"A certain heretic"

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The next morning:

Josie's POV-

The next morning I woke up with warm and loving arms around me. I looked up and saw Hope's face and her eyes closed as I felt her chest under me rise up and down. Memories started to come back to me last night. Hope holding me. Me falling asleep. I then remembered that weird dream that I had

The dream:

I had walked into school and went through my classes like a normal day would, then I saw Hope rush out of the classroom and speed walk through the halls as she finally came outside to where she wanted to be. I decided to follow her out and when I finally walk outside I see Hope looking around suspiciously. She then starts to walk through the woods and I decide to follow her. I hide behind a tree as I see that Hope is still walking through the woods.

I follow her and I ended up losing her. 'Maybe this is worthless' I thought to myself as I was about to turn back and I end up falling into a deep black pit and once I hit the ground I passed out.

Once I woke up I looked all over and all I saw was black. Just black. It was pitch black when I heard a familiar voice talking but I heard a not so familiar voice scream. I ran over to where the scene was to see Hope compelling a girl and she dug her fangs into her neck. The girl had screamed until Hope pulled away and compelled to keep quiet as she dug her fangs once again into the neck.

Tears were brimming in my eyes as I saw Hope drain the life out of that poor girl. And then her body went limp on the floor. "HOPE" I screamed but she didn't even turn in my direction as she kept doing the same thing to different people who walked by.

Just then as that vision or whatever it was wasn't in front of me anymore and I heard a boy and Hope fighting and screaming at each other.

I ran over to the scene to see Hope pushing the boy up against a locker while showing her hybrid face. "Hope!" I screamed once again. But then again. She didn't turn in my direction. It's as if I wasn't there.

Just then the vision of the dream ended as I look up to see Hope with her concerned face as she sat up from against the wall.

I was confused as to why she was so concerned when I looked down and saw sweat all over my shirt and felt my tear stained cheeks.

Hope's POV-

I woke up to Josie shaking on my body and I sat up slightly to see her staring into space while sweating and slowly crying. I didn't know what to do cause she wasn't asleep so maybe she was just day dreaming.

Not to long after I see Josie snap out of her subconscious and she looks over to me as I sit up and she realizes that she was sweating and crying. I looked over to her and she just looked at me as we didn't say anything.

"What happened?" Josie muttered softly after a moment of silence. "Well um, I woke up and I saw you laying on me like we were last night and you were crying a little bit and and your shirt was sweaty, I didn't know what to do" I said quietly as I spoke the last part.

"What were you dreaming about last night, and what were you just day dreaming about?" I ask quietly. Josie looks lost in her thoughts for a moment but I didn't want to push her to much. "It was the same thing, the same dream I had last night, I woke up and saw you were still asleep and stuff of last night starting coming back to me. Me and you. Then I remembered the dream I had last night and I starting day dreaming about it, I guess it just wouldn't snap me out of it" Josie said as she spoke softly as she looked down at the bed and I lifted her chin up which forced her brown chestnut eyes to look into mine.

"What was it about?" I say softly so I didn't make her feel like she had to tell me. Although I really did want to know. "Well um, first it starts off like a normal day at school, then you rush out of the classroom and go outside and I follow you. I see you walking through the woods so I follow you then I end up losing you and I was about to turn back and leave but then I fell into a dark black pit, then I wake up on the floor and walk around when I see you, um, f-feeding and k-killing people, and getting into fights" Josie says quietly with sadness in her voice which broke my heart.

"Omg" I say quietly as I was in shock too. 'Why was she having these weird and scary dreams about, me?' I think to myself as I turn and look at her. "You know I would never do those things, right Jo?" I ask her and she looks at me with a small smile. "I know you wouldn't, but it was still kind of scary seeing it" She says with a frown at the end. This broke my heart a little bit. I never want her to be scared of me. Even if it was a fake me.

"It's okay, I'm the real me, not that one" I say with a smile as I lean in and kiss her. "But if you re-lived it in a dream then, what if it happens every time you think about it?" I ask as I was thinking something. 'Could someone be doing this to her? But why? Maybe revenge? But who would ever want revenge on Josie? She's the sweetest person in the world' I think to myself I look over at Josie.

Then an idea popped into my head.

"I have an idea, but we need to go see a witch, well technically they are a heretic, a certain heretic" I say and Josie looks at me with a curious look but also mixed with excited and scared. "What is your idea? And who is this witch?" She asks as I grab black leggings and a black shirt and my leather jacket. "Well you know Stefan Salvatore, my dad knew him pretty well, back in the 1920's they were best friends" I say still grabbing stuff.

"Yeah? Well what about h-" Josie starts but I cut her off. "Stefan knew this certain witch, a good friend of his actually, and she is pretty smart and I think she might know how to help us out with this" I say as I throw my clothes into the bathroom and turn over and look at Josie.

"Here go get ready, then we can go, we need to leave, I'll pick you up from your dorm and while you're getting ready I'll tell your dad, now go and get ready" I say and Josie smiles then leaves the room.

I go into the bathroom and put on my outfit I picked out and brush my teeth and curl my hair a little bit and head over to Dr. Saltzman's office and tell him what happened and I leave and head to Josie's dorm and knock on the door.

Josie's POV-

Hope said that she had a plan and just wanted me to go get ready and that she would pick me up, so we could find someone to help me with my dream and everything. I pick out a skirt along with a red crop top and grab Hope's jacket that I still had with me with made me smile every time I looked at it. It reminded me of her.

I went into the bathroom and put on my outfit and did my hair and brushed my teeth and just as I finished I heard a knock on the door. "Jo do you know who that is?" Lizzie asked as I walked into the room and opened the door which revealed Hope. "That would be me, you ready Jo?" Hope asks as she looks over at me. "Yeah, let's go to where ever you are taking me now" I say with a small laugh as I turn to Lizzie.

"I'll see you later today, bye love you" Lizzie says as she hugs me and pulls away. "Bye Liz, have fun with Mg" I say with a smirk and she throws a pillow at me but Hope had already pulled me out of the room and closed the door.

"Okay come on, let's go, I'm driving" Hope says and I smile and let out a small laugh. "What!" She says as she playfully slaps my arm as she start walking through the hallway. "Nothing, you're just cute when you're in a rush" Just as I said that Landon turned the corner and looked at us.

"In a rush to where?" Landon asks as he folds his arms and stands in front of us. "None of your business, now move" Hope says with her hybrid face and Landon thinks about it for a moment then moves out of the way and Hope opens the entrance door for me and holds it open.

"Thank you" I say with a small smirk on my face. "Your welcome" Hope says as she unlocks her car and it chirps. She opens the door and I sit down in the car and smile to myself. 'She's so sweet when she does this, I love it when she does it' I think to myself as Hope gets in the car and turns it on and starts to drive.

And we were off.

Okay this was longer than usually, hope you guys enjoyed it. I wonder who this mystery person is? Hmmmm, I wonder, anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I hope that you guys have a great day/night!

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