"Thanks for sticking up for me like that"

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Past Chapter: 

"I think I know how to get Landon back"

Josie's POV-

My dad just told me and Hope that he might know how to get Landon back. My heart crushed at the thought of Hope and Landon getting back together, and being with each other everyday.

"Wait you know how to get Landon back!?" I heard Rafael say behind us. "It's a maybe, i'm not sure if it will work but it might, Hope you coming?" I could see that Hope was all in her thoughts of this. "I-I don't know, me and Josie were gonna hang out" I felt happy that Hope would rather spend time with me instead of helping to get her boyfriend back. If he still is her boyfriend.

"Seriously?! You love Landon! And he loves you and you're not even gonna help him come back from the dead!?" Rafael said from behind us as he stepped in front of us. I could see that Hope was getting more angry when Rafael said that. "Yeah well maybe I don't love him anymore" Rafael was shocked. "Seriously!?! You know what he doesn't deserve someone like you, he deserves someone who would actually fight for him and love him, and you are definitely not someone like that. I started to get angry. Hope doesn't deserve those words. She is a good person. 

"Well maybe if you just controlled yourself in the first place and if you didn't kill Landon then none of us would be in this mess the first place!" I just blurted out and I saw Rafael show his yellow werewolf eyes. "You know I don't understand why he dated you, Josie, I don't know what he sees in you" I looked down at the floor until I heard Hope say something. "You know I never understood what I saw in him, he is useless, it's more like he doesn't deserve either of us! He always waits for me to come rescue him instead of trying to rescue himself! So call me selfish all you want but it's the truth, and even you know it Rafael, and say stuff like that about Josie one more time and you won't be able to see tomorrow" Hope then walks away and I follow her as Rafael and my dad leave and go to his office.

Hope's POV-

Rafael just said that he doesn't know what Landon saw in Josie, this made me angry off of the rooftops, so I called stuff out about Landon and stormed off to my room and heard Josie follow me. I just had to cool off, maybe I should go wolf out. I kept walking then I walked outside into the woods and went to the dock not realizing that Josie was still following me.

"Hope" I turn around and look at Josie. "Yeah, what's up" I turn back around and sit down at the dock then look at her and pat a spot next to me on the dock. She comes over and sits down. "Thank you for sticking up for me like that" I look at her and nod. "Anytime, um I'm gonna turn, you can stay if you want" I then get up and she looks at me. "You staying for the show or?" I could see that Josie blushed as she was looking at me then turned around. I got undressed then folded my clothes and put them next to a bush then I turned and I nudged Josie's hand with my nose to let her know that she can turn around.

Josie's POV-

I turned around to give Hope privacy then not to long after I felt something nudge my hand I I turned around and saw Hope as a white wolf. She looks really pretty even as a wolf. She then turns around and starts walking and I follow her to see that we go into the woods. "Hope where are you taking me?" I say with a chuckle and she just keeps walking then stops at an open green field and looks at me. "I'm guessing this is where you come to run around as a wolf?" I ask and she nods with her head then lowers down her back. "You want me to get on your back? Are you crazy? I've never done with before" I look at her and she gives me her little puppy dog wolf eyes and I give in. I slowly get on her back and she starts to walk and I feel comfortable. I trust Hope with my life. She then turns her head back and looks at me and I nod and she starts to walk a little faster. It feels nice with the breeze and everything in my face.

"I can see why you enjoy it here Hope, it's relaxing" She then starts to run and at first I got a little scared but I trust Hope. I ended up getting comfortable with it. We were running for about a hour then we went back to the docks and I got off of Hope's back.

"That was fun, thank you Hope" I lean down and pet her head then she starts to spin. "What?" She keeps spinning until it hits me. "Oh sorry" I turn around to give her privacy and I hear her bones crack more then I hear the bush ruffling when I hear her sweet voice. "You can turn around now" I turn around and meet with her blue eyes. "That was a lot of fun, thank you for that Hope" I say as she steps closer to me and grabs my hand. "Anytime" I look into her blue eyes for a second. We stare at each other in silence until Hope breaks it. "So, can I still take you to the place I wanted to take you to before everything started happening" I nod my head and smile at her with a small laugh. She then takes my hand and starts to lead me somewhere. "Close your eyes, I don't want you to see" I roll my eyes at her as a joke then close my eyes.

"You better make sure that I don't run into anything" I say as she lets out a small chuckle. "Never, I got you" I can feel a small blush creep up on me but I hide it.

*5 minutes later*

"Hope are we there yet?" She lets out another laugh as she helps me walk over a rock. "Almost, watch it!" Before I can react I run into a branch. "I thought you had me" She lets out another chuckle. "Sorry, you can open your eyes now" I open my eyes and see a big lake in front of me. "Wow Hope, it's beautiful" I say and look at her. "Not as beautiful as you" I then look at her and I see her blush as she didn't mean to say that out loud. "Sorry" She looks away and I grab her chin so I force her to look at me. "It's okay" She smiles and looks back at the lake and sunset.

Hope's POV-

I looked at the lake and sunset and Josie, even though I didn't mean to call her beautiful, but she was. I walk down to the edge of the lake and look at Josie and she walks towards me and stands next to me. "You ready?" I look at her and she looks at me confused. "For what?" I roll my eyes at her as a joke. "To swim" Her eyes widen as she looks at me. "Seriously? Oh now I see why you told me to wear a bathing suit under my clothes, what if it's cold though" Hope looks at me. "Then I'll keep you warm" I see a small blush on Josie's face and she hides it.

"Fine" Me and Josie turn around and take out clothes off and I turn back around and see Josie in her swim suit.

Wow, she looks even more beautiful, her stomach is toned and it fits with her bathing suit. Damn. She looks so sexy right now. All I want to do is just rip it off and kiss all over her-

I snap out of my thoughts when Josie calls my name. "You done staring?" I blush a little bit then turn around to the edge and look at the water. "You ready?" Josie nods. "You go first" Josie looks at me. "What why me first? This was your idea" I roll my eyes. "Oh come on, don't be a wuss now" I smirk at her and she rolls her eyes then jumps and I hear the water splash. "Omg it's so cold! Hurry up and get down here!" I let out a small laugh then I also jump in.

Josie's POV-

I jumped in the water and it was cold. I waited for Hope to jump then I heard a splash behind me. I turned around and didn't see Hope, maybe she was still rising. I waited about a minute and I still didn't see Hope come up then I started to panic a little more. "Hope! Hope where are you! Hope! HOPE!" I started to panic a lot that I was moving around the water and I went over to one area and I saw Hope just laying on top of the water.

"Hope you scared me! Don't do that ever again" Hope rose up from the water and came a little bit closer to me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" I smile at her, I can't stay mad at her forever. "It's okay, I could never stay mad at you" She smiles at me. "Come on, it's starting to get a little bit more cold" I say. Hope then wraps her arms around me. "What are you doing?" She looks at me. "I said I would keep you warm" She wraps her arms around me again and I smile at that. She did keep me warm. Me and Hope played in the water for like 45 minutes then we went out and Hope tossed me a towel and we both wrapped ourselves around towels and Hope sits down at the edge and looks at the sun which is setting.

I go over and sit next to her. "What's wrong?" I ask her and she looks at me. "Nothing, everything is great, everything is perfect" I smile at her and we stare at each other for a minute. Before I can control myself I lean in....

Oooooo, I'm sorry for the cliffhanger guys! But don't worry it will all be worth it next chapter ;) Anyways, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying this story and I hope that you have a great day/night!

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