Chapter 39

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Josie's POV-

Omg I can't believe this right now!

Me and Hope are finally kissing again!

I felt Hope start to kiss me back for a few seconds.

Just then I get a giant ringing in my head that feels like it's screaming at me and as much as I didn't want to I pulled away from Hope and tried to get the ringing to stop but it wouldn't.

"Jo? What's happening? Josie!" Hope says panicking but her voice starts to fade out as the ringing becomes louder in my head which causes a big headache in my head.

Hope's POV-

Me and Josie were kissing for a few seconds again until Josie pulled away holding her head and groaning out in pain.

I immediately started to panic.

I tried talking to Josie to see what was happening but she didn't respond to me and held her head and she still doesn't say anything.

"God fucking dammit!" I say frustrated and sit behind Josie on the bed ignoring the burning pain in my leg.

I sit behind her and wrap my arms tightly around her body slowly pulling her hands off of her head and gluing them the sides of her body and wrapping one of my arms around her waist and the other arm across her chest as she whimpers out in pain and I can see tears rolling down her cheeks as she cries.

"Make it stop... please!" Josie says as more tears flow down her face and she squirms around in my arms but I hold her tightly down but gently at the same time to not hurt her.

She rested her head on my chest near my right shoulder and cried out in pain as tears flood down her face.

"Please make it stop..!" Josie says sobbing and I whisper reassuring things softly in her ear which seems to calm her down a bit so I keep doing it.

I whisper things in her ear saying that she's okay and stuff and saying how she's safe with me and I'm with her through anything and other reassuring things like that.

It seems to get Josie's breathing to slow down and calm her down as she slowly opens her eyes and looks up and the look in her eyes breaks my heart.

Her soft brown eyes are filled with fear but when her eyes meet mine the fear seems to go away as we make eye contact.

"H-hope?" Josie says and I just hug her tightly as I let out a deep breath that I didn't know I was holding in all this time.

"Are you okay?" I ask softly as I reposition me and Josie to where my back is laying against the bed frame and Josie lays on top of me between my legs with her head resting on my chest with my arms wrapped protectively around her. Ready to attack anything that wishes Josie harm or even comes near her.

"I am now, now that I'm with you" Josie says looking up at me with small sincere smile.

"What happened Jo? Was it... the witches..?" I ask slowly.

I had a feeling that it was the witches considering Josie had a terrible head pain while we were kissing and since the witches hated us together. I wouldn't be surprised if it was.

When I ask that question I could feel Josie tense up on my body.

"N-no I don't think so" Josie says stuttering and I let out a sigh and lift Josie up to where she's sitting in my lap and she's facing me and I see a tear roll down her cheek.

I slowly wipe her tear away with my thumb while caressing her face at the same time.

"It's okay to be honest with me Jo, you always can be" I say and Josie just looks at me with sad eyes.

"It was the witches..." Josie says in a soft and low voice while looking down at the bed.

"Why did you lie then Jo?" I ask in a soft voice letting her know I'm not trying to push her to answer me.

"Because I was scared that you were gonna leave again.." Josie says looking down and my heart breaks when she said that.

"Everyone I love always leaves, or hurts me, or both" Josie says looking up at me with tear stained cheeks.

"I never meant for you to think that I left you Jo, I was always still gonna be here for you, no matter what" I say wiping away more of her tears.

"But it still wouldn't be the same" Josie says with her voice cracking mid sentence.

I rest my forehead on hers and look deeply into her dark soft brown eyes.

"I will never, ever, leave you again, I promise you Josie" I say looking directly into her eyes without even blinking to make sure that she believes me.

I never would leave her again, or hurt her ever again, especially not on purpose. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did again.

"Okay?" I ask her.

"Okay" Josie says sharing a small smile with happiness in her eyes as she lets out a small chuckle as I do as well.

"What are we gonna do Hope?" Josie asks after a minute of silence the two of us share.

"I don't know" I say. I didn't want to put Josie in any more danger or pain then she was already it. I can't leave her which will just cause her more pain considering I also promised her with my entire soul. But I also don't want her to turn into a heretic but that may be our only choice left...

"What's on your mind Hope?" Josie says with her soft voice which snaps me out of my thoughts as I share a small smile with her.

She's just the cutest person ever.

"I don't know what to do Jo.." I say shrugging my shoulders as Josie wraps her arms around my neck and keeps them there.

She leans in to kiss me but I pull back and she looks confused.

"I don't want the witches to cause you any more pain Jo" I say and Josie nods when all of a sudden I get an idea and Josie can already tell by the look on my face.

"What is it?" Josie asks me reading the look on my face.

"I think I might've found a way to get the witches to leave you alone" I say and Josie looks at me.

"Can't I just become a heretic without this being difficult Hope? It's my choice anyways" Josie says and I let out a sigh. She does have a point. It is her choice.

"I know it's your choice Jo, but if this idea I have works, then will you not turn into a heretic?" I ask and Josie slowly nods.

"And if it doesn't and me turning into a heretic is our only option?" Josie says stating the option.

"If it doesn't work.. then I'll have deal with the fact of you turning into a heretic" I say and Josie smiles.

"Deal?" I ask.

"Deal" Josie says smiling and I want to kiss her so bad right now but I can't. Instead I wrap my arms tightly around her and let out a breath hoping that this plan I have in mind works.

Hey guys! What do you guys think the plan is? I also have it planned whether Josie is gonna turn into a heretic or not but what do you guys think is gonna happen? Also, thank you guys so much for 21K reads!!!!!!!! I love you all so so much and have a great day/night!

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