Chapter 46

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Hope's POV-

This morning I woke up and I look down and see Josie laying on top of me and holding tightly to me. I couldn't help but smile at her. She is the most absolute cutest.

I just sat and stared at her beautiful face and her gorgeous shiny and silky hair that was spread across the pillow cases and sheets.

Just then I heard a knock on the door and I groan as I turn over slowly to my nightstand and check my phone.

7:00AM, great, cause that's the time I want to be woken up at.

"Come in" I say in my morning voice and I see Dr. Saltzman walk into my room and I look at him with a concerned face as to why he's here and he also seems to have a concerned face until his eyes see Josie's sleeping body beside me and he relax's.

"Can we talk outside?" He whispers to me and I nod as I slowly untangle myself from Josie just for her to grip my waist tighter.

"Why are you leaving?" I hear Josie's tired face say as I look down to see her tired brown eyes looking up at me pleading for me not to leave her and I slunk down to her level and stroke her hair.

"It's okay, your dad needs me real quick, I'll be back sooner then you think princess" I say and she groans and turns over to look at my dad.

"Your so mean dad, why do you need to take her away from me?" Josie says resting her head in my lap and I look up at him and smirk.

"It's just for a moment sweetie, Hope, a word" He says taking a sigh until I nod and I slowly take Josie's head off of my lap and she just pouts as I give her a peck on the lips until I get out of bed and follow Dr. Saltzman out of my dorm and into the hallway.

"What's up Dr. Saltzman, is everything alright?" I ask hesitating to see if this is good news or bad news.

"Uh yeah but I just need to talk to you about last night" He says and I roll my eyes thinking of Landon, and what he did to Josie.

"What is there to talk about?" I say rolling my eyes.

"From all the damage you did to Landon, we had to put him in the infirmary to heal, he has a broken rib, broken jaw, broken spleen, you snapped his spine in half, and he has a concession" Dr. Saltzman says sounding very disappointed in me.

"So?" I ask rolling my eyes wondering what he was fussing about. Landon put Josie in danger. his daughter, and he's giving me a lecture about hurting him.

"So?! So you almost killed him! That's not good Hope! Bringing an innocent boy close to death is not you! It's your father! And I will not let you turn out to be your father..." He yells out and tears start forming in my eyes as he mentions my father.

"RIC!" I can hear Caroline's voice yell out as she walks up to me and Dr. Saltzman.

I wipe the tears from my eyes as I just walk away from the two as Caroline scolds him as I hear a door open and footsteps follow closely behind me.

"Hope!" I can hear Josie's voice say as I slowly stop and she cups my face and kisses me softly on the lips.

We don't say anything as Josie hugs me and leads me to her dorm considering it was closer than my dorm which also had Dr. Saltzman in front of it.

She closes the door behind us and she straddles me as I sit on the edge of the bed and she wraps her arms around my neck and keeps them there.

"I heard what my dad said Hope.." Josie says and I look down with tears forming in my eyes again.

"Hope.. look at me" Josie says and I look up at her and she wipes away my tears and kisses my tear-stained cheeks softly with light kisses.

"He's wrong, your father was a great man to you, and my mom" Josie says and I smile softly at her kind words about my father as I give Josie a kiss that's full of passion and love.

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