"It's rude to stare you know"

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Josie's POV-

I woke up to the sunlight beaming on my face through a small cut in the curtains. I tried to look around but I couldn't. I felt something that was hugging my whole body. I looked up and saw a beautiful face that I recognized. Hope.

I stared at her face sleeping, peacefully. "It's rude to stare you know" Hope said with her eyes still closed. I jumped up with my heart beating fast. "You okay? Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" Hope said as she rushed over to my side. "Yeah, it's fine, and I wasn't staring, I was gazing, there's a difference you know" I said as I sat down on the bed next to Hope. Then the memories of last night started to flood my brain. I started to feel sad thinking about seeing Hope's dead body. But I also remember what she said last night. I heard her heart beat. She's alive and here.

"You okay?" I turn and look at Hope and nod. "Okay well it is Saturday, what should we do?" I think about what we should do, Hope's right. It is Saturday. "I know, I have somewhere I want to take you after breakfast, but let's go eat first, then we'll go" I can see her smirk as she gets up.

Hope takes some clothes and goes into the bathroom and changes. She hands me some jeans and a t-shirt and I go into the bathroom and change. Surprisingly her jeans were able to fit me. Me and Hope left and started walking down the hall and we were going to breakfast. Mine and Hope's hands kept brushing against each other and every time it gave me butterflies around my stomach.

I wanted to take Hope's hand but I feel like that would have been awkward. Before I know it Hope ties our hands together. I smile at the thought that Hope was holding my hand. I felt... happy. I haven't felt like this in a long time. Me and Hope walked into the cafeteria when my mood had dropped. I saw the one person who I didn't want to see. Penelope. The girl who broke my heart. I felt angry seeing her. Hope noticed my anger and squeezed my hand to let me know that it's okay. I let out a deep breathe and me and Hope kept walking. Me and Hope let go of each other's hands because we had to grab out food. After we grabbed out food we saw Lizzie waving us over to sit at the table with her, mg, Kaleb, and Rafael. Me and Hope walked over there with our food and sat down.

Hope's POV-

Me and Josie left my room and headed down to breakfast and I wrapped my hand around hers. I didn't even mean to but I still did. She just went with it and also held my hand. We walked into the cafeteria and I felt Josie's happy mood go down. I tried to see why when I saw Penelope Park. Her ex. I could see that Josie was still angry so I squeezed her hand and she looked at me with her brown eyes. She just ignored Penelope and we went and got our food then Lizzie was waving us over to go sit down her and the rest of the super squad.

"Hey guys, you okay Jo?" Lizzie asked Josie and she nodded as she sat down. "Wait why would she not be okay? Did something happen?" Mg asked as he looked confused. "Nothing happened" Josie said. I could tell that she didn't really want to share what happened last night. and I understand why. I wouldn't want to either. "Jo, we're your friends, you can tell us anything" I was starting to get kind of angry. Josie didn't want to say anything then she didn't have to, they shouldn't force her. "She had a bad dream okay? Now let's not talk about it anymore" I just blurted out and Mg nodded. "Sorry Mg, I didn't mean to shout, I've just been on edge this morning" Mg nods to tell me that it's okay. The rest of us just talk about monsters and everything that has been happening when a certain someone walks over.

"Hey JoJo" I turned around and saw Penelope. I felt anger rising in Josie again as she looked at her. "What do you want Penelope" I turned around fully and looked at Penelope as I crossed one of my legs over my other and crossed my arms. "Nothing, just want to see how you're doing, what's your problem tribrid" I just looked at her as Josie looked at me and also saw anger in my eyes. "You, you're my problem Penelope" She put a fake hurt look on her face. "Well tribrid, maybe you should take a chill pill, because I was just leaving" I had my eyes glow a faint yellow at her. "Good, now go" Penelope left and Josie turned and looked at me. "You okay? I saw your eyes" I nodded my head and she looked at me. "I am, it was just a warning, now let's hurry up and eat so we can go" Josie smiled as she remembered that I was taking her somewhere. "Wait where are you guys going?" Lizzie asked us and Josie looked at me. "I don't know, Hope wants to surprise me by us going somewhere, since it's Saturday" Lizzie nodded and we kept eating.

Me and Josie had finished eating and we got up to leave as Dr. Saltzman came up to us out of breath. "Dr. Saltzman, what's wrong, why are you so out of breath?" Dr. Saltzman had held up a book. "I think I know how to get Landon back"

I know I know! You guys probably don't like how Landon might be back but you never know, it might and might not work. I promise that we will have Hosie stuff soon, very soon. Anyways I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying this story so far, I hope that you have a good day/night!

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