Chapter 48

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Josie's POV-

After Hope threw an arrow at my dad I yelled for her name but she just gave me a look that didn't have any meaning attached to it and she just vamp-speeded away.

"A little help here Care? Josie?" My dad asks calling for us but neither me or my mom move.

Hope was completely right though. He deserved exactly what she said to him because she was right about it. He did believe Landon over her and throw her in a cell. He did believe Landon multiple times over me as well.

"She's right though dad, you deserved that, and you can get out of this yourself like you have with any other problem in the past you have, think of it as payback for everything you did to cause me and Hope pain" I say walking away and going to find Hope before hearing my mom say something.

"She's right Ric, they're both right, you did deserve it and what Hope just did to you, you can get yourself out of this mess like you have before" I hear my mom say before also walking away from him.

I can hear him groan as I start running into the woods to look around for Hope as I start to call out for her.

She probably thinks that I'm mad at her or something for throwing an arrow at my dad's leg right in front of me because that's how she is but she's wrong. I wasn't mad at her at all for anything.

Hope's POV-

After I vamp-speeded away into the woods I decided to wolf out to let out some extra anger that I wasn't really able to let out on Dr. Saltzman besides throwing an arrow in his leg.

I wanted to do much more damage to him but unfortunately  I wasn't able to.

I made it to the dock and there was still so much anger left in me left over surprisingly that I ended up shredding through my clothes and I groaned as I just turned through my clothes and now I would have to find a way to grab them from the mill.

I didn't care though as I started running through the woods at a quick speed for what felt like hours.

After a long time I then returned to the dock and remembered that I shredded through my clothes and I whine as I make my way over to the mill and this time I don't see anyone on the couch and I think back to when Josie was asleep on the couch last time.

I then heard someone calling my name as I turn around and see Josie running through the grasses of the field looking for me as I see her fall to the ground.

I panic and run over to her immediately and I see her out cold on the grass field and I nuzzle her with my snout softly as her breath starts to slow down and steady a little bit considering it was very uneven from probably running around looking for me.

I whine as I can feel her start to shiver and I feel guilty as I was running around for hours and while I was doing that she was looking for me for hours in the shivering cold wind as well.

I just ignored the fact that I was planning to change and turn back to my normal human form when I just acted like I didn't even turn in the first place but I did have to turn back otherwise we would've gotten in trouble but I don't care what Dr. Saltzman thinks about it. I was gonna turn back at some point and I would rather not have Josie wake up to that.

I grab Josie softly and somehow I put her on my back and walk to the mill and rest her softly on the couch and cover her with a blanket as I turn back real quick and grab some clothes off of the shelf and quickly get changed into sweatpants and a tank-top as I go back over to Josie who's still asleep on the couch.

I stroke her hair real quick and plant a kiss on her forehead as I pick her up bridle style and as I take a step out of the mill a big rush of cold air hits me and Josie and I can feel Josie shiver a lot under me as I step back inside the mill and put her on the couch again.

I grab a Salvatore School sweatshirt that was on the shelf and quickly pull it over Josie as her hair gets all over her face and I smile as I put her hair behind her ear and pick her up again as I step out of the mill into the cold air again and this time I don't feel Josie shiver.

I walk back inside the school again and walk over to Josie's room and rest her on the bed as I pull down the hood on her hoodie and I was about to close the door behind me as I look back as Josie and still see her dead asleep.

I smile to myself as I close the door as I start to walk to my room and I think of Josie as I can't help but feel bad as Josie used up all of her energy looking for me all night while the weather was at least 50 degrees and she was out there for hours.

Just then I ran into somebody and I look up about to punch the person who ran into me and I see Caroline and she just puts her hands up in surrender.

"Woah it's just me" Caroline says and I put my hands down and laugh.

"Sorry, um am I in trouble for earlier?" I ask hesitating and Caroline shakes her head no and I nod slowly.

"No, the only reason why is because he deserved it" Caroline says and I nod as I look back at Josie's room where I dropped her off.

"I left Josie in her room and she's dead asleep if you wanted to do something or say goodnight or something I don't know" I say and Caroline nods.

"Okay, thanks, I'll see you tomorrow Hope" Caroline says rubbing my arm assuringly and I nod and tell her the same thing as I make it to my room and lay down in bed and think of Josie before I drift off to sleep.

Josie's POV-

I spent at least almost 4 hours looking around for Hope in the woods and it was getting very chilly.

It was cold when I first came outside but I ignored it for the time being and just focused on finding Hope the entire time.

I was in the middle of the grass field as I called out Hope's name one last time loudly hoping she would just come find me as I felt my legs turn into jelly and I fell to the ground as everything went black.

Next thing I know I wake up feeling warm and I look around and realize that I'm in my room and I was really confused by it considering I was in the field.

How did I get to my room?

I look down and see that I'm also wearing the school sweatshirt as I don't think much of it as I realize I'll probably just find out about it tomorrow and I just close my eyes and turn to my side and slowly start to drift off to sleep.

But I was thinking of Hope and wishing and hoping that she was okay and everything was alright and she was safe and not hurt or anything bad.

I pushed the thoughts out of my mind though as I thought of all of mine and Hope's happy memories and fell asleep quicker then ever thinking of her.

Hey guys! Decided to post another chapter before school starts again tomorrow. I hope that you guys had a great thanksgiving and I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter and have a great day/night!

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