Chapter 56

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Josie's POV-

After I went to my own dorm I told Lizzie everything happening between me and Hope.

"So, have you told her EVERYTHING?" Lizzie says since she actually knows everything about me.

"Yep, tonight I told her the final thing that I hadn't told her, my.. past" I say not wanting to think about it much so I don't get triggered.

"I mean I know you trust Hope Jo, and I do too, with a lot, that's also what I have with Mg" Lizzie says and I smile at her.

"I trust her with my life. She even handed me her phone to let me look at text messages people sent her and her phone passcode is our anniversary" I say smiling huge and I can see awe in Lizzie's eyes to.

"I love her so much, she is my one true love, and my epic love too, she's my everything" I say and Lizzie just nudges me being herself.

*2 hours later*

Me and Lizzie caught up on everything, everything between me and Hope and her and Mg. I was glad we were able to catch up.

"I think I'm gonna go check on Hope, bye Lizzie" I say giving her a hug and she says bye as well as I walk out into the hallway on the way to Hope's dorm.

I haven't seen my dad ever since earlier when I basically disobeyed him and went against his demand of me and Hope being together. I didn't care though.

As I was in the middle of my thoughts I didn't look where I was walking and ran into someone.

"Oh god I'm so sorr-" I start until I look up and see brown eyes.

Brown eyes I never wanted to see again.

"Josie.. what a lovely surprise, fancy seeing you here" His voice says deeply and laced with venom.

"Devin.. please... leave me alone" I say pleading as I was staring at my abusive ex-boyfriend.

"But now where's the fun in that sweetheart? You know how much I like to have my fun Jo.." He says as his rough hand touches my cheek.

It brought memories of Hope always doing that but her hands were soft and gentle. His hands were the complete opposite.

I tried to do magic on him to get him away from me but I had none in me. And there was no magic nearby that I was able to siphon.

As I tried to use my magic against him, since it did nothing his grip only became harder on me.

I let out a small whimper as it hurt and he just smirked.

"Now now Jo.. you're being a bad girl, and bad girls get punished" He whispers in my ear and I felt frozen.

He backed me up into the wall and closed my eyes and prepared for the worst until I felt his hand immediately taken off my face as I opened my eyes and saw Hope rip him away from me.

She bashed him into the wall behind her and the kicked him 'there' and when he doubled down in pain she kneed him in the face and kicked him to the ground as she slowly knelt down and her hybrid face was showing.

Hope's POV-

After Caroline left I relaxed in my bed for a bit for another hour and a half. And I was really missing Josie.

I decided to go check in on the twins. I knew they were spending their time together but I still wanted to make sure everything was okay. I just had a gut feeling that Josie wasn't okay and my gut is always right so I listened to it and went to check on the twins.

As I was walking down the hallway to the twins' room. I saw Josie held up against a wall with her eyes closed and a man who was EXTREMELY close to her and had his hand on her face.

I could tell she was scared. And that made me furious and everything go off inside of me.

I could even feel that my eyes were glowing and my hybrid face popped out as I ripped the man away from Josie and basically threw him against the wall on the other side of the big hallway and then kicked him 'there' and then kneed him in the face.

Even though he was already on the floor, I was still raging with anger so I kicked him again just to make sure and heard him groan many times.

I then slowly bend down to his level.

"If you ever come near my girl again... I will rip you to pieces and make your life an endless. hell." I say threatening him as fear is in his eyes as he sees my hybrid face still out.

I then immediately rush over to Josie and take her back to my room and immediately give her w hug and she hugs me back as I hear her sobbing into my chest.

"Princess.." I say as I continue holding her for as long as she wanted.

"H-he wouldn't l-leave me alone.. h-he scares
m-me" I hear Josie say through muffled sobs into my chest.

"It's okay, you're safe now princess, I'll protect you, I've got you princess" I say as I stroke her hair trying to calm her down.

We end up moving to the bed and Josie cuddles i to me closely and she cries for a while until I can hear that she fell asleep.

I just stayed awake waiting for her. Waiting for my princess to tell me what happened.

*1 hour and a half later*

I can see Josie stir awake as she rubs her eyes to slowly wake up and I stroke her hair and push it behind her ear as I'm still holding her closely and tightly in my arms.

"Hey princess.." I say kissing her head multiple times softly as she looks up and I give her a warm smile.

"Are you okay?" I ask Josie and she just shakes her head and I just pull her closer to me.

"It's okay love, I've got you, nobody's ever gonna hurt you, I've got you princess, don't worry, you're safe with me, nobody's gonna lay a hand on you, not under my watch, I love you okay? He won't bother you again, but is that him?" I say and I see Josie smile at me but then after she slowly nods.

"His names Devin.." Josie hesitantly says and I give her a look.

"That's an ugly ass name, it's okay, he's not gonna bother you princess" I say and Josie smiles at me and gives me a kiss.

"And I love you too Hope" She says and we both smile.

"Always and forever" I say and give her a kiss on the forehead as we just watch movies for the rest of the night cuddling and don't leave each other's side.

Oh god, the ex is back, he won't stay for long with Hope around to protect her girllll, anyways, have a good day or night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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