48: Mia

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Frankly, it had been a while since I slept that well, but I awoke with a chill in my bones that I couldn't quite shake. My dreamless sleep had certainly left me well rested, but I awoke to see Riley leaning against the headboard her face crinkled in thought and her eyes showing clear signs of a rough night. 

 I turned on my side and she snapped out of her trance upon realizing I was awake. "What's on your mind?"

My mate's tired eyes became wrinkled with a smile, and she leaned over greeting me with a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Oh, I need a coffee before we get into that one". 

I giggled and lay on my back with a sigh, dragging the soft bedding with me. I stared at the ceiling, smiling although I didn't have a reason. "I didn't think life could get any crazier than stealing trolleys- I mean shopping carts, and racing down hills after chugging shitty wine".

Riley let out a snort, her hand sliding into mine as we both lay in the sanctuary of our bed. "Well, that is a story I still need to hear". 

With a smirk on my face, I kicked the duvet from my body and jumped out of the bed, pulling my mate up with me as she groaned. "I'm too tired for this". 

I rolled my eyes at her, admiring her cute bedhead as she stretched,  her toned arms on show - which I always appreciated. "Something's on your mind and I need to hear what it is. So, we are going to march down those stairs and figure out what kind of supernatural insanity has been dealt to us today". 

One of these days, my brain would finally process the absurdity of my life, but the never ending onslaught of events would prevent that for the foreseeable future. With a small sigh, Riley stood and stretched once more, grabbing the clothing nearest to her, turning around to land an echoing slap on my ass while I changed. 

Peaceful moments like this were few and far between since the unwelcomed interruptions of a shitty God, whom we were racing to the offices to discuss. My mate followed right behind me, as we entered the already busy office. Ellen smiled gleefully towards us as she stood and handed us steaming hot coffees. 

I inhaled the earthy scent and mouthed a thank you to her, and slumped into my seat behind the desk, beside where my big bad Alpha elegantly sat, waiting for the room to come to attention. Her Beta Mike, her Delta Joey, her parents Ellen and Ray all sat around the room in various seats, waiting tiredly for the meeting to start. There was no sign of Zoe and Heidi, as I'd previously heard both of them entered their heat and rut periods. I smirked to myself, knowing they must be going at it like rabbits.

"Okay, I need everyone's attention". 

My mate's voice brought me out of my thoughts, as I sipped my coffee. Now this would be interesting. She looked at me curiously, and I raised my eyebrows at her, waiting to hear what weirdness had occurred the previous night while I was for all intents and purposes - dead to the world. 

Riley cleared her throat and turned back around to continue. "Last night I was visited by quite an unexpected guest". 

The room remained dead silent. "While Mia was asleep, Diana - or Selene, whatever you want to call her, visited me". 

Riley looked around the room at mouths agape with shock, however I remained unfazed, none of this was a shock to me anymore.

The gears in my brain slowly moved, and I felt the chill return to my body. My mate continued.

"Aside from being very vague, she - The Moon Goddess, has offered us her assistance when the time comes. She used to know Lugh, and is entirely aware of the calamity he could bring to the world if he remains as he is".

Ellen shook off her surprise. "Honey, how is she going to help us - what did she say exactly?" 

I sat still, allowing my brain to slowly piece together all the pieces of this insanely difficult puzzle. My mate sighed and rolled her sleeve up her and presented her arm to the room, which was now decorated by an intricate black mark, almost like a tattoo. 

"She said she chose me, and without much explanation left. That is when this appeared, but I have no idea what it is or what it means". 

Ellen and Ray leaned over the table, trying to get a closer look at the mark, while I placed my coffee down and broke my silence. 

"It's the phases of the moon".

The attention turned to me. "These circular shapes are the moon, the shaded parts are representative of the different phases of the moon". 

My mate looked at me inquisitively. 

"What?" I shrugged. "I'm a country girl at heart, I used to watch the night sky with my friends when I was younger, I learned a lot". 

Mike moved towards my mate and tried to wipe the mark off. It didn't budge. 

"I suppose this is a good sign?" He asked. The room hummed in agreement. 

"If we have one ally, it's already a good start", my mate stated. She rolled down her sleeve, covering the mark once more and leaned back in her chair. 

"Mike, Joey - I need you to train anyone who is willing to learn until Zoe and Heidi return, mom, dad, I need you to research what this mark means". 

I followed my mate as she stood, signaling the end of the meeting. "What should we do?" As everyone filed out of the room, I prepared to leave too, but I stopped in my tracks as my mate closed the door behind Joey, clicking the lock into place. She turned to face me, and her aura was completely different. I sat gently on the desk in the centre of the room, eyeing her suspiciously as she began to stalk towards me as if I was her prey. 

"You, my darling", she whispered, placing herself between my legs. "You will be my company for the next few days". 

Her eyes were dark, and her hot breath tickled my neck as she pushed me down and leaned over me. My heart began pounding in my ears seeing her lick her lips, eyeing me up and down. I didn't remain confused for long, but felt butterflies in my core as she spoke. 

"It's my rut", she growled. 

"You're not going anywhere until I'm done with you".


Firstly, I know I owe you all an apology for leaving it for this long I promise to explain! I also want to thank you for your support and patience, I appreciate it endlessly. 

I have had a few struggles since the beginning of this year, physical health struggles, on top of severe mental health issues and ADHD, so finding the mental energy to write has been super hard. However, I hope I can begin posting more updates and hopefully finish this book before Christmas! To thank you for your patience, I'll be doing a juicy 18+ chapter, before we get back into all the drama! Thank you again for your patience and support, stay safe and well everyone!


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