"Damn it"

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**Mild language**

Lizzie's POV-

After Josie went into her subconscious, we waited about 30 minutes so far, nothing. Then another 30 minutes passed, that's when we saw something, we saw Hope and Josie open their eyes.

"Hope! Josie! Your back!" I shouted excited to see them. I ran up to them and hugged them, so did mg, Kaleb, Rafael, and dad.

"I'm glad to two are okay, but now we have another problem, actually two" my dad said to Josie and Hope.

Hope's POV-

Me and Josie woke up and everyone said hi and hugged us, Lizzie was the first one as she shouted our names, I didn't expect it from her, but then again, Lizzie is Lizzie. Dr. Saltzman told me and Josie that there were two problems that we had to solve.

"What problems?" I asked him and he looked down, "Well one problem is... Landon, Rafael was possessed by the necromenter and he stabbed him with the golden arrow" I heard the words that came out of his mouth and my heart was crushed, but a small part of me was relieved that he was gone, but most of me was crushed. "And there is a monster from malivore on its way here" Dr. Saltzman said. I didn't say anything, what could I say? I left the office and went to my room and shut the door then sat down on my bed shocked as to what I just heard. Not too long after I heard a knock at the door.

"Whoever it is go away" I said grunting. "It's Josie" I heard her say from the other side of the door. I couldn't just ignore her. I opened the door slightly and saw her face. "Can I come in?" She asked above a whisper to where if I didn't have my werewolf senses then I wouldn't have heard her. I hesitated for a second then she gave me cute puppy eyes. Damn it. Why does she have to be so cute? "Fine" I open the door more and step to the side so Josie can come in.

"Are you okay?" Josie asks me with her sweet and innocent voice, "No, I mean Landon is dead and..." Josie looks at me with her brown eyes.

Man, I could get lost in those eyes a thousand times and I still wouldn't get sick of looking at them. What the hell? Why am I like this? It doesn't make sense, but why is also some part of me relived that Landon is gone? I mean I love him, right?

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Josie say, "Well, do you wanna have a movie night tonight? To you know, take your mind off things" I just look at her, "I would love that, thanks Jo" I tell her and she smiles and leans into my ear. "Anytime" She whispers into my ear which sends chills down my spine. I can't help but blush, but I try my best to hide it.

I clear my throat then say, "Well where should we have the movie tonight?" I ask Josie trying to not seem suspicious how I just blushed. "Your room, Lizzie might get weird and you never know when she can just bring a random guy home" I give a chuckle at that, it's true Lizzie is Lizzie, you never know what can happen when she walks into a room.

Josie's POV-

My dad told Hope the news about Landon being dead. She didn't take it well but to be honest, I thought that she would have taken it a lot more worse. She went into her room and o decided to go after her, she finally let me in after I gave her puppy dog eyes, then we talked and we planned on having a movie night tonight, I just asked if we could do the movie in her room because you never know what could happen when Lizzie comes back to our room.

"Sure we could do it here, you never know when Lizzie could just walk in while making out with a random guy" Hope says answering my question which I chuckle at. I then see her get up and as I'm about to turn around to look at her I feel her body close to me. She whispers in my ear, "Now if you excuse me, I have to go kick some malivore monster ass"

This sends chills down my spine.

How is she so damn hot, damn

Hope then leaves the room with a smirk on her face and I just lay down on her bed and wait for her to come back, or maybe I should surprise her with setting up the room, yeah I'll do that.

I then set up Hope's bed and make it comfy, then I turn on her twinkle lights cause I see that she has some in her room, then I go into her closet and grab a pair of pajamas and I go to my room and grab mine, then I go to the kitchen and grab snacks for us. I close the curtains so no one looks at us while we are watching the movie.

I finished setting everything up for our movie night. It had been a hour and Hope still wasn't back yet. I was starting to panic a little bit, what if something bad happened to her, I'm gonna go and try to find her.

I leave the school and head some ruffling out in the woods. I go to where I hear the sound and I see a giant green monster holding Hope up against the tree while choking her neck.

Dun dun dunnnn, Hope is getting attacked by a monster, what will happen next? I do hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I hope you have a great day/night!

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