"What's wrong Hope?"

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Josie's POV-

I woke up the next morning. I looked over to my side to see Hope fast asleep next to me. Then memories started coming back to me from last night. Why did she forgive me? I don't understand how she forgave me so easily.

I'm lost in my thoughts as I stare at Hope while she sleeps when suddenly she opens her eyes. "Jeez omg Hope!" I say as I flinch and sit up from the bed. "Yeah yeah okay, good morning" She says smirking and I lay back down on the bed and face her.

"Hi" I say softly and she smiles and strokes my hair when all of a sudden I see her black veins pop out. "Hope y-your eyes" I say and she realizes it and sits up and turns away.

"Hope, look at me" I say as I touch her shoulder but she gets up from the bed. "Josie I-I'm sorry, y-you should leave, I don't wanna hurt you" Hope says to me as she backs up against the wall with her black veins still showing.

"Hope, I'm not afraid of you, please let me help" I say and she looks down. "N-no no no, Josie please leave, I can barely control myself right now, Josie please" Hope says practically begging.

"Hope I am not leaving you!" I say and she pins me against the wall. "JOSIE I CAN'T CONTROL MYSELF I WILL END UP KILLING YOU JOSIE" Hope says with her veins and I back her up against the bed. "I trust you Hope, more than anything, I trust you" I say as I crash our lips together.

After a little bit I pull away and see her veins are gone. "Hope, I am with you, I always will be" I say as she opens her eyes and looks at me. "Josie I know you are, but I'm just gonna go get a blood bag a-and go train with Caroline" "Hope" I say but she closes the door.

Hope's POV-

I left my room leaving Josie in it. I can't believe that I almost hurt her. How could I? I think to myself as i bump into the bee last person that I wanted to bump into. Landon.

"Um hey Hope, are you okay?" He asks me. "I'm yeah just getting a blood bag then going to train" I say. "Oh well, can I come watch you train?" Landon asks me. Omg no! I really don't want him to come and watch me.

"Um sorry Landon but I really need to focus" I say and he steps towards me. "What, so I'll be distracting you?" He says as he walks closer. Is he gonna kiss me? He better not.

Just then I see Landon lean in and I turn my head and see Josie so I push him away. Once I turn back to look at Josie, she's gone. "What's wrong Hope?" Landon asks me and I turn back to him.

"Look Landon, I'm sorry but I just don't have feelings for you anymore, I also love someone else, I'm sorry" Was all I said before I quickly walked to the kitchen when I saw Josie go in that direction.

Once I finally arrive at the kitchen I see her sitting down at the counter and as I was about to walk over to her she grabbed car keys and left.

Where is she going?

Hey guys so I am VERY VERY sorry that I haven't posted in like 2 weeks, I was busy finishing school and I just had no time to do it. Also sorry that this part was short. Anyways, I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying this story and have a great day/night!

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