Chapter 45

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Josie's POV-

When everything went black I felt myself wake up but I couldn't open my eyes for some reason.

Then when I tried to breath I couldn't. It felt like I was suffocating and I couldn't breath in any air and I felt helpless. And hopeless.

It gave me deja vu from when I was buried alive by my biological mother, Jo, and it felt the same which gave me anxiety from it. It was a feeling that I knew too well and I could only think about one thing.


He was the only one who saw me last and when I saw him everything went black and now all of a sudden I'm here. It had to be him.

I couldn't stop the tears that were streaming down my cheeks as I tried screaming for help.

But it was useless.

I could feel my soul slowly leaving my body. I could feel myself as I was slowly dying from being buried alive.

The only thing that was one my mind was Hope though. I remembered her hair, the way it softly flows through the air gracefully, and her blue ocean eyes, how they always had such a sparkly light in them.

I kept thinking of Hope as I was still screaming for help. Thinking that somebody, anybody, could save me.

Just then I felt something. Something digging? I could feel the heavy dirt get lighter on me as I was able to push my hand through it as I felt a soft but dirty hand grab mine and I was pulled out of the dirt in less then a second.

I opened my eyes which still had tears streaming down them as I met with those eyes. Her eyes.

"Oh my god! Jo! It's okay! You're okay now! You're safe, I've got you Jo, your safe baby" I can hear Hope's voice say as she pulls me into a tight and comforting hug letting me know that I was now safe.

"It's okay baby, you're safe now, I've got you okay? You're safe now" Hope says and I cling to her never wanting to let go. I feel like if I let go I was gonna lose her forever.

"Your okay, you're safe, I found you baby I've got you, it's okay" She says whispering softly in my ear along with other reassuring things making sure that I was safe now and I could feel my heart flutter even though it was racing from no air.

"Come on baby" Hope says as she picks me up bridle style and she carries me all the way back to the school as I nuzzle myself into her neck.

When we made it back Hope asked me where I wanted to shower and I answered with hers while my voice cracking until I heard a familiar voice.

"OH MY GOD JO! HOPE WHAT HAPPENED?!" I can hear Lizzie's voice scream as her and the rest of the super squad sees me with Hope carrying me.

Her loud voice scares me as I slightly flinch and Hope just holds me tighter letting me know that everything was okay.

I just listen to their conversation go on about Landon and what he did until Hope told them to wait and she opened her door and placed me softly onto her bed as tears were still streaming down my face as she wipes them away with her thumb.

I really hoped she believed me about this. I want her to believe me.

"I-It was L-Landon Hope I s-swear" I say stuttering as I was desperately hoping that she believed me right now.

"Hey hey, I know it was Landon baby, okay? I believe you, it's okay, I already took care of him, okay? I'll be back, just shower in the mean time and I promise I'll be back" Hope says and I can feel my heart flutter as she says she believes me and that she already took care of Landon which made me happy as I had slowly at her.

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