"I love her"

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Josie's POV-

Me and Hope got ready and left to the cafeteria and we grabbed our food.I could feel Hope tense up a few times and sometimes she was all lost in her thoughts. I decided to leave her be, she had a horrible nightmare, I can see why she's all in her thoughts, I just Hope that she still wants to go on our date on Friday. I saw Lizzie waving us over and she was sitting with Mg only. I was about to walk over to her when I looked back at Hope and saw her looking at something and I saw her yellow werewolf eyes glowing. I looked in her direction and saw Landon and Rafael. She was about towards them after I heard a growl come through Hope's lips. I stepped in front of her before she did something she would regret and her eyes stopped glowing as soon as she saw me.

"Hope..." I say softly and she nods as I stroke her arm with my thumb. "Come on" I say softly and she nods then we go over to Lizzie and Mg. I could still see that Hope was still in her thoughts so I still let her be. I should ask her about that later.

"Hey Jo, you alright Hope?" Mg says and Hope snaps her head towards Mg to see that she was out of her thoughts. "Um yeah, just had a bad dream that felt like it lasted forever" Hope says and Mg nods. "Well, if you ever want to talk about it I'm here for you" Mg says reassuring Hope and she nods and smiles.

"Thanks Mg, so what's going on between you guys hmm?" Hope says as if she's on to something. Wait. Are, Mg and Lizzie dating? I should ask Lizzie about it and see her reaction. "Lizzie, are you and Mg possibly dating in secret?" I ask quietly so know one would hear and I could see her blush and turn away. "Omg you are!" I say quietly and excited for my sister. "Oh hush, it's not like you two aren't!" Lizzie says and I look at her and her face expression changes as she realizes what she just said and Mg looks confused.

"Wait you and Hope?" Mg says quietly. I nod my head in response and I look over to Hope to see her looking at Rafael and Landon again. "Hope" I say back into my normal voice and she looks at me again. "I know, I'm sorry but I can't help it Jo, he hurt you and-" I cut her off. "No he didn't, Hope" I say and I can tell that she looks sad, I know that she was just trying to protect me. I try to speak again but Hope turns to Mg who starts talking.

"Of course you guys are dating, it all makes sense now, why you guys are always hanging out and spending the nights at each other's places, and why you protect her so much, it all makes sense now, how did I not see it before" Mg says and Hope looks shocked. I guess she wasn't paying attention earlier.

"Wait, how do you know about us?" Hope says and looks at me. "Lizzie accidentally told him, but their dating in secret too, so now we have buddies" Hope nods and looks at Lizzie. "I'm sorry Hope, please don't kill me" Lizzie says sarcastically. "Don't make me Lizzie, and even if I wanted to kill someone, it wouldn't exactly be you" Hope says and looks back in Rafael's direction.

Hope's POV-

Me and Josie left to the cafeteria and grabbed food. The entire time I kept thinking about my nightmare, the scene of Josie dying in front of me kept replaying in my head. Then once I finally snapped out of my thoughts I was by a lot of people, which made me tense up quite a lot. I looked over in one direction that made me so angry by the sight. Rafael. Then the scene of him almost hurting Josie also kept replaying in my head which made my eyes turn yellow out of anger.

I tried to step closer to him but I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Josie's hand on my arm and when she stepped in front of me. My eyes went back to blue and Josie's thumb stroked across my arm which calmed me. "Hope..." Josie says softly as she caught me staring at Rafael. I nod at her because I didn't know what to say to her.

"Come on" Josie says softly again. I love it when she talks softly. She sounds even cuter than she already is. But sometimes I hate it because she uses that voice with her pouting face which always made me give in to whatever she wanted.

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