29: Mia

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My body felt like it was weighed down by bricks as I climbed each step towards the third floor, where Riley and I's bedroom exclusively resided. A lot of noise and commotion could be heard from the second-floor offices, even though the doors remained closed. Panic swept through me at the thought of how serious the situation was. I was afraid he would come for me again and afraid that I wouldn't survive this time around. I had faith in my mate and my new pack though, so I did my best to ignore these worries and instead continued to the third floor. The bedroom I shared with my mate was somewhat of a safe haven. It had her scent mixed with mine, although it wasn't as prominent for me as it was for her. I've caught her a few times sniffing the air to catch our scents mixed together; it always calmed her down. 

 The room was decorated in neutrals; off-white walls, a grey stone fireplace, long black curtains. It wasn't loud or in your face. It screamed comfort to me every time I entered. Bypassing the bed and closets, I strolled into the bathroom at the far end of the room, grateful for the heating under the black marble flooring. I had yet to fully relax in the ornate bath, usually just opting for showers, just as I did now. Making quick work of cleaning my body and hair, I avoided my stitched up injury as best I could. It stung a little, but the satisfaction of the shower was well worth it. My shower only lasted twenty minutes before I stepped out, wrapping myself in towels to ward off any cold air that might reach my skin. 

 I tiptoed towards my closet, scanning my eyes over my options before settling on grey workout leggings and a matching tight shirt. It would hold my bandages in place as I moved around during the day, which would save me at of pain. Drying my hair took a while; it hurt to lift my right arm to run my fingers through the scarlet locks, so in the end I left it slightly damp; my shoulder burning from exertion. My body was a lot weaker than I ever imagined it could be, but I pushed on in my endeavours and began descending down the stairs sliding on fluffy slippers to keep me cosy as I hung out around the house.

Finally, I made it down both flights of stairs, locking the door to the room I shared with my mate before I did. My damp hair hit against my back, creating a chill as I strolled into the now empty kitchen to see Ellen bent over a big pot on the stove. The smell made my stomach rumble in hunger as I stood opposite her. "That smells amazing", I stated, inhaling the delicious scent. Her eyes flicked up to me with a smile. "I knew you were a pasta lover, have a seat dear, you need to eat". I did as I was told, taking a seat at the end of the kitchen table as my hunger built. Ellen turned off the stove and plated up to portions of pasta; a smaller one for me and a bigger one for herself. Although I was technically a wolf, I still ate a lot less than born wolves - it always shocked Riley.

 A short minute later a hot bowl of mouth-watering pasta was placed before me. Ellen gave me a motherly squeeze and gestured for me to dig in, so I did. I hadn't eaten since last night's dinner and with everything going on, I probably needed to get a decent meal into me before I could even think straight. I dug in, savoring the taste of a home-cooked meal made with the love of a mother. My stomach was happy to have food in it at last, and I shoved the food into me in a hurry, seeing my mother-in-law's amused glances towards me. "Well someone's enjoying their food", she laughed. I finished the last bite and waited for her to clear her food too. "That was insanely good wow", I sighed resting my hand over my now full stomach, feeling a lot better now that I had fuel. 

 Ellen stood, picking up both bowls without a second look at me. "Honey, go wait in the living room we're gonna get started on our planning", she sang out to me, putting the dishes away in the dishwasher. "It's time to pick a dress!" I giggled at her singing and dancing around the kitchen. She rushed over and stopped me as I left the room and wiped my chin. "You got a bit of pasta sauce on you". I laughed at myself and continued into the living room, seeing my new friends Zoe and Heidi browsing through rails of dresses that had appeared in the living room. 

 They turned their gaze to me, both wearing excited smiles. I suppose I was pretty excited too, I enjoyed dressing up and feeling confident in my body. "Heyyy there's our girl", Zoe sang, her and her mate embracing me in a bone squeezing hug. I was glad to finally have some friends here. "How are you feeling?" Heidi inquired, a concerned look on her face as she rested a hand on my shoulder. I managed a weak smile. "I'm alright, I just want the prick to pay for what he did", a shiver ran down my spine thinking about. I shook my head.

"Anyways - I would love to try on some of these masterpieces, retail therapy or whatever". My friend squealed and began pulling from the racks as Ellen ran in. "Girls! We agreed my pick last right?" She bubbled. "Always save the best for last". I couldn't help the calm the washed over me as I realized that I was surrounded by love and comfort. My three companions engaged in bits of banter as I too browsed the rails. A slim-fitting black silk gown caught my eye. It would eventuate my scarlet hair perfectly.

The chatter in the room stopped and I felt hands on my back. "Oh my Goddess it's like it was made for you", Ellen gasped. I beamed back at the three women. I had to agree. It was the perfect style and color. Excitement filled me as I pulled it from the rail. This would definitely get Riley going. "I really really want to try it on", I gushed, running my fingers over the silk fabric. The hands on my back were soon shoving me behind the rail and closing the living room doors for privacy. "Gotta make sure nobody sees the goods", Heidi joked. "If anyone caught a glimpse of you, Alpha would not be happy". I giggled in amusement, trying to picture the possessiveness of my alpha mate. She had shown a little bit of that side to me before, but not much. I was curious to see it. 

 Making quick work of undressing, I slipped the dress onto my bare body, seeing hands reaching around the rail with a pair of lace-up ankle heels. "We need to see the full look", Heidi insisted. I took the heels from her hands and tied them up hastily, then walked back in front of the rail to show my audience. Eyes widened and jaws dropped. "You look absolutely divine", Ellen praised. The form-fitting dress hugged my curves, and the low plunging neckline showed off my cleavage. I felt confident and sexy in this dress. It was definitely the one. 

 Heidi and Zoe pouted and wiped away fake tears. "Our darling daughter is growing up", Zoe jokingly sniffled. I rolled my eyes with a laugh. "Hey", I bantered. "Quit it. I'm older than you two". It was only by a year, but it still counted. As they fawned over the dress, I scanned the room for any mirrors I could look at myself in and spotted a large full-body one leaning against the wall beside the windows, which were covered by black-out curtains at the moment. Heels lacked as I made my way over to it, my entourage following with excited yelps and chatter. Once I laid my eyes on my form, I was certain I had found the dress. 

 The plunging sweetheart neckline accentuated my bust but had thin spaghetti straps holding me in place. The fabric was taut around my waist, showing off my figure, and hugged my hips before draping and flaring out slightly, touching the floor. I felt beautiful and powerful in this dress, and it still had enough room for me to move around comfortably in. My brain was trying to calculate Riley's reaction to it already, but it would have to remain a surprise. The heels although they were about four or five inches tall, were still easy enough to walk into my relief. As I finished taking in the image before me, Heidi separated from her mate and squeezed my arm with a smile. "You look stunning sweetie, your Alpha is going to have a hard time keeping her hands off you". I cringed slightly but noticed Ellen was away in her own little world, shuffling through a box of jewelry. I grinned cheekily at Zoe and Heidi in the mirror. "That's the plan ladies, that is indeed the plan".

 Now all I had to do was ensure everything went smoothly, so I could assert my dominance as Luna and also seduce my mate. Easy peasy. Right?


Hey guysss, I'm back with another update. I hope you enjoy this chapter, it's building up to more interesting events but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless! Let me know what you think! I appreciate any and all feedback you guys leave in the comments, it really helps me out, so keep it coming! Stay safe and well!


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