"Oh hell"

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Hope's POV-

Once my dad appeared, he also tried to convince me to stop this as well. I couldn't though. I just thought of it I can't get it out of my mind now.

My dad was about to speak again when we heard a giant roar outside. Me and Josie look at each other and think the same thing as we speak at the same time.

"Monster" We both say at the same time and my dad sighs. "Dad I have to go and protect the school but I'll talk to you later, bye dad love you!" I say quickly and drop the crystal on my bed and I run out of my room with Josie following me.

Josie's POV-

Me and Hope heard a roar outside and we both knew it was a monster. Hope said goodbye to her dad and dropped the crystal and we both head out the door and meet my dad, Lizzie, and Mg outside.

"Where's Kaleb? Shouldn't he be here to?" Mg asks. "You know him, probably protecting the little kids, he's not a big fan of fighting monsters" My dad says and Hope rolls her eyes.

"Well haven't you guys already beat a dragon before?" Lizzie asks. "Hope did" My dad says and she turns to Hope. "Beat the god damn thing again" Lizzie says and Hope rolls her eyes again.

"It's not that easy, plus.. this looks like a different dragon, it's... bigger" Hope says as the huge dragon circles around in circles above us.

"And how would you know?" Lizzie says. "Because the one we fought before was smaller, and I can tell because there's a smaller one right behind it" Hope says pointing to the sky and we see another big dragon behind the other one but this one is smaller but still big.

"Greatttt, more dragons" Lizzie says sarcastically. "Now is not the time Lizzie" I say.

"Dr. Saltzman do we have a sword laying around anywhere by chance? Cause we sure as hell don't have the knife" Hope says and laughs lightly as my dad shakes his head slowly.

"Uh I don't think so, maybe somewhere in the library" He says and Hope turns toward Lizzie.

"Lizzie go get it, and take Mg and Josie" Hope says and I turn towards her. "Are you serious right now? No, wha- no no no" I say disagreeing to this. I need to stay out here with Hope.

"Sorry but you don't have a choice, just go" Hope says and I stand still and she whispers a spell and it sends me, Lizzie, and Mg flying into the library and right in front of the sword we need.

"Ow" I say and brush it off and grab the sword and run outside and give it to Hope. "You could have been more gentle you know" I say.

"Right, sorry, now stay inside and be safe!" She says before throwing me back into the school with a spell again but more gently. But also locking the doors with it.

"Hope!" I scream from inside and she shrugs then holds the sword and looks up to the sky. I can't see much because of the walls.

Hope's POV-

I threw Josie back inside the Salvatore School. I didn't want to risk her getting hurt. Let alone get killed.

"Was that necessary?" Dr. Saltzman says. "Do you want your daughter to risk dying to two dragons? I thought so" I say and see the two dragons circling even more.

"So what's the plan?" He asks. "Go into hiding, now, and don't even protest, your daughters can't not have a dad now?" I say with a small smirk and he rolls his eyes but nods and goes under cover.

"Now it's just you guys and me..." I say and take a deep breath before I remember something from my mind. The spell. The spell I used to take down the original dragon we fought before.

"Maybe this won't be to hard, hopefully not" I say to myself as I hold up the sword facing the dragons as I start to say the spell.

"Tenebris anima vestra contundito mortem, et conteret spiritum, frange vitam, nolite corde, ut suh terra esse, ad tenebras usque in sempiternum. Tenebris anima vestra contundito mortem, et conteret spiritum, frange vitam, nolite corde, ut suh terra esse, ad tenebras usque in sempiternum" I say to twice when I start to feel dizzy and everything goes black.

(This is actually the real spell btw, I copied it from the Netflix episode on legacies, if you want to know the episode it is season 1 episode 2)

Josie's POV-

Hope was talking to my dad. We couldn't hear what they were saying but my dad then left. What? Why would he leave her all alone?

Then Hope holds up the sword and starts talking. Maybe she's saying a spell. Then after a second she then faints on the ground.

"Hope!! Hope!" I yell frantically as I try to open the door and the door nob actually twists. I run outside and look at Hope and try to feel her pulse.

After a second of searching around for it I finally feel it and I let out a huge sigh of relief. I then look over and see the smaller dragon on the ground. But it wasn't a dragon anymore. It was the human version of it.

But I didn't see another one. When I looked up I still says the bigger dragon circling around. Why didn't it work? I think as the human dragon makes it's way over to me.

I grab the sword at Hope's feet and stab the human dragon in the neck with it. Dad told me that's how they killed it last time.

When the human dragon fell to the ground I pulled the sword out and felt the heart beat to see if it was actually dead. It was.

Just then Hope opened her eyes and looked around. She sat up when she saw me and I hugged her tightly. "You scared me" I whisper in her ear.

She hugs me back and I smile but when we pull away she looks at the dead human dragon then looks up at the sky and still sees that the other bigger dragon is still there.

"Oh hell" Hope says.

Hey guys, sorry this one was shorter, updated two days in a row!! Yay! Thank you guys so much for 15k reads!!!! Ahhhh love y'all so much!!! ❤️❤️ hope y'all enjoyed and have a great day/night!

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