Chapter 49

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Josie's POV-

I ended up waking up feeling fine and I just looked around my room confused on what happened last night as I was still just starting to wake up.

Then I remembered last night. Hope. And how she stormed off after hitting my dad and I then remembered my dad but didn't really care at all or worry about him to much.

I got out of bed thinking of Hope and took a quick shower which lasted about 15 minutes until I got out and put on some black ripped jeans and a normal white crop top that wasn't to cropped.

After I finished getting dressed I heard a knock on the door and I was confused for a minute as to why someone would be knocking at my door at 8:00AM in the morning.

I pushed the thought out of my mind as I opened the door to see Lizzie there.

"Lizzie? Since when are you up at 8:00 in the morning?" I ask her and she just shrugs and continues to walk into my room and I just brush it off as I let her in my room and I pick up my phone and see no notifications from Hope which seems to still worry me.

"What's wrong Jo? And don't ask why I'm up at 8:00 in the morning" Lizzie says and I just nod slowly as I sit next to her on my bed.

"Last night Hope got all mad at dad then she went to go wolf out and I was searching for her for hours until I just gave up and I think I passed out from all of my tiredness" I say explaining last night to Lizzie and she looks at me shocked.

"LAST NIGHT?! Last night was freezing cold Jo, it was like 50 degrees or something and you seriously went looking for Hope? For hours?!" Lizzie says and I nod like it's something normal that happens normally.

"Yeah, I was worried about her" I say and Lizzie face palms herself as she groans.

"Jo that's dangerous, how did you not get frostbite from being out there?" Lizzie asks and I shrug my shoulders.

"I have no idea, and I woke up in the middle of the night in my bed with a hoodie on, and I didn't find Hope and I haven't seen her today so I'm gonna go look for her" I say and before I walk out the door Lizzie says something.

"Look Jo, I know that you love her, but don't start risking your life for her" Lizzie says and I take a step back inside as I still keep the door open slightly.

"I'll do anything for her Lizzie, she... she's my soulmate, and anything she goes through I'm gonna go through it with her" I say smiling to myself proud of myself while meaning my entire sentence.

"Fine, but if you die because of her I will blame her and torture her for the rest of her life, well actually she's a vampire so for as long as I live" Lizzie says returning to her phone and I just let out a chuckle and leave my room and go out looking for Hope.

Hope's POV-

I woke up early this morning. At 6:00AM to be exact.

The first thing that was on my mind was Josie when I first woke up. She usually was whenever I woke up.

I checked my phone to see a text from my Aunt Freya and I was happy but also surprised at the same time as to why she was up this early.

Hey Hope! I realized that we haven't talked in a while and I was hoping that maybe we could catch up if you would like that, I hope that maybe we can see each other soon! I love you! Always and forever!

I smile at her text as I read it and just smile to myself as I start typing back.

Hi Aunt Freya! Yeah I think that maybe you should come visit again, it's been so long and I miss you since the last time you came! I love you too, always and forever!

I say finishing my sentence and sending it to Aunt Freya as I get up and groan as I see it's 6:30AM and I grab a towel as I go into the bathroom and start the shower as I walk into it and let the cool water hit my body.

I took my time in the shower scrubbing my body as I get out of the shower and dry my hair and put my hair up in a bun as I put on normal jeans and a dark green shirt over my head as I brush out my hair until I hear a knock on the door.

I open the door to see an unexpected person.

"Lizzie? What are you doing here?" I ask and Lizzie pushes past me and she sits on my bed glaring over at me.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? Is Josie okay?" I say as Josie enters my mind again and Lizzie continues glaring at me as she opens her mouth to speak.

"She's fine now, but what the hell happened last night? And how the hell did she not get like frostbite or something from passing out in the field" Lizzie says and I look at her knowing that Josie probably told her whatever Josie knows about what happened last night.

"Okay well I turned right? And then I heard Josie calling out for me and I looked over and I saw her collapse onto the ground and I ran and kept her warm with my fur then I brought her into the mill, set her on the couch while she was asleep, then I turned back and changed into some clothes and I put a hoodie over her so she wasn't cold and I carried her back to the school and put her in her bed to sleep then I went to bed in my room" I say explaining all of last night to her.

Lizzie just looks at me and gets up and gives me a quick hug before pulling away and giving me a small smile before it goes away and she starts to talk.

"Thank you, but if one day she gets badly hurt or dies because of you, I will torture you for as long as I live, understood?" Lizzie says and I nod.

"Lizzie if she ever got hurt because of me, I wouldn't be able to live with myself" I say and Lizzie nods.

"Your lucky she loves you Mikaelson" Lizzie says and I nod and let out a small laugh.

"I know I am, I am truly lucky to have your sister in my life Lizzie, I wouldn't let anything happen to her, you know that right?" I say and she nods slowly after hesitating for a second.

"I know Mikaelson, just please, whatever you do, do not hurt her, there's always this light in her eyes when she's around you or talks about you, and she always talks about you" Lizzie says and I laugh lightly.

"Always?" I ask and Lizzie nods.

"Always" She says as we both share a laugh and a smile as Lizzie gives me a small hug again before leaving my room before looking back at me.

"Be good to her" Lizzie says looking at me real quick.

"Always will be" I say giving her another smile and she then leaves my room as I hear something outside my window in the back garden area with my vampire hearing and it sounds like a call for help but a very quiet voice.

I also leave my room shortly after to see something happening that made my heart break.

Whoops! Sorry for the cliffhanger you guys! Thank you for 33K reads!!! It makes me very proud and happy and thank you for everybody who has been with me since Chapter 1! Comment here if you've been here since then! Anyways, I hope you guys have an amazing day/night!

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