"Always and forever"

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Past Chapter:


Hope's POV-

I turned my head and saw my mom. "Mom!?" We ran towards each other and tears started coming down my face when I then heard another familiar voice. "Hayley who is this knew trollop who is died now?" I then stop hugging mom then look at the voice. "Dad!" I ran towards him and hugged him to then I heard another voice. "Hey do I get a hug?" I looked up and saw Uncle Elijah, I smiled then hugged him too.

"Wait Hope what are you doing here? It's not your time yet sweetie" "Your mother is right princess, you must go back" I didn't want to leave yet. I didn't want to leave them. "I can see that you don't want to go, come with me princess, let's go on a walk" I smile at the names my dad gives me. I follow him as we go on a walk.

*On the walk*

"Princess you can't stay here you know that" I then remember that me and Josie were in the woods. Shit Josie. Dad's right. I can't stay here, as much as I want too, I have to get back to Josie. "Your thinking about it, good, as much as I would love for you to stay here princess, you must go back, especially to that Josie of yours, don't lose her Hope, promise me something Hope" I look at my dad as we stop walking and he puts his arm on my shoulder.

"Promise me, that you won't push her away, no matter what happens between you guys, do not push her away like everyone else" I nod at my dad and hug him. We then decide to go back to Uncle Elijah and mom so I can have my last moments with them and say goodbye before I go back.

"Hey sweetie" My mom says and hugs me. "Hey mom" I smile at the thought of saying that again, I never thought that I would never say that again. "Hope when you wake up, you will feel this insane hunger of blood, but fight it, maybe ask your aunt Rebekah, she is actually surprisingly good at it" My uncle Elijah tells me and I nod at him. I'm gonna have to keep that in mind if I start to lose control.

Just then I hear someone saying my name. I immediately recognize that voice. Josie. "Hope please wake up, I need you, please Hope, come back to me" My parents then look at me. "Looks like something is asking for your request back" I look down and smile. I miss Josie and all I want to do is hold her in my arms right now, but I also want to stay here with my parents, if only Josie could be here, then everything would be amazing and perfect. I think to myself as I hear more people talking.

"Why won't she wake up?!" I hear Josie say filled with sadness and worried. "I don't know Jo, she'll wake up soon, just give her time" I hear Lizzie's voice say. I then hear Josie get up from a seat or something and shouts at Lizzie. "It's been 4 days Lizzie! She won't wake up! WHY IS SHE NOT WAKING UP!?" Once I hear Josie say the last part I hear her voice cracking and I then hear her crying.

"I miss her Lizzie, and I need her" I then hear them stop talking and my heart ached that Josie was sad because I was gone. I have to get back. For Josie. I think to myself.

I then see a white light appear in front of me. "That's your cue Hope, we will see you again soon Hope, but live your life to the fullest and don't let Josie go, and remember what I said, don't push her away" My dad says to me and I smile at him. "I won't dad, promise, I love all of you guys, always and forever" "We love you too Hope, always and forever" I hear my mom say and then I wake up in my bed gasping for air.

Josie's POV-

After we took Hope to her room we all still waited for her to wake up. Just then I hear my dad walk in with someone, I turn my head and see my mom. "Mom?" I say with my voice cracking. "Hi sweetie" She says softly with her voice. Me and Lizzie run over to her and hug her and she hugs us back. "She won't wake up mom" I say while giving small sobs between each word. "She will soon baby, I promise" I stop hugging her and she wipes my tears away and I go back to Hope's side and grab her hand again.

"Okay maybe you guys should get some rest, it's curfew" None of us budge though, we all stay seated where we were. We didn't want to leave Hope's side. "Ric their friend is in transition, let them be, just go and make sure that the rest of the students are in their dorms" My mom says to my dad and he nods and leaves the room.

*4 days later*

Mg just left back to his room after checking on Hope and Rafael and Landon left to their dorm a few days ago, Lizzie went back to our dorm for sleep then came and checked on Hope here and there along with Mg. I on the other hand, didn't leave Hope's side. I kept waiting for her to wake up each second that went by, but she still didn't. 

Lizzie then walked into the room and checked on me and Hope but yet, still no progress, I was still in the same postion, and Hope was still asleep. The only time I left the room was for food and water. Dad gave me some days off of classes cause he knew that I wouldn't leave Hope's side until she woke up.

"Jo maybe you should get some rest" I turn my head and look at her and nod my head no as I turn my head back to Hope. "Please come back Hope, I need you, please Hope, come back to me" I whisper into Hope's ear hoping that she would hear me and wake up. "Jo..." Lizzie says and I turn my head back to her and just let my anger out.

"Why won't she wake up!?" I shout hoping to see Hope awake. "I don't know Jo, she'll wake up soon, just give her time" I stand up from my seat and look at Lizzie. "It's been 4 days Lizzie! She won't wake up! WHY IS SHE NOT WAKING UP!?" I say with my voice cracking and crying at the same time. Just then I see Hope shoot up from the bed panting hard and looking around the room. 

Yay Hope is awake again! I hope that you guys enjoyed a little bit of Klaus, Hayley, and Elijah, Also, thank you guys for 900 reads! It is insane how fast it goes really, thank you guys again! Anyways, I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying this story and I hope that you have a great day/night!

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