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Josie's POV-

Hope and Landon started fighting each other. I heard a growl come through Hope when she threw Landon towards the school wall. Just then a few students came out and saw Landon on the ground and saw Hope and her hybrid face. There were whipsers going around them as they looked at Hope.

Just then I see dad, Lizzie, Mg, Rafael, and Kaleb run through the crowd and they all look at Hope as her hybrid face is still showing. "Hope it's okay, were not gonna hurt you, just stay calm" My dad said softly as if he thought that Hope just went crazy.

"Hope just calm down and step away from Josie" Lizzie says quietly. "Guys it's fine, I'm fine" I say. "Yeah well we need to get you out of there otherwise your not gonna end up being fine" Lizzie says. "Lizzie! Hope would never hurt me, Landon insulted me and Hope got protective, so stop looking at her like she just did something crazy" I say crossing my arms.

I was starting to get furious with everyone. Landon was groaning and starting to stand up until he started speaking. "No, that's not true, Hope just randomly attacked me, I didn't do anything" Landon said lying.

Just then Hope vamp speeded over to him and pinned him against the wall and still showed her hybird face. "STOP LYING!" Hope said and Rafael pulled her off of him. "Calm down Hope!" Rafael says and just then my dad comes and puts a syringe in her neck. She ends up passing out and falls to the floor. "Hope!" I ran over to her and put her head in my lap when I recognized the syringe.

"You vervained her!?" I said furious with my dad. "I'm sorry sweetie, get her to the cellar, now!" Just then Rafael and Mg grabbed Hope and carried her inside and I tried to go after them but Lizzie grabbed me and held me back. "Lizzie let me go!" I say while still trying to get out of her arms.

"I'm sorry sis, but I can't, she's gonna hurt you" Lizzie says and I end up getting out her hands and look at her with tears in my eyes. "NO LIZZIE, you don't understand! She would never hurt me Lizzie!" I turn around and follow my dad, Rafael, and Mg and I finally catch up to them but they already put Hope in the cellar and locked it and spelled it.

I tried opening the doors but Mg pulled me back. "Jo it's safer this way!" Mg says and I turn and look at him with tears going down my face. "No Mg! Landon was lying! He insulted me! Believe me! HE'S LYING!" I say still crying. "Why do you even care about her so much?" Rafael says. "BECAUSE WERE DATING" I snap at him and he looks surprised and disappointed.

"A-and were in love, so if your not gonna believe her, then believe me, please" I say begging and my dad looks down. "I'm sorry Josie, but I can't do that" My dad says. "You know what, screw you all" I say that just as Lizzie walked in and I tried to walk out but Lizzie stopped me. "MOVE LIZZIE, I'm done with you, I'm done with all of you" I say with tears still going down my face and I walk out furious and decide to go to Hope's dorm because I know Lizzie is gonna walk into ours and she's gonna want to talk to me.

Hope's POV-

Before I know it most of the school walks out and sees me and Landon makes another lie and I pin him to the wall. Rafael pulls me off of him and before I know it everything goes black. The next thing I know I end up waking up in a werewolf transition space and I see Mg and Lizzie sitting across and their sitting against the wall.

"Hope, your awake" Lizzie says as she looks up from looking at the ground. "You guys vervained me, seriously? What the hell" Then the next thing that came into my mind was Josie. "Where's Josie?" I say. "She's mad at all of us, Hope I don't want to believe Landon, but we also saw you" I roll my eyes at them. "You guys are literally my best friends, and your my girlfriends sister, how do you believe Landon over me, you know I wouldn't have attacked him if he didn't do something wrong!" I shout.

They both look at me with gulit in their eyes. "She's right Liz, she wouldn't do that for no reason, plus Jo said so, there's no way either of them would lie, plus Landon is obvisouly jealous that they are together, so of course he would lie" Mg says and I feel relived that finally someone believed me, even though Josie did to.

"I'm gonna go get Jo, if she even speaks to me" Lizzie says and then leaves and Mg throws me a blood bag. "Here, you need to feed" Mg says and I nod at him. "Thanks" I say then drink the whole bag and throw it. Just then I see Josie walk in with Lizzie and her face expression changes to happiness when she sees me okay.

"Hope are you okay?" She says as she puts her hands on the bars. "Yes I am, and when I get out of here we need to go on a date" I say with a smirk and she smiles at me. "Yes we will, I promise" She says and smiles. Just then I hear keys jangling and see Lizzie unlocking the cellar door to my cell. "Here, put if you go crazy again your gonna end up back in here" Lizzie says sarcastically. I roll my eyes at her.

"Come on Jo" I say and take her hand and we end up walking out of the cellar and Landon and Dr. Saltzman see us and look surprised. "Hope who in the hell let you out" Dr.Saltzman says. "Your daughter, and never lock me back up, ever again" I say and me and Josie smile and we walk away and head back to my dorm.

Okay guys here's another chapter, also thank you guys for almost 5K reads!! Thank you all and I love you guys so much!! Anyways, I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying this story and have a great day/night!

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