"Wait what, why did I think that?"

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Josie's POV-

I am back in my subconscious, wow this place really doesn't look that different at all, no Josie stop, we're here for Hope, we just have to find the place where she got turned to stone then go rescue her.

I speed walk to the place where Hope got turned to stone cause I had to get her out. Now.

I arrived at the place where I defeated my darker self and I still saw Hope there and she was still turned to stone. Wow, even as a statue she still looks beautiful, wait what, why did I think that? Never mind, I have to get Hope out of here I thought to myself as I stepped closer to her. I placed my hands on her face and concentrated on Hope. Then my hands started glowing a orange-ish red-ish. I saw my hands had a stopped glowing, I opened my eyes and saw Hope's face back to normal.

"H-Hope?" I said like a whisper and she opened her eyes and her blue ocean eyes looked into mine. "Josie?" Hope said to me and I smiled then hugged her immediately and tightly like I never wanted to let her go.

Hope's POV-

I was still in the darkness I was in before until I saw a bright white light in front of me and I didn't know what it was but I still walked through it. I closed my eyes cause I didn't know what to expect. Next thing I know I hear a familiar voice call out my name. "H-Hope" I heard the familiar voice say and I opened my eyes and saw Josie. My heart fluttered and my stomach filled with butterflies when I saw her. Why? I don't know exactly. It just did.

"Josie?" I said back to her and she smiled bigger than I have ever seen. She then wrapped her arms around me very tightly and I did too.

Stomach now is not the time to feel butterflies, I don't know why I feel like this when I'm around her, when I'm around her, I feel... alive. But I don't know why with Josie... everyone else made me feel the same. Okay Hope you'll think about this later, just think about Josie right now and only her.

"It worked!! I'm so happy your okay!" Josie said as she wrapped her arms tightly around me. "This was your plan? Wow, I'm surprised you thought of it" I joked as she stoped hugging me and put on a fake hurt face which I gave a small laugh at. "I'm hurt! How dare you!" She said then faced her back towards me. "Oh come on, you know you can't be mad at me forever" I said to her and she turned around when I gave her a smirk. She then gave a loud sigh, "No, I guess I can't be" She said then gave a small laugh and I hugged her again, very tightly, I never wanted to let go, but I did.

"I guess now we just have to wait until we can get out" Josie said as she sat down on the floor. "About that how do we get out? And when do we know when it's the time to?" I asked her while sitting down next to her turned my head towards her. "Well, when it's time to go, there will be a bright white light appearing and we just step through it then we should be back home" And just as Josie said that, the bright white light appeared.

"Well, I guess that's our cue, come on" I stood up and offered my hand out to Josie's and she took it then stood up. We both walked through the white light, and after a few seconds, we opened our eyes and we were in Dr. Saltzman's office.

Okay we are pretty much getting Hope back! And there was a little bit of hosie in here but I promise there will be more! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a great day/night!

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