16: Riley

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 I had spent most of the day running through the pack land from border to border, releasing some of my pent-up energy as I tried to distract myself from thoughts of my mate. It wasn't working. My mind ran a mile a minute, remembering how fragile Mia had looked when I left, and I longed to have her curled up to me - frustrated at my wolf's desire to fuck her senseless.

 The sun had just gone down when I found myself at Zoe and Heidi's front door, drenched head to toe in rain and sweat from the run after returning to my two-legged human form once more. As I pulled on the black sweats and t-shirt left for me on the porch, my mind raced back to thoughts of my mate. 

 My appetite had ceased to exist since the moment I left Mia and was replaced with a bubble of anxiety settled in my chest and gut. I really wanted to see her and make sure she was okay - but I trusted my pack to look after their Luna too. I guess I would just have to suffer through these next few days. 

 I knocked lightly at the emerald green door before me and was quickly met with a towel slapped over my shoulder and a sympathetic smile from Heidi's brother Daniel - one of the resident geniuses of the pack. "Hey Dan", I smiled awkwardly. As Alpha, I hadn't really stayed anywhere but the pack house and it goes without saying that I was feeling a tad out of place here. 

 "Alpha Riley, you should have just come in - my sister told me you guys would be crashing here, how are you holding up?" Daniel was always a smaller guy, not interested in fighting or working out but infatuated with academia, which made him more personable than many other members of the pack. I appreciated this. 

 "I just found my mate and now I have to avoid her, I'm fucking beat", I sighed, allowing myself to trail in the door as I dried my dripping hair. Joey and Mike silently followed, both seeming tired after our day in the rain. I couldn't settle though, not without my Luna by my side. "Heidi filled me in through the pack link, she seems to be doing a lot better now and it's only been less than twelve hours", Dan reassured me. 

 At Daniel's gesture, the three of us took a seat in the dimly lit cozy kitchen, hot chocolates, coffees, and teas in hand with his curious gaze staring us down. He'd been studying to become the new pack doctor and take over from his father who was increasingly struggling with the number of births, surgeries, and such that popped up every day. Dan had a gentle expression constantly, baby blue eyes, and light brown hair that just made him approachable. That approachable expression reminded me of my mate, everything did.

 Silence fell over the room as I bounced my leg to shake off some of the remaining tension in my body. It was obvious to everyone around me that I wasn't taking this well. It was hard for any mated couple to be apart, but for me as an Alpha to be apart from my Luna and go against my natural instinct was impossibly nerve-wracking. Daniel put a warm hand on my shoulder, a knowing smile on his face. The resident genius had an idea. 

 "I know I'm not fully qualified, nor am I experienced", he began excitedly, sliding his mug from hand to hand, looking cozy in his blue sweater. "But, I do know how to help shorten our Luna's heat". His eyes didn't meet mine and remained on the table as I choked on my coffee. "Wait what do you mean, that's impossible?" I quizzed. 

 "It is impossible...for a born wolf", he started, finally looking me in the eye with an anxious aura. He knew. Somehow, this man before me knew that his Luna, my mate was not a born wolf. "Wait how did you know?" I asked slightly confused at the situation playing out before me. 

 With each passing moment, Daniel looked more excited about explaining himself than worried. His posture changed and he sat up and leaned toward me, ignoring my Beta and Delta who sat opposite me. "When you introduced us all to our Luna, I had a feeling she was different. And, as a doctor, it was obvious to see from her body. She's shorter, colder, and weaker than a regular wolf. She was turned. Therefore, her heat works differently." Staring at him in both disbelief and approval, I gestured for him to continue. 

 "Our Luna, Mia, her heat cycle most likely mimics that of a regular omega due to external influences and factors. In theory, she can regulate her heat cycle and shorten it to one or two days tops if she balances her hormones to that of a human". The phrase in theory caught me and my attention, but I was open to every possibility at this point. 

 I pulled the towel off my shoulder and began to dry my long hair once more as I shared glances with Joey and Mike, who both seemed as eager as me to get back to the pack house. Mike bit the bullet and gave into his curiosity first. 

 "So how does one balance their hormones?" That was the million dollar question. Hopefully, the answer would have me wrapped around my mate as soon as possible, before I put my fist through a wall.

 Dan only smiled at us, ignoring our irritation at the situation in general. "I can't prescribe anything until I finish medical school - but, raspberry leaf tea should do the trick, it has benefits for human women who are pregnant or on their period - it should help balance the hormones and end the heat cycle early".

 Tea. The answer to my problem is fucking tea. I stood as soon as I processed the information from the young doctor, who had since risen and dug around in a cupboard behind him. "Dan..I mean doctor, I owe you big time". The fresh clothes I had just changed into clung to my damp skin uncomfortably, but I couldn't seem to care as a box of teabags was thrust into my hands seconds later. 

 "My pleasure Alpha Riley, have her drink two cups of this and she should be right as rain in a few hours". With this information, there was no way I was spending the night without Mia in my arms and I made a mental note to thank Daniel properly once this blew over. 

 Without another word, I swung the door open and sprinted back into the rain hearing my two minions shout after me as I made my way back to the pack house with my new miracle in hand. Dude, I heard Joey groan through the pack link, if you ever drag my ass outside for that long ever again...I will fight you. 

 Without a care in the world, I ran ahead eager to see my mate and hopefully help her feel better. The closer I got to the house, the stronger the scent got - but I was determined to hold out. I couldn't hurt her again. 

Baby girl, I have something that should help your heat. Times like this the mind link was wondrous. Packs don't typically use cellphones for privacy and safety purposes - the pack link was a more secure way to communicate. 

 Thank fuck for that, Heidi and Zoe are great - but I need a cuddle. I laughed at my cute mate's reply and psyched myself up to enter the house, my mind focused on not losing control. This raspberry leaf tea was about to solve all of my problems at that moment. 

Thank Goddess for Daniel, I think I owe that man a car - at least. 


Author's Note:
Sorry, I haven't updated in a while I was just sorting my life out, but I hope that I can upload more regularly not that it's summer. Thank you for all the support, keep the feedback coming and interact with this story if you enjoy it! Stay safe and healthy you lot!

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