"Hello Hope"

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Josie's POV-

I went outside to talk to Hope after her and her aunt stormed out after what Jade said. We talked for a bit.. about us... then Hope punched the punching bag off of the string which made it fly through the forest which scared me for a second.

Hope then walked right past me and I turn around about to say something to her but I turn and see Jade instead. Hope and Jade stare at each other for a second.

"Hope..." Jade says cautiously.

"Jade" Hope says not afraid of her at all.

"Okay well I think I'm just gonna go..." Jade says slowly turning around when Hope speaks up. "No, I was just leaving" She says as her Aunt Rebekah comes up to her again but she quickly sends Jade a glare before speaking to Hope.

Hope's POV-

As I walked away from Josie I saw Jade again which made me get angry already once again. She was about to leave but I told her I was leaving because at this point I didn't care.

Then Aunt Rebekah came up to me again but sends Jade a glare then turns to me and starts speaking.

"I have something for you darling" She says and I look confused.

"Here" She gives me this crystal thingy that looks weird but I slowly take it from her.

"Okay thanks but what the hell is this?" I say as I laugh slightly and she also laughs.

"You'll find out soon enough, I have to get going back home but I'm glad I was able to spend time with you darling, your mother and father and uncle Elijah would be so proud of you, I know that, and a little tip for the crystal, think of them when you need to" Aunt Rebekah says and I smile and hug her.

I say bye to her and she gets in the car and drives away and I look at the crystal curiously as I remembered that Jade and Josie were still right there.

"So what's that thing supposed to do?" Jade asks and I look at it again. "I have no idea, but I'm gonna figure it out" I say and start to walk away but then back and stand in front of Jade glaring at her.

"And just a little tip for the future, never, ever, mention my parents like that ever again, otherwise you will regret it with your life, just a warning" I say and smirk as I walk away while hearing her heart speaks up as I said that to her which makes me smile.

I leave and go to my room as I try and figure out what Auntie Bex meant by, 'Think of them when you need to' Maybe it's something that will help me see them, I hope so.

I then think of somebody, the first person that came to mind was Uncle Elijah, I don't know why but I also missed him. As I thought about him this holographic image was blurry but it became clear as I could tell it was my Uncle Elijah.

I got so excited and smiled. It had been so long since I had seen him. Last I saw him was when I died and turned into a full tribrid.

"Uncle Elijah?" I say smiling as tears begin to flood my eyes as I realized how much I actually missed him.

"Hello Hope" He said as he smiled and I ran and hugged him. I was able to hug him without him disappearing but I couldn't feel him. It was like I was hugging air.

"Unfortunately we are not able to touch, but we are able to see each other, I am so glad you are doing so well" He says and I smile.

"I wouldn't say well... I've been better, I miss you all so so much, I wish there was a way to bring you back..." I say as I think of something and grab out my grandmother's grimoire and flip through the pages.

"Hope what are you doing? That is the Original Witches spell book, do not try anything you must be very powerful it will take a lot out of you" Uncle Elijah says as he tries to do something but he can't because he can't feel anything.

"There must be a way to bring you guys back, there has to be, I have to try, god how come o never thought of this before over the years" I say as I mentally slap myself in the face for being so dumb.

"Hope! Stop!" My Uncle Elijah yells but I need to focus so I send him away and put the crystal down and flip through even more pages of the spell book as I try to find something, anything.

Josie's POV-

After Hope walked away after her aunt left and after she told Jade. Jade just vamp speeded away  out of fear from Hope. I decided to go over to Hope's dorm and I knock but I don't get a response.

I press my ear up against the door and listen and I hear stuff flipping and I hear paper. Hope was clearly doing something or trying to find something.

I try and open the door and it's unlocked and I walk in and see Hope flipping through what it seems to be a grimoire and I see the crystal her aunt gave her on the bed.

"Hope? What are you doing?" I ask and she doesn't even turn towards me as she flips to one page and starts looking at it for a minute until she finally speaks up.

"The crystal my aunt gave me is to contact the dead, I thought about my Uncle Elijah and he was there and we were able to see each other and talk but we couldn't touch, now I'm looking in my grandmother's grimoire to find something" Hope says and I process all of that when I turn to her.

"Hope bringing someone back from the dead? It requires a lot of power! It might even kill you!" I say as I try to stop her but she just moves the book out of my reach.

"Josie! I am the Original Tribrid, I am the only tribrid in existence! I am the most powerful supernatural being in the word! My mother even said it, I am the daughter of the Original Hybrid, and the daughter of a werewolf crescent mother, I am people's worst fear, I will do this" She says confidently.

She then grabs the crystal and does something when I see Klaus Mikaelson appear. I didn't think I would ever see him again.

"Nice to see you again Josette, Hope! Elijah told me what your planning! You can't do this! Not especially for all of us! It's to powerful!" He says as he first turned to me then turned to Hope.

"Dad! I will do this! I would do anything to get you guys back! No matter what... always and forever, that means to much to me to just let it go" Hope says and I understand why she wants to do this. She wants her parents and uncle back. But if it means risking her life then I can't let her do it. I wouldn't.

Oooooo will Klaus, Hayley, and Elijah come back from the dead? Will something happen and fail? Who knows? But I'm glad we got some Elijah and Hope action hehe. Hope y'all enjoyed and have a great day/night!

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