"Do you know where Hope is?"

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Josie's POV-

I had just gotten back from my subconscious, my mind is still spinning how Hope was there. Speaking of Hope, where is she? I haven't seen her since she got turned to stone in my subconscious.

I decide to go to my dad's office so I can ask him where Hope is. I really need to talk to her.

"Hey dad, can I come in? I need to ask you something" I ask him as I open the door slightly into his office.

"Yes of course sweetie" I hear him say from inside his office and I walk in and take a seat.

"What did you need to ask me?" My dad asks me as he still looked down at his paperwork. "Do you know where Hope is?" I ask him and he quickly looks up at me looking a little bit worried. "Why?" He asks me still looking at me worried. "I- I need to ask her something" I saw as I stutter.

My dad looks down at his desk disappointed and sad. Okay. Now I'm curious. What happened. Omg did something happen to Hope. I kept thinking in my mind all of these crazy thoughts when I shake out of my thoughts and look at my dad.

"Dad, what's wrong. What happened? Why are you acting like this?" I ask him hoping he would just give me a answer as to what's going on.

"I guess that I have to tell you this, I can't hide it anymore" He tells me and I start to panic a bit.

"Ever since you came back, Hope hasn't woken up yet" My dad tells me.

I hear the words come out of his mouth and I start to panic even more. Hope hasn't woken up yet? Why? This is all my fault, she got turned to stone because she came to rescue me.

"Josie?" I hear my dad say as I snap out of my thoughts.

"What do you mean she's not waking up? Where is she!" I say as I stand up from my seat and my dad does too. "Okay Josie, come with me. I'll take you too her" My dad tells me and J calm down a bit then I follow him into a room with a coffin inside of it.

I open the coffin and I see Hope's beautiful face there just sleeping, and not awake.

Hey guys, this is gonna be part one to this story, it's kind of short but I hope you like it! Anyways I hope you have a great day/night and I'll try to post as much as I can!

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