all think, this was honestly a challenge to write and I hope it is spicy enough for you dirty people. Let me know what you think in the comments, I appreciate any and all feedback you guys leave me! Stay safe and wellll! Byeeee

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