"There is one more thing you can do, Hope"

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"They said... the tribrid will lead the girl to her doom"

Josie's POV-

I was in shock as to what Valerie said. Hope would lead me to my doom? That doesn't make sense.

I look over at Hope and see her look down. "Hope..." I say softly. "U-um, I-I need a minute" Hope gets up and leaves before anyone can protest.

"I'm sorry Josie" Valerie says and I look down and see that Hope left her phone here. Her phone started ringing.

Hope then vamp speeded back into the room and grabbed her phone and picked it up.

"Hey Dr. Saltzman" Hope says faking a good and happy voice.

Hope's POV-

I was pacing back and forth in the bedroom when I heard my phone ring and vamp speeded to the room and picked it up and saw that it was Dr. Saltzman.

"Hey Dr. Saltzman" I say faking a happy voice cause I was not happy at all.

"Hope is everything alright? I haven't heard from you in hours! And is Josie alright?" Dr. Saltzman asks.

"Um yeah sorry I was just... busy with stuff, and Josie is fine" I say as I think back to what Valerie said but soon snap out of it as I hear Dr. Saltzman speak up again.

"Okay where are you guys? And have you figured out the problem yet with the witch?" Dr. Saltzman asks and I slap my head as I felt bad lying to him about the 'witch' part.

"O-oh um yeah everything is good, this witch is great yeah mhm" I say and mentally slap myself in the face.

"Have you guys found a solution? Or a cause to it? Or maybe even something that can fix it?" Dr. Saltzman asks and I look down at the floor.

"Um kind of, I'll explain later but I need to go, bye Dr. Saltzman" I say and hang up instantly.

"Never try to lie to me" Josie says and I laugh at her but it doesn't really last for long.

"So what do we do about this? I'm gonna lead Josie to her doom" I say and Josie looks over at me. "Hope, you won't, I know you won't" Josie says reassuringly but I just shake my head.

"Josie a bunch of dead witches literally said that, who knows maybe they can predict the future, I'm not risking your life Josie" I say as I think that I should call Lizzie for this and tell her about it.

"I'll be back" I say and grab my phone and head outside and lean against the car door and call Lizzie.

Josie's POV-

Hope just left the cabin but I see her on the phone with someone as she leans against the car door.

"Can you listen to the conversation with your vamp hearing?" I ask the three heretics in front of me.

"She's to far away, we can't" Nora says and I bury my head in my hands and I can just feel the three heretics exchange looks with each other.

"I don't want to lose her" I say softly and before anyone else says anything Hope walks back in.

"Um Josie we should probably head home, your dads gonna get worried" Hope says as she exchanges looks with the three heretics in the room.

I get up and go to the car but Hope was about to walk when she turned her head back to the door as if someone was saying something to her.

She then had a worried look on her face and just said something else then came to the car and started it and started driving home but none of us said anything most of the ride home.

Hope's POV-

I talked to Lizzie and told her everything and she didn't know what to do either.

"Well aren't you helpful" I say sarcastically. "Whatever, I want the best for Josie but if you leave her she's gonna be heartbroken, she's mostly herself whenever she's with you" Lizzie says and my heart breaks at that. I didn't want to hurt her.

"Okay, tell your dad we're on our way home" I say. "Alright, see you soon Hope" Lizzie says and I smile sadly then hang up.

I was about to walk back in the cabin when I hear Josie say something with my vamp hearing.

"I don't wanna lose her" Josie says and it breaks my heart more than anything but I hold back the tears that were threatening to come out.

I just walk back into the cabin and turn to Josie. "Um Josie we should probably head home, your dads gonna get worried" I say as I exchange looks with the three heretics as if I was saying thank you.

Josie then gets up and heads to sit in the car and I was about to turn and head to the car when Valerie spoke up.

"There is one more thing you can do, Hope" Valerie says and I turn back to her and listen. Maybe I don't have to lose Josie.

"The dead witches are able to give Josie that nightmare because she is a witch, but that can stop" Valerie says and I nod at her to continue on.

"But she has to turn into a heretic, not a full witch, so the dead witches can't get in contact anymore unless Josie wants to" Valerie says and my heart stops for a second.

Josie as a vampire? No. I can't do that to her. If she was a vampire she would have to feed on blood and people. And she wouldn't be able to have kids. I can't take that away from her.

I just nod at Valerie but smile sadly as well.

"Thanks Valerie, for everything, thanks as well Nora and Mary Louise, for coming here and helping" I say and they nod.

"Good luck with you two, I hope it turns out well" Nora says and I smile. "Yeah, hopefully, you two as well" I say with my finger going in between Nora and Mary Louise and I then leave and get back in the car with Josie and we both don't say much on the ride home.

"Hope..." Josie starts as we finally arrive back at The Salvatore School and I get out of the car and she does as well.

"I really don't want to talk about it Josie" I say and Josie stops in her tracks. "Then when will we talk about it? Cause when I go to sleep, I'm just gonna have that same nightmare over and over again Hope" Josie says and I stop and look at her.

"Josie I wanted to kill the person who was doing this to you! I wanted to tear them into shreds Jo! But apparently it's a bunch of witches who are already dead hurting you! And the only way for it to stop is if I leave you or turn you into a heretic!" I blurt out and Josie looks surprised.

"Then I'll turn into a heretic, I'll do whatever Hope! But I want to be with you" Josie says approaching me.

"Josie if you turn into a heretic then you'll be part vampire! You'll feed on blood! You'll feed on humans! You can't even have kids! And I'm not gonna take that away from you" I say with tears in my eyes.

"I don't care Hope! I'll do whatever it takes to be with you Hope! We wouldn't even be able to have kids, you can teach me control and everything else! I'll do anything to be with you Hope, I'm willing to give everything up, but I'm not willing to give you up, I never will be Hope" Josie says.

Josie had tears down her face and so did I. "Josie... I can't ask you to do that, and I won't" I say with more tears coming down my face.

"Hope... please don't do this" Josie says crying as well. "Josie did you not hear Valerie?! The tribrid will lead the girl to her doom! I'm the tribrid! Your the girl, your the innocent and sweet girl" I say as my thumb wipes away some of Josie's tears.

"Hope... please... no" Josie says and I look down and cry even more. "I'm sorry, but I won't let you die, not because of me, I'm sorry Josie, I love you" I say and kiss her one last time as she closes her eyes as we pull away and I vamp speed somewhere into the woods.

Leaving Josie alone.

This was a sad one 😢 a double update today!! Hope y'all are enjoying. I'm sorry for this to happen but you'll see why soon! Have a good day/night!

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