"Aren't you excited that I'm back?"

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Josie's POV-

I woke up at 7:30am, I was tired, me and Lizzie stayed up last night talking about me and Hope. Speaking of Hope, I wonder what she is doing right now. I saw a text from my dad saying that him and Hope were training at the docks. Hm. Maybe I should go see her. I bet that she looks so hot right now. No maybe I should just leave them. Yeah I should. 

I decided to go take a quick shower which only took like 15 minutes then I got out of the shower and changed. I decided to wear a red crop top with a plaid skirt. I then brushed my teeth and saw that it was 8:00am. Maybe Hope and my dad are done training. I'm gonna go to her room. I left my room and started walking down the hallway to Hope's room. Once I finally got there I knocked on the door when I heard Hope's voice. "Who is it!" I smiled for no reason. I just did.

"It's Josie" I say softly. "Okay hold on!" I could tell that Hope was doing something. I wait a few minutes then after a few minutes she opened the door wearing jeans and a maroon shirt. She was changing. Maybe she took a shower that's why. "Hey babe" I smile at her calling me babe. We are finally together now. "Hi" I say softly again. "Here come in" She opens the door more and I step in and sit on her bed. "Sorry for having you wait so long, I just finished a shower and I just got changed" I nod my head. She was probably sweating from her training.

"It's okay, wanna go get breakfast? I was waiting for you to finish training with my dad, so I haven't eaten yet, I woke up 30 minutes ago and showered then got dressed and decided to come here" I told her and she smiled. "Yeah of course, you didn't have to wait for me, now let's go" She says as she opened the door and I smiled at her as I got up and we left her room and went to the cafeteria.

When me and Hope went to the cafeteria we grabbed our food and we saw Mg and Lizzie waving us over to go sit at their table with them. So me and Hope grabbed our food and we went over to that table and saw none other than.... Landon.

Me and Hope didn't know what to do so we just kept walking to the table trying not to ask suspicious. No one knows that were dating except Lizzie, and last night I asked her not to tell anybody so I hope that she didn't. "Hey guys, what took you guys so long?" Lizzie asked me and Hope. "Oh uh Hope was training with dad and I just finished getting ready so we just came together, I woke up a little bit late" Lizzie nods her head.

"Hi Hope" Landon said smiling at Hope and she looked up at him. "Hey, Landon" I felt kind of jealous but I knew that Hope wouldn't go back to him. Right? She was with me. We are in a relationship. "Aren't you excited that I'm back?" Landon said kind of confused as to why Hope wasn't more excited. "Yeah, just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today I guess, I'm not feeling too good either" I could tell that Hope said that as an excuse. To not make it awkward I guess. I understand why.

Hope's POV-

Me and Josie walked into the cafeteria and when we saw Lizzie and Mg waving us over we went to go sit at the table and I saw the one person I had never expected to see for a while. Landon.

Me and Josie sat down and I didn't say anything to Landon. What could I have said? All of a sudden I heard Landon talk to me. "Hi Hope" He said at me smiling. "Hey, Landon" I say normal not too excited but not too boring either. "Aren't you excited that I'm back?" He asked me confused. What do I say? Crap. I just have to make up a random excuse. "Yeah, just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today I guess, I'm not feeling too good either" I just looked back down at my food and kept eating because I didn't want anything awkward to happen.

"Okay well do you wanna hang out later today then?" Landon asks me. Shit. I really don't want to hang out with him. I'm with Josie now. If he kisses me then I would have cheated on her. And I really really like her. A lot. "Oh sorry Landon me and Josie planned stuff for later today, I didn't know you would be back, sorry" I hope that Josie goes along with it. "Um yeah me and Hope are planning to go somewhere today, Hope doesn't want to tell me where, it's a surprise" I look at Josie and smile. She covered for me. Thank god.

Me and Josie finished breakfast with everyone else and now I had to think of a place to take Josie so Landon didn't get suspicious. I got up from the table and I wanted to grab Josie's hand but I didn't. People still didn't know about us. So when I got up Josie got up and we walked out of the cafeteria and we walked back to my room.

"Thanks for going alone with that stuff" I said as I closed the door behind her. "Of course, Landon still thinks that you guys are together, anyways, about that I have a question to ask you" I look at her and sit next to her on the bed. "Ask away" I said as I lean back on my bed and close my eyes. "W-would you l-leave me to get back with L-landon?" Josie said as she stuttered. My eyes shoot open and I look at her and I can see faint tears in her eyes forming. "Jo, why would you ever think that?" I said as I wiped away a tear from her face that come down. "Because, I know that you are with me and everything, but you love him and-" I don't let Josie finish as I cut her off. "Loved him, I loved him, I used to love him, not anymore though, you are my girlfriend, you" I smile as I stroke my thumb against her cheek over and over again.

Uh oh, useless bird boy is back, sorry for bringing him back but I was running our of ideas, also guys please give me ideas if you guys want to keep reading this story, also guys thank you for 700 reads!! I love you all very much and thank you again!!! Anyways, I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying this story and I hope that you guys have a great day/night!

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