Epilogue: Riley

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Life had settled back to a comfortable pace since that day. I made sure to hold my mate tighter, and express my love for her as much as I physically could. She seemed to take the experience in her stride, but I could tell that it spooked her sometimes. Nightmares often times prevented her from sleeping, and she was prone to anxiety from time to time. Despite those small things that made the odd day harder, life was good.

I often wondered also, what gifts the Moon Goddess had mentioned that day. Surely the biggest gift was reviving Mia, but I hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary since.

Recently, however, my mate had taken ill, unable to eat proper meals or rest properly and so I found myself in the kitchen preparing a bowl of cold fruit for her to snack on while she went to meet with the pack doctor Dan. As I meticulously sliced into a watermelon, I heard footsteps running towards the door of the packhouse.

Seconds later, the door swung open and I was faced with my bewildered looking mate. Her eyes were wide and her mouth agape in shock. I dropped the knife without a second thought and rushed to her side.

"What is it? What's wrong?" My eyes scanned her body and face to look for injury, but when a frantic, almost panicked smile appeared on her face, I became confused.

She paused to catch her breath, and I fixed her windswept hair, pushing it out of her face. Once she had calmed down a little she began to tell me the story of her day. She anxiously played with her fingers.

"Okay, so you know how I haven't felt so good recently?"

I nodded, pulling one of her hands into mine, rubbing the soft skin of her palm.

"And you know how you told me to go see Dan for a check up?"

I nodded, awaiting the conclusion to the story.

"Well", she sighed. "I went to see him and got the check up".

She stared at me. I paused for a second and then prompted her to continue.

"And what did he say?"

"This is going to sounds crazy but you have to believe me. At first I didn't believe what-"

My heart began to race, fearing something awful. "Baby just tell me".

She paused again, closing her eyes and inhaling before facing me.

"I'm pregnant".

My jaw dropped, and my mind spiralled. Clearly, as a woman I did not have the capacity to make that happen biologically. I also knew however, that my mate would never cheat on me. As I tried to think of any plausible explanation, I remembered the Moon Goddesses' words. A gift.

"You have to believe me", Mia sighed, her face dropping from a smile to a worried frown. I could practically hear her heartbeat pounding hard in her chest.

My eyes snapped up and I shook myself out of my shock, joy radiating through me. I gazed into her green eyes that brimmed with tears.

"I believe you baby", I whispered, tears beginning to well in my eyes too. "The Moon Goddess told me that she had a gift for us. This must be it".

Mia began to sob quietly, staring up at me. Between sobs she tried to speak.

"Are you happy?"

I laughed through my tears.

"Hell yeah I am baby", I smiled pulling her body into mine.

She let out a shaky exhale. "Oh good, because I was panicking there for a sec".

We both laughed for a sec, as we let the reality set in. We were going to be a family. A little family of our own. Nothing could get rid of my absolutely overjoyed smile as I pulled away, drying Mia's tears with my thumbs.

My hands cupped her cheeks, pulling her gaze up to me.

"We're going to be a family", I laughed happily. She nodded, her face instantly contorting into sobs once more.

"Fucking hormones".

She placed her head on my shoulder as we basked in our happiness. I had completely forgotten the fruit on the counter, as I was in complete awe of my mate, who was carrying our child.

I closed my eyes, enjoying her embrace. "I love you", I whispered in her ear, burying my head in her curled hair.

"I love you too", she mumbled quietly, her head buried in my neck.

Life was certainly going to change a lot, but I couldn't wait to face it with her. My mate, my greatest ally and the woman who I was creating a family with. For the rest of my life, the only thing I will ever want, is her.

THIS IS IT PEOPLE!!! This story is officially complete. I want to thank you all for supporting me over this past year and a half. Despite taking numerous breaks, I have been supported by unending support and love. Without that support, I wouldn't have been able to get here and for that I am eternally grateful. Please let me know what you think about the completed story!

In other news, yes, there will be a sequel delving into the life of Riley, Mia and their growing family! I hope you follow me and stick around to find out how that story plays out. But for now, I will be taking a short break to plan! I will probably post an authors note here notifying you all of when I post the sequel!

Until then, stay safe and well, and thank you for everything!


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